Virginia Mesquita Nasser
Infrastructure and Project Finance
+55 11 3356 1761 vmesquita@demarest.com.br São Paulo
Partner in Demarest’s Infrastructure and Project Finance practice area, Virginia Mesquita Nasser holds a PhD in Economic Law from USP, a master’s degree in Law (LLM) from The London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE) and a bachelor’s degree in Law from USP. Maria Virginia has been widely recognized for her work in public concessions. She has acted a consultant to the International Finance Corporation, assisting in the development of the new highway concessions in Paraná, the new concession for the Via Dutra highway, the north route of the Rodoanel highway in São Paulo, and the concession of lines 8 and 9 of the metropolitan trains in the state of São Paulo, Brazil, deemed the largest urban mobility concession in Latin America. She has also advised on several city projects within the public lighting sector.
- Advised the Brazilian Bank for Economic and Social Development (BNDES) in the granting of financing to the Aeroportos da Amazônia concessionaire, of the Vinci group, for the expansion and operation of airports in the North Block. Amount: BRL 1.35 billion.
- Advised Colombian company Promigás in its role throughout the privatization of ES Gás, a state-owned gas distribution company in the state of Espírito Santo.
- Assisted the IFC in the development of six lots of new road concessions in the state of Paraná. Amount: BRL 45 billion.
- Assisted the IFC in the development of the concession of lines 8 - Diamante and 9 - Esmeralda for trains in the Greater São Paulo. Amount: BRL 5 billion.
- Bachelor of Laws from Universidade de São Paulo (USP), São Paulo, Brazil (2019)
- Master's degree in Law (LLM) from The London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE), London, England (2006)
- Bachelor of Laws from Universidade de São Paulo (USP), São Paulo, Brazil (2004)
- Member of the Infrastructure Committee at the Brazilian Institute of Business Law (IBRADEMP)
- Member of the Electoral and Infrastructure and Development Committees of OAB/SP
- Member of the Dispute Boards at the Brazilian Center for Mediation and Arbitration (CBMA)
- Member of the Brazilian Institute of Administrative Law (IBDA)
- Sector leader of Infra Women’s project financing area
- Author of the article “Como assim não aceita precatório?”, [“How come a registered warrant is not accepted?”], O Estado de São Paulo, 2023
- Author of the article “Uma retrospectiva de 2021 no Direito da Infraestrutura” [“A year review of 2021 in Infrastructure Law”], Conjur, 2022
- Co-author of the article “Manual da ANA e uma possível nova governança para o setor de saneamento” [“ANA guidelines and new potential governance for the sanitation sector”], JOTA, 2022
- Author of the article “Mais flexibilidade ou menos governança?” [“More flexibility or less governance?”], Poder360, 2022
- Co-author of the article “Entre a revolução e o descarrilhamento, para onde vai a regulação do setor ferroviário?” [“Between revolution and derailment, where is the railway regulation headed?”], JOTA, 2022
- Author of the article “Sobre nossos erros e o que não poderemos reconstruir a jato” [“Our mistakes and what we cannot rebuild in haste”], Poder360, 2021
- Author of the article “Tarcísio, Moro e Crivella: um olhar sobre corrupção e infraestrutura em 2019” [“Tarcísio, Moro and Crivella: An assessment of corruption and infrastructure in 2019”], Jota, 2020
- Portuguese and English