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Insights > Institutional


Demarest announces Gisele Bossa, former Judge at CARF, as new partner

July 5th, 2021

The hiring of Gisele strategically strengthens the firm’s tax team

Demarest announces the arrival of Gisele Bossa as the firm’s newest partner, strengthening its multidisciplinary tax team in one of the most strategic areas of the firm. Gisele served as a judge at the Administrative Tax Court of Appeals (CARF) from September 2017 to May of this year.

In course as a doctoral student at the University of Coimbra (Fduc), Gisele holds a master’s degree and postgraduate degree lato sensu in Economic Law Sciences from the same institution. Gisele brings with her experience in the governmental sphere and more than 14 years in Litigation and Tax Consulting, in addition to managing areas of Strategic Litigation in corporations from different economic segments. The new partner is also a member of the Research Council on Taxation and New Technologies, of the Professional Master’s Degree Center of FGV Direito SP, as well as the Research Council of Administrative Tax Litigation Assessments, led by ABJ/IBD (Brazilian Association of Jurimetrics / Inter-American Development Bank).

“Gisele Bossa’s arrival is in line with our new three-year Strategic Plan, which is grounded on leadership in quality and legal excellence in the provision of services and added value to the solutions offered to our clients”, comments Paulo Coelho da Rocha, managing partner of Demarest. “Companies are increasingly looking to highly-skilled professionals in the Tax area who bring differentiated solutions to meet all their fiscal and tax obligations, whether in the municipal, state or federal spheres”, he explains.

“I am very happy to embark on this new professional journey with colleagues who have a very high level of technical expertise. I see excellent opportunities with this great challenge and I am certain that we will be able to deliver outstanding results with my professional experience in this complex domain, which is the Brazilian tax system”, celebrates Gisele Bossa.

Gisele has lectured at the Faculty of Law of Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie in Campinas and at the Faculty of Administration of Fundação Escola de Comércio Álvares Penteado (Fecap), in addition to having coordinated the following Technical Works: “Measures to Reduce Tax Litigation and CPC/2015”; “Cloud Taxation: Internal and International Aspects”; “Crimes against the Tax Order”; “From Tax Law to Criminal Law”; and “Evidenciary Efficiency and Current Case Law of CARF”.

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