Marina Ferraz Aidar
Infrastructure and Project Finance
55 11 3356 1711 mfaidar@demarest.com.br São Paulo
Partner in Demarest’s Infrastructure and Project Finance at Demarest, Marina Ferraz Aidar holds a master’s degree (LLM) in International Financial Law from King’s College London (England), an Executive MBA in Electrical Business from FGV and a specialization in Administrative Law from FGV. Marina has extensive experience in the structuring of financing projects. She advises Brazilian and international banks and companies in complex operations, including international loans, project financing in regulated sectors, and issuance of debt securities in the capital market. Marina is recognized for her pro-deal approach in negotiations, representing the interests of her clients.
- Advised the Brazilian Bank for Economic and Social Development (BNDES), which acted as coordinator of the public offering of debentures for the financing of the North Block of Airports of Brazil, also operated by an international group in the construction and concession management sector, through the concessionaire of the Amazon Airports. Within the same operation, she also advised the bank Banco da Amazônia (BASA) on long-term bilateral financing; and the union formed by the banks BNP Paribas, Banco ABC and Santander, on the bank guarantee to BASA.
- Advised one of the largest investment banks in Brazil, which acted as the leading coordinator in the first issuance f green bonds by a Brazilian electricity company, in the amount of BRL 650 million, to finance renewable energy projects.
- Advised two investment banks in a public offering of infrastructure debentures by an energy transmission company owned by an Asian multinational group, in the amount of BRL 600 million, for the financing of transmission lines in Brazil, certified as green debentures.
- Advised the largest investment bank in Brazil, which acted as coordinator of a public offering of debentures, in the amount of BRL 700 million, by a multinational energy company, for the acquisition of an energy transmission company, privatized by the Brazilian government.
- Advised one of the largest renewable energy companies in Brazil in its offering of greenbonds, in the amount of BRL 105 billion, certified by Resultante, Research e Consultoria.
- Executive MBA in Administration: Electricity Sector Business from Fundação Getulio Vargas (FGV-RJ), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (2022)
- Master’s degree in International Financial Law (LLM) from King’s College London, England (2008)
- Specialization in Administrative Law from Fundação Getulio Vargas (FGV/SP), São Paulo, Brazil (2004)
- Bachelor of Laws from Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo (PUC-SP), São Paulo, Brazil (2002)
- Member of OAB-SP’s Energy Law Committee
- Member of the Infrastructure Study Committee of the Brazilian Institute of Business Law (IBRADEMP)
- Member of the Brazilian Institute of Energy Law Studies
- Member of the Project Finance and Energy groups at Infra Women Brazil
- Portuguese, English and German