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Insights > Events


Terms and Conditions of Attendance in Events

July 1st, 2020

I. Privacy

Your contact details will be used to compile the list of participants, which can be used to:

  • Registration in Demarest’s Customer Relationship Manager (CRM) database, to organize the Event
  • Sending marketing e-mail to participants, with the aim of prospecting and presenting legal services provided by Demarest. At any time, you can cancel the subscription, interrupting the receipt of any type of contact from Demarest. Learn more at V – Cancellation;
  • Sharing the list of participants of the Event with the suppliers of places and accommodations for the purpose of booking space; with sponsors and speakers; for the purpose of clarifying the content presented; as well as for prospecting and establishing possible partnerships.
  • If you are the speaker, your data may be shared by Demarest on the office’s official website and media, as well as provided to participants, in order to display such information before, during and after the event.


II. Photography and Recording

When participating in the Event, you will be subject to filming and / or photography, which authorizes and irrevocably grants Demarest the right to:

  • Record and / or register photo and voice with the use of photography and filming resources for the production of audiovisual media, as well as employing the identification of your name and other information about yourself as a participant in this event, for the production of the media in question. ;
  • Edit the record in a photo gallery / short film / webinar (which may include other recordings and materials);
  • Present at the Event and / or disseminate the information previously mentioned online (including on social media).

Thus, through this Term, you:

  • Release Demarest from any infraction or violation of personal and / or property rights of any kind, based on the use of the audiovisual records mentioned above;
  • Recognizes that Demarest owns and must own all rights, titles and interests (including copyrights) in these records;
  • Further recognizes that Demarest is not required to use these records;
  • Ensures that you have full power to provide authorization for your image / voice described in the version of this document, and that the terms of this version do not conflict with any existing commitment on your part;
  • Understands that you will not receive any remuneration for these records.


III. Legal Notice

Upon registration, Demarest ensures that it has provided the most recent information available on the terms and conditions for participation in the Event. Demarest reserves the right to update the Terms and Conditions for Participating in the Event without prior notice, and it is up to the participant or speaker to consult the current rule by contacting the office.

During the event, Demarest will not be able to control all published or disseminated content. You may consider communications, graphics, audio files or other information from other participants and / or from inappropriate, offensive, harmful, inaccurate, dishonest or misleading speakers, but you are solely responsible for your conduct, behavior and possible interaction during the Event , so that you agree to act with responsibility, caution, common sense and security while attending the conference, preserving the ethics and good customs of the relations between those involved in the Event.

Demarest, its partners, directors and employees will not be responsible for any losses, damages, claims or expenses arising from or referring to (but not limited to) the conduct and behavior of third parties (whether speaker or participant), or information provided by them before, during or after the Event, in any format and platform, at any time.


IV. Third Party Registration

If another person registers on your behalf, it is up to the person responsible to notify him of the registration terms and conditions, by which he will agree on behalf of the participant.

Demarest is not responsible for registrations made by third parties on your behalf. However, if you identify that someone has registered for the office event using your personal data, contact the office by email at to report the case.


V. Cancellation of Registration in the Event

All requests to cancel registration at the event must be notified to Demarest, in writing, by sending an email to

Cancellation requests received will only be processed after you receive a registration confirmation by email from Demarest. If you do not receive a confirmation within two (2) business days, please contact the office at (11) 3356-1800 or email

If the cancellation request is not received in writing, the registration will not be canceled.

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