In order to keep our clients informed about the current landscape of the main energy and natural resources sectors in Brazil, we have prepared the Energy Newsletter, a monthly bulletin with the main news of the energy market.
The newsletter was designed within the context of the energy transition that is being targeted in Brazil, and drafted as a complete source of information about the dynamic Brazilian energy market within the oil, natural gas, electricity and renewable energy sectors.
Enjoy reading!
This newsletter is for informative purposes only and does not constitute legal advice for any specific operation or business. For more information, please contact our team of lawyers.
Oil and Gas
Provisional Measure changes tax rates on fuel operations and establishes taxes on crude oil exports
On March 01, 2023, Provisional Measure No. 1,163/2023 was published, by means of which the Federal Government:
(i) Changed the contribution rates on gasoline, aviation kerosene and vehicular natural gas.
(ii) Changed the rates for the Social Integration Program (“PIS”) and the Contribution for the Financing of Social Security (“COFINS”) taxes on alcohol, including for fuel purposes.
(iii) Extended, until December 31, 2023, the suspension of PIS and COFINS imposed on domestic acquisitions and oil imports carried out by refineries for fuel production, with regard to naphtha, other mixtures (aromatics), partially refined petroleum oil, other crude petroleum or mineral oils (condensed), and N-Methylaniline.
(iv) Established the taxation, at a 9.2% rate, on exports of crude petroleum oils or bituminous minerals, classified under Mercosur Common Nomenclature (NCM) code 2709 – the requirement will remain in force until June 30, 2023.
Click here to access our Client Alert on the matter.
Petrobras launches green destination model for decommissioning platforms
Given that 26 platforms are expected to be decommissioned, Petrobras intends to become a global reference in sustainability and safety, based on the green model established for the destination of these platforms.
The “Green Recycling Policy for vessels” of Petrobras was developed throughout 2022 and sought to implement environmental and human rights rules, in line with the best practices of the Oil & Gas industry and with the UN’s Universal Declaration of Human Rights. The new policy will be enforced as of 2023 for all floating platforms owned by Petrobras that are scheduled to be decommissioned.
As a result of the implementation of such policy, the company expects to expand its control over the recycling of platforms, reinforcing the activities to be carried out in accordance with ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) industry practices worldwide. The strategic planning of Petrobras provides for the investment of USD 9.8 billion in decommissioning activities over the next five years.
The procedures to be adopted by the company include:
a) Implementing measures to minimize waste generation, prevent impacts on biodiversity, reuse equipment, and foster the development of circular economy.
b) Mandatory recycling in construction sites equipped with dry-docks or waterproofed terrain with a drainage system.
c) Keeping count of the existing materials on the ship, so as to ensure proper development of a recycling plan by the shipyard.
d) Recycling the ship fleet in a safe manner, protecting the environment and the people that work in the recycling yards.
e) Considering quality certificates, requirements of the European Union Ship Recycling Resolution No. 1257/2013 (in the case of international shipyards) and operating licenses and compliance with applicable environmental, safety and workers’ health laws and regulations, including subcontractor management (in the case of Brazilian shipyards).
f) Acting in compliance with the commitments to which Petrobras is a signatory, including measures to battle corruption and abide by internationally recognized human rights.
Click here for more information.
ANP: Public Hearing addresses settlement agreement to terminate legal action over government shares in the Jubarte field
On February 15, 2023, Brazil’s National Agency of Petroleum, Natural Gas and Biofuels (“ANP”) held a public hearing on a draft settlement agreement to be entered into between ANP and Petrobras.
The agreement concerns the collection of government shares (participações fovernamentais) from oil production at the Jubarte Field, during a pre-determined period.
The litigation initiated due to the interruption in the collection of government equity payments, due to Petrobras’ failure to update the True Boiling Point Curve (PEV curve) for the Jubarte Field stream, an index that has a major impact on the reference price of oil.
In order to resolve this situation, the settlement agreement discussed at the hearing aims to terminate the legal action involved in the case. As agreed, Petrobras will carry out the payment of approximately BRL 780 million, adjusted according to the SELIC rate effective until the date of signature. Of the settlement amounts, 35% will be paid in cash, while the remainder will be paid in 48 installments, adjusted according to the SELIC rate.
The draft agreement must now go through consolidation and validation and will be subject to approval by the Collegiate Board of ANP, the Ministry of Mines and Energy (“MME”), and the Brazilian Office of the General Counsel (“AGU”).
Click here for more information.
ANP announces record oil and natural gas productions in 2022
ANP data indicate that, by the end of 2022, average annual production of oil and natural gas was of 3.021 million barrels per day (“bbl/d”) and 138 million cubic meters per day (“m³/day”), respectively. These figures exceed those from previous years and can be accessed in detail in the Monthly Oil and Natural Gas Production Report, published by ANP.
The Report also displays specific data related to the production of oil and natural gas in Brazil, such as volumes from specific fields and wells. The user can apply filters to view specific information contained in the document.
Click here to access the Monthly Oil and Natural Gas Production Newsletter.
ANP approves resolution concerning penalties in the supply market
On February 09, 2023, the Collegiate Board of ANP approved ANP Resolution No. 915 of February 10, 2023, which brings relevant news concerning penalties that are applicable to economic agents that operate with domestic fuel supply.
The changes introduced by the regulation include:
a) The definition of a new concept of second recurrence.
b) Time limit for the classification of recurrence.
c) Equal treatment for cases involving prior offenses and recurrence, in regard to the criteria for disregarding previous offenses.
d) Establishment of criteria for the application of suspension and repeal penalties.
e) Repeal of Article 9 of ANP Resolution No. 64/2014, which addresses the criteria for application of the penalty of forfeiture.
Click here for more information.
Click here to access ANP Resolution No. 915/2023 in full.
ANP to hold prior consultation on RIA report for natural gas specification
Due to the difference between the amounts of methane and ethane in pre-salt and post-salt natural gas, the ANP has created an internal working group to draft a Preliminary Report for Regulatory Impact Analysis (“RIA”) regarding the need to amend ANP Resolution No. 16 of June 17, 2008, which establishes the maximum levels of hydrocarbons in natural gas.
The Preliminary Report will be subject to prior consultation for 45 days (from February 14, 2023, to March 30, 2023) and its conclusion includes regulatory options for further studies, aimed at the appropriate regulatory framework for natural gas from pre-salt reserves.
Click here to access Prior Consultation No. 2/2023.
ANP approves revised resolution on geochemical data delivery
On March 01, 2023, ANP Resolution No. 916 of February 10, 2023, entered into force, which establishes the method, procedures and terms for submission of geochemical data to ANP.
This Resolution will repeal ANP Resolution No. 725, of April 05, 2018, and seeks to simplify and specify the rules that apply to geochemical data.
It is also important to note that the main institutions that will have to comply with the Resolution include:
- exploration and production companies connected to the oil industry;
- data acquisition companies; and
- academic institutions with projects related to oil and gas.
Click here to access ANP Resolution No. 916/2023 in full .
ANP extends public consultation on operational safety system in E&P facilities
The Collegiate Board of ANP extended to April 24, 2023, the period to submit contributions on:
- the draft resolution that provides for the operational safety system in oil and natural gas exploration and production (E&P) facilities; and
- the technical regulation of the management and operational safety system (“SGSO”).
Due to this change, the public hearing was postponed, and will take place on May 16, 2023.
ANP aims to consolidate five resolutions and their technical regulations into a single resolution and a single attached technical regulation, with a valid set of management practices for any type of facility. This consolidation will result in a simpler administrative routine, reducing the number of proceedings, documents, analyses, and decisions. According to ANP, such consolidation will also improve the operationalization and monitoring of the rules, considering the several types of facilities included in a single regulation and the direction of the technical regulation for management practices.
Click here to access the Public Consultation No. 28/2022 webpage.
ANEEL ratifies the new CCEE Arbitration Convention
On February 14, 2023, the Brazilian National Electricity Regulatory Agency (“ANEEL”) ratified the new Arbitration Convention of the Electric Energy Trading Chamber (“CCEE”).
In summary, the Arbitration Convention aims to modernize the sector, provide greater legal certainty and ensure that agents have the freedom to select arbitration chambers according to each demand.
Demarest’s Energy and Natural Resources Team analyzed the main points of the Convention in this Client Alert published on February 15, highlighting the main regulated topics.
In addition, CCEE published the Arbitration Procedures, which include the procedure for Approval and Accreditation of Arbitration Chambers.
This procedure provides requirements for an Arbitration Chamber to be approved, such as:
- to be regularly operating as an Arbitration Chamber, in Brazil or abroad, for at least three years;
- to have its own regulations, available in Portuguese;
- to be committed to carrying out arbitration proceedings in Brazil, in Portuguese;
- to have carried out, at least, 15 arbitration proceedings in the previous 12 months, where one of them had an amount under dispute higher than BRL 20 million; and
- to commit to provide a case law database.
The Procedures mentioned above also establish that an Arbitration Chamber can be disqualified if there is a constant failure to comply with the requirements for accreditation. This process can be initiated by the agents whenever is verified such failure to comply with the requirements of the rulebook, or at the request of the accredited Arbitration Chamber upon a 30-day notice, CCEE or the agents.
Read in full – Article on the Convention approval
Read in full – CCEE Arbitration Convention
Read in full – Arbitration Proceedings
ANEEL publishes notice for the first transmission auction of 2023
On February 14, 2023, ANEEL approved the call notice for Auction No. 1/2023, related to the contracting of new transmission lines.
The call notice was submitted for analysis by the Brazilian Federal Audit Court (“TCU”) and is expected to be published on May 31, 2023. The public session is scheduled for June 30, 2023.
The bidding will involve the contracting of nine lots of transmission facilities, totaling 6,184 km of transmission lines and 400 MVA in substation transformation capacity, located in the states of Bahia, Espírito Santo, Minas Gerais, Pernambuco, Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo, and Sergipe.
The projects are expected to reach the amount of BRL 15.8 billion in investments and generate about 29,400 jobs.
Read in full – Article on the auction
ANEEL sets the amounts for credits and debits of the Centralized Account for Tariff Flags Resources
On February 01, 2023, the Tariff Management Superintendence (“SGT”) of the Brazilian National Electricity Regulatory Agency (“ANEEL”) published ANEEL Order No. 251/2023, which set amounts for credits and debits of the Centralized Account for Tariff Flags Resources, to settle the Short-Term Market (“MCP”) operations in the CCEE, with respect to the accounting of energy of December 2022.
ANEEL approves payment of distribution bills via PIX
On February 07, 2023, ANEEL Normative Resolution (“REN”) No. 1,057/2023 was published, which provides for a new option of paying electricity bills via the automatic payment system PIX.
The distribution company can provide customers with an alternative quick-response payment code (QR Code or other), a digital address or equivalent information, free of charge. The distribution company can also encourage the use of different payment methods by consumers and other users, without restricting access to other options.
Distributors will have 120 days (that is, until June 07, 2023) to adapt to the new rule.
Read in full – ANEEL Normative Resolution No. 1,057
STF decision determines taxation on electricity transactions
On February 09, 2023, the Federal Supreme Court (“STF”) rendered a decision regarding the Direct Action of Unconstitutionality (“ADI”) 7195 MC/DF, which suspended the effects of article 3, X, of Supplementary Law No. 87/1996, which provides for the tax levied by the States and the Federal District on transactions related to the circulation of goods and the provision of interstate and intercity transportation and communication services (“ICMS”).
As a result of this decision, transmission and distribution services and sectorial charges related to electricity transactions – that is, Tariffs for the Usage of Transmission and Distribution Systems (“TUSD” and “TUST”) – will now be included in the ICMS tax calculation basis.
Justice Luiz Fux, Rapporteur of the ADI, understood that “the Federal Government may have exceeded its constitutional power, interfering in the way the member states carry out their taxation duties” and that the legislative measure results in losses amounting to billions for the state and, consequently, municipal treasuries.
New version of CCEE Trading Rules approved, with regulatory treatment for hybrid plants
On February 09, 2023, REN No. 1,056/2023 was published, which approved the new version of the CCEE Trading Rules modules, in order to provide regulatory treatment to hybrid power plants, as established in REN 954/2021.
The changed modules are:
- 01 – Physical Measurement
- 02 – Accounting Measurement
- 04 – Energy Reallocation Mechanism
- 13 – Energy Penalty
- 15 – Calculation of the Discount Applied to TUSD/TUST
In addition, a new version of the “Subsection 1.2 – Agents Registration”, of the CCEE Trading Procedures, was approved to adapt to the matter.
Read in full – REN No. 1,056/2023
ANEEL modifies PRORET to adjust tariff calculations
On February 10, 2023, ANEEL published REN No. 1,058/2023, which includes adjustments and consolidated measures of the Tariff Regulation Procedures (“PRORET”), in order to adapt their tariff calculations.
Among the changes, we highlight the Own Generation treatment in Subsection 8.4 of PRORET (“Periodic Tariff Readjustment and Review”), which was drafted to eliminate a regulatory gap. In addition, there was a change in Subsection 8.5, which adapted the regulatory command to be compatible with its practical application, as well as to eliminate a regulatory gap related to the subsidy for cooperatives with reduced load density.
Read in full – REN No. 1,058/2023
ANEEL opens new Public Consultation phase on monitoring the energy market
On February 14, 2023, ANEEL’s Board of Directors approved the opening of the second phase of Public Consultation No. 011/2022, which aims to obtain contributions for improving the process of monitoring the electricity market.
The second phase of the public consultation aims to discuss the draft normative resolution that addresses the improvement of market monitoring and the Algebraic Manual of Prudential Monitoring, produced by CCEE.
In addition, it was determined that CCEE must submit a proposal to change the Trading Procedures, in order to address:
- the registration of “double-flag” (double validation) contracts; and
- the provision that buyers must initiate the process of registering electricity purchase and sale contracts with CCEE.
Read in full – Public Consultation No. 011/2022
ANEEL Board of Directors implements planning and scheduling of PCS plants
On February 27, 2023, ANEEL Order No. 361/2023 was published, in which the ANEEL Board of Directors decided on the proposal of Brazil’s National Electric System Operator (“ONS”) to implement planning and scheduling processes for plants under the Simplified Competitive Procedure (“PCS”).
Such proposal was submitted due to the risk of restriction to the full generation order (under the regular operation system) of some plants that were selected as winners of the PCS, which does not hinder the commercial operations of plants with flow restriction, but affects the sales revenue due to the plant, proportionally to the restriction.
As a result, the ONS submitted proposals to address the problem and implement the planning and scheduling processes for the operations of these plants.
The Order established some measures applicable to CCEE and ONS, as follows:
- In case of an outflow restriction, plants under the PCS must have their generation reduced as a priority in relation to the other plants, whenever they cause higher costs.
- In case the generation of another plant is reduced due to a higher cost and as a result of a limitation in the capacity of energy flow by the transmission system, the payment of System Service Charges (“ESS”) will be assigned to the PCS plant, given that it is impossible to reduce the inflexibility amounts of plants under the PCS.
- The generation reduction or limitation of the PCS plant, resulting from restrictions on the flow of energy through the transmission or distribution system, will not affect the calculation of Equivalent Programed Outage Rates (“TEIP”) and Forced Outage Rates (“TEIFa”), under the terms of Normative Resolution No. 1,033, of July 26, 2022.
Renewables and other energy sources
Report shows the highest percentage of centralized solar generation in Brazil in the last ten years
Brazil has surpassed the mark of 92% share of hydroelectric, wind, solar and biomass plants in the total solar power generated by the National Interconnected System (SIN), which is the highest percentage in the last 10 years, according to a survey carried out by the Electric Energy Trading Chamber (CIEE).
The survey showed that sources produced about 62 thousand Mwmed, in line with the current hydric climatic landscape, which is more favorable.
There was an increase in:
- centralized solar energy generation, of 64.3%;
- hydraulic solar energy generation, of 17.1%;
- wind power solar energy generation, by 12.6%; and
- solar energy generation from biomass, of 0.3%.
Click here for more information.
Municipality São Paulo opens PPP for installation of solar power plants
The Municipality of São Paulo, together with the Municipal Government Secretariat, supported by São Paulo Parcerias (a mixed-capital company that is part of the Indirect Public Administration of the Municipality of São Paulo), opened a Public Consultation aimed at obtaining contributions from society regarding the contracting of a private partner, in the Public-Private Partnership (“PPP”) modality.
This partner will be in charge of installing, operating and offsetting credits of photovoltaic power plants intended for the supply of energy to consumer units of the Secretariat of Municipal Education, in the distributed microgeneration modality.
In short, the project intends to supply electricity to more than 700 installations of the Direct Administration of the Municipality of São Paulo, in addition to saving approximately BRL 131 million to the public treasury. Accordingly, the PPP would be in line with global sustainable development guidelines and goals, which is considered to be an innovation for the sector in Brazil.
The Public Hearing was held on March 01, 2023.
Read in full – São Paulo City Government Announcement
ONS opens public consultation for review of Network Proceedings Subsections
On February 03, 2023, ONS opened External Consultation No. 002/2023, aiming, in general, to improve the wording and correct some material errors in the following Network Proceedings Subsections:
- Subsection 1.1 – Drafting and maintenance of the Operation Procedures Manual
- Subsection 2.1 – Definition of networks of the National Interconnected System
- Subsection 3.1 – Medium-term electrical operation planning
- Subsection 3.4 – Quarterly electrical operation planning
- Subsection 4.1 – Monthly electrical operation planning
- Subsection 4.2 – Schedule of interventions in Operation Network facilities
- Subsection 7.1– Access to transmission facilities
Contributions can be submitted by March 20, 2023, via this link.
CCEE publishes open letter on the first global Green Hydrogen auction
On February 3, 2023, the CCEE published an open letter to companies interested in participating in the first global Green Hydrogen (H2V) auction, which will be held in Germany.
The auction is being organized by H2Global and will trade sustainable products derived from hydrogen production, such as green ammonia, green methanol, and sustainable electricity-based jet fuel.
In order to take part in the auction, interested parties must submit a series of qualification documents for the first stage of the process. Thus, acting as a strategic supporter of interested companies and certifying possible winners, the CCEE released an open letter to assist interested parties.
The Brazilian company that wins the auction can be certified by the CCEE.
Read in full – CCEE Announcement
ANEEL regulates the Legal Framework for Distributed Generation
On February 10, 2023, the Brazilian National Electricity Regulatory Agency (“ANEEL”) published REN No. 1,059/2023, which regulates the Legal Framework for Distributed Microgeneration and Minigeneration (“MMGD”).
ANEEL’s regulation, which was eagerly awaited by the industry, regulates provisions of the Law, improves rules for connection and billing of distributed microgeneration and minigeneration plants (“Micro DG” and “Mini DG”) in power distribution systems, as well as the rules of the Electricity Compensation System (“SCEE”). Some key highlights regarding the rule are:
- Performance bond (“GFC”)
The GFC amount must be calculated according to the equation below:
GFC = Percentage x Power x Price |
in which:
Percentage |
Power |
Price |
Source: ANEEL
The accepted GFC modalities are:
(i) cash deposit;
(ii) public debt securities issued in book-entry form, upon registration in a centralized settlement and custody system authorized by the Central Bank of Brazil; or
(iii) bank guarantee issued by a bank or financial institution duly authorized to operate in the country by the Central Bank of Brazil.
- Generating plant division
The distributor is in charge of identifying these cases. If non-compliance is found:
(i) before the supply is initiated, the distributor should deny the adhesion to the SCEE and cancel the connection budget and contracts; or
(ii) after the supply is initiated, the active energy injected and benefits earned in the billing must be disregarded, or a review of the consumer units’ billing must be carried out.
In addition, the Superintendence of Distribution Services Regulations (“SRD”) was ordered to adopt measures to publicize ANEEL’s decisions about specific cases regarding the prohibition of the division of generating plants, in order to enable consultations on the subject by interested parties.
- Allocation of surplus energy from a tariff station
Without prejudice to the assumptions of paragraph 1 of Article 12 of the Law, ANEEL also included a new possibility for allocation of surplus energy.
Surplus energy can be allocated to consumer units classified within the low-income residential sub-classes that receive surplus energy from micro or mini GD from a renewable source, installed with resources from the distributor’s energy efficiency program after March 02, 2021 in buildings used by the public administration bodies.
- Billing during the transition period
The transition rules, provided for in Article 26 of the Law, apply to the consumer unit:
(i) connected or for which a connection quote request was filed until January 07, 2022; and
(ii) for which a connection budget request was filed with the distributor between January 08, 2022, and January 07, 2023.
The deadline above only applies if the injection of energy is initiated within the longest period between:
(i) the connection deadline to the distribution system specified in the connection budget;
(ii) 120 days for micro GD units, regardless of the source, counted from the date of issuance of the connection quote;
(iii) 12 months for solar-powered mini GD units, including those equipped with a storage system, from the date of issuance of the connection budget;
(iv) 30 months for distributed minigeneration units from other sources, from the date of issuance of the connection quote.
- Social Renewable Energy Program (“PERS”)
The REN amended Annexes I, III, IV and VI of REN No. 920/2021, which established the Energy Efficiency Program Procedures – (‘PROPEE”), to address PERS.
In this case, the distributor must carry out, annually, at least one public call for accreditation of companies specialized in services for the installation of photovoltaic systems and other renewable sources and, subsequently, a competitive public call for contracting services aimed at implementing photovoltaic systems, local or remote, or of other renewable sources, for low-income residential sub-classes consumers.
ANEEL ratifies the model of the Connection Budget Form for GD
On February 10, 2023, ANEEL published ANEEL Ratifying Resolution (“REH”) No. 3,171/2023, which is part of the MMGD regulation process and ratifies the model of the Connection Budget Form for Micro and Mini GD power plants and investment cost reference values, for GFC payment purposes.
The form has a field for requests and statements. In this field, the user:
(i) Can request that the counting of the period for the distributor to carry out the inspection is only initiated after the request by the user (optional request).
(ii) Can waive the right to withdraw from the connection budget (optional declaration).
(iii) Can authorize the distributor to deliver, along with the connection budget, the contracts and document or means for payment of costs for which the user is responsible (optional declaration).
(iv) Must declare that its internal installations, including the GD, comply with the rules and standards of the distributor, the rules of the Brazilian Association of Technical Rules (“ABNT”) and the rules of the competent official bodies.
The numbers for calculating the GFC are as follows:
Source type | Investment cost (BRL/kW) |
Solar Photovoltaic (including floating) | 4,000 |
Hydro (CGH) | 5,000 |
Wind | 4,500 |
Thermal (all types, including qualified cogeneration) | 4,000 |
ANEEL amends PRORET to include regulation on economic aspects of MMGD
On February 13, 2022, ANEEL published REN No. 1,060/2023, which includes the regulation on the economic aspects of the MMGD and amends Subsections 5.2, 7.1, 7.2 and 7.3 of PRORET.
The regulation concerns items related to the new obligations assumed by the Energy Development Fund (“CDE”) and the repercussions of the new billing rules for SCEE participants regarding the tariff proceedings of distributors.
Among the changes introduced by the REN, it is important to highlight that a specific quota was established in the annual budget of CDE (“CDE-GD”) to bear this new obligation, in order to distinguish the allocation of costs between the Free Contracting Market (“ACL”) and the Regulated Contracting Market (“ACR”).
In addition, a new tariff component was created to collect the new CDE-GD quota, which resulted in changes in Subsections 7.1, 7.2 and 7.3 of PRORET.
Finally, the Superintendence of Tariff Management (“SGT”) was ordered to evaluate, by the end of 2023, the suitability of implementing paragraph 2 of Article 10 of Decree No. 9.022/2017, so that the amount of CDE quotas to be passed on to the end consumer is segregated from other tariff components for billing, setting, adjustment, and review purposes.
Petrobras Contracting | Charting and operation services of FPSO Type Floating Production Unit, and Maritime Hospitality Services, as specified in this document and its amendments. | July 03, 2023 |
12:00 PM |
Petronect Code No. 7003888184 |
Petrobras Contracting | Drilling services for onshore oil, gas, and water wells, with availability of up to three rigs with drilling capacity for up to 4,000 meters. | March 15, 2023 |
12:00 PM |
Petronect Code No. 7003969131 |
Petrobras Contracting | Planning, execution and installation services for the
P-53 helideck replacement project, including supply of parts and pieces and removal of the current helipad and its final destination. |
March 31, 2023 |
05:00 PM |
Petronect Code
7004002021 |
Petrobras Contracting | Specialized technical services for SUB/SSUB/IESUB and SUB/SSUB/SANM submarine equipment operations. | March 10, 2023 |
05:00 PM |
Petronect Code
7004003948 |
Petrobras Contracting | Inerting services for the GASERJ 16″ gas pipeline, OCERJ 10″ oil pipeline and other eventual installations supporting the start-up of units related to the Rota 3 Project. Claimant: SRGE/SI-III/LOG/DUTRJ. | March 15, 2023 |
05:00 PM |
Petronect Code
7004008709 |
Petrobras Contracting | Maintenance services for tanks, spheres, piping, metallic structures
and installations in the Refinery and areas under its responsibility, and supply of parts and pieces. |
March 10, 2023 |
12:20 PM |
Petronect Code
Petrobras Contracting | Planning, execution and installation services for the
P-53 helideck replacement project, including supply of parts and pieces and removal of the current helipad and its final destination. |
March 31, 2023 |
05:00 PM |
Petronect Code
7004002021 |
Petrobras Contracting | Specialized and technical services of Operational Excellence, within the scope of Offshore Exploration and Production Logistics – LOEP/LOFF | March 10, 2023 |
5:00 PM |
Petronect Code
Public Consultations and Hearings (ANP) | Obtain contributions to regulatory matters that concern economic agents, consumers or users of goods and services of the oil, natural gas and biofuels industry. | May 16, 2023 | No. 28/2022 |
Public Consultations and Hearings (ANP) | Obtain contributions to regulatory matters of public interest that concern economic agents, consumers or users of goods and services of the oil, natural gas and biofuels industry. | April 26, 2023 | No. 01/2023 |
Public Consultations and Hearings (ANP) | The regulatory problem identified refers to the minimum conditions for the operational safety of biofuel production facilities. The preliminary regulatory impact analysis report (PRIAR) submitted for public consultation identified the regulatory problem, the proposed goal, affected agents, and others. | March 20, 2023 | No. 03/2023 |
Contributions (ANEEL) | TS No. 29/2022 | Obtain contributions to evaluate initiatives aimed at improving customer satisfaction about to power distribution services. | March 28, 2023 |
Contributions (ANEEL) | TS No. 001/2023 | Obtain contributions to assess the updating of Subsection 2.10 – Requirements, Subsection 7.13 – Procedural, and Subsection 8.1 – Responsibilities, of the Network Procedures, in order to make them compatible with changes resulting from Normative Resolution No. 1,055, of December 29, 2022, which provides for the isolation of substations. | March 17, 2023 |
Public Consultations (ANEEL)
CP No. 011/2022 – 2nd Phase | Obtain contributions for the improvement of the electricity market monitoring process. | April 17, 2023 |
Public Consultations (ANEEL)
CP No. 062/2020 – 2nd Phase | Obtain contributions to the review of the Methodology for Calculation of Regulatory Operation Costs – Subsections 2.2 and 2.2A of the Tariff Regulation Proceedings– PRORET | March 27, 2023 |
Public Consultations (MME)
CP MME No. 146/2022 | Obtain contributions to the following reports: “Methodology for Quantifying Contractual Physical Energy Hedge Requirements for Production and Capacity,” “Reference Methodology for Quantifying the Contribution of Supply: “Contractual Physical Energy Hedge for Production and Capacity ” and “Supply Limit Shortfall and Mechanism for Exposure Coverage.” | March 14, 2023 |
* Please note that the deadlines in the table above are constantly changing, so they correspond to deadlines disclosed at the time of publication of this newsletter.
June 30, 2023 – ANEEL Transmission Auction To be held by ANEEL. |
July/2023 – Auction for Contracting Reserve Capacity To be held by ANEEL. |
August 2023 – New Energy Auctions “A-4” and “A-6” To be held by ANEEL. |
October/2023 – Auction for Supply of Isolated Systems To be held by ANEEL. |
November/2023 – Auction for Contracting Reserve Capacity To be held by ANEEL. |
December/2023 – New Energy Auctions “A-1” and “A-2″ To be held by ANEEL. |
July/2024 – Auction for Contracting Reserve Capacity To be held by ANEEL. |
August 2024 – New Energy Auctions “A-4” and “A-6” To be held by ANEEL. |
October/2024 – Auction for Supply of Isolated Systems To be held by ANEEL. |
November/2024 – Auction for Contracting Reserve Capacity To be held by ANEEL. |
December/2024 – New Energy Auctions “A-1” and “A-2″ To be held by ANEEL. |
July/2025 – Auction for Contracting Reserve Capacity To be held by ANEEL. |
August 2025 – New Existing Energy Auctions “A-4” and “A-6” To be held by ANEEL. |
October/2025 – Auction for Supply of Isolated Systems To be held by ANEEL. |
November, 2025– Auction for Contracting Reserve Capacity To be held by ANEEL. |
December/2025 – New Energy Auctions “A-1” and “A-2″ To be held by ANEEL. |
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