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Energy Newsletter | No. 19

March 12th, 2024

In order to keep our clients informed about the current landscape of the main energy and natural resources sectors in Brazil, we have prepared the Energy Newsletter, a monthly bulletin with the main news of the energy market.

This information channel is the result of the collaboration between our “Oil & Gas” and “Energy” teams.

The newsletter was designed within the context of the energy transition that is being targeted in Brazil, and drafted as a complete source of information about the dynamic Brazilian energy market within the oil, natural gas, electricity and renewable energy sectors.

Enjoy reading!

This newsletter is for informative purposes only and does not constitute legal advice for any specific operation or business. For more information, please contact our legal team.

Oil and Gas


National average production breaks record in 2023

On February 08, 2024, the Brazilian National Agency of Petroleum, Natural Gas and Biofuels (“ANP”) reported that the average annual production of oil and natural gas was 4.344 million barrels of oil equivalent per day (boe/d), approximately 11.69% higher than the previous record, which was set in 2022. The ANP also stated that this was the first time that the national average annual production reached a mark above 4 million boe/d.

According to the ANP, separate production records were set for oil, with 3.402 million barrels per day (bbl/d), 12.57% higher than in 2022 (which had been 3.022 million bbl/d); and natural gas, with 150 million cubic meters per day (m³/d), around 8.7% higher than the previous year (138 million m³/d).

In the Pre-Salt area, the average volume produced in 2023 was also the highest ever recorded, at 3.304 million boe/d, which represented, on average, 75.18% of the Brazilian production.   

Access the article in full.


ANP holds public hearing to review resolution on biofuel certification

On February 08, 2024, the ANP held a public hearing to discuss the review of ANP Resolution No. 758 of 2018, which establishes the procedures for the certification of efficient production and import of biofuels and the accreditation of inspectors, within the scope of the National Biofuels Policy (“RenovaBio”). As informed by the ANP, the review aims to implement regulatory improvements, identified after a regulatory impact analysis (“RIA”), of which the following stand out:

  • Swifter updates of fields and data in RenovaCalc (tool adopted by the ANP, which calculates the carbon intensity of biofuels that are part of RenovaBio);
  • Detailed guidelines for the formation of audit teams of inspectors;
  • Inclusion of potential penalties for inspectors and biofuel producers;
  • Amendment to the rules for certification of new biofuel producers starting operations;
  • Amendment to the deadline for submitting documentation;
  • Qualification and improved definition of eligibility criteria for foreign biofuel producers;
  • Provision for the transfer of certificate ownership;
  • Provision for a procedure in cases involving a change of course; and
  • Inclusion of procedures relating to the chain of custody of grains.

The suggestions received through the consultation and hearing will be analyzed by the ANP’s technical area regarding any changes to the original draft. The final text will be subject to both a legal analysis by the Brazilian Office of the Attorney General (“PGF”), along with the ANP, and approval by the ANP’s collegiate board before its publication.

Access the article in full.


ANP announces public consultation on guarantee insurance models

On February 08, 2024, the ANP approved the holding of a public hearing, preceded by a 45-day public consultation, on the review of the guarantee insurance models provided for in the tender protocols for exploration and production of oil and natural gas.

As informed by the ANP, the amendment to the models is necessary due to changes in the requirements for issuing guarantee insurance established by the Superintendence of Private Insurance (“SUSEP”), introduced by SUSEP Circular No. 662/2022.

The ANP announced that it will soon publish new versions of the tender protocols, which will replace the current tender protocols and will also regulate the new cycles. At the moment, tender protocols are suspended for the opening of new cycles, as the local content rules need to be adapted to the new guidelines of the Brazilian National Council for Energy Policy (“CNPE”) (CNPE Resolution No. 11/2023).

Access the article in full.


ANP announces 2024 Annual Management Plan

On February 22, 2024, the ANP announced its Annual Management Plan (“PGA”) for 2024. The strategic document details the ANP’s main activities for the year, including overseeing upstream and downstream operations, implementing regulations, protecting competition and the environment, as well as improving the quality of the services offered.

Access the article in full.


ANP approves amendment to resolution to include CFOP in biofuel transactions

On February 22, 2024, the ANP’s board approved an amendment to ANP Resolution No. 802, of 2019, within the scope of the RenovaBio program. The amendment aims to include the Tax Codes for Operations and Services (“CFOP”) – a tool of the Brazilian tax system that identifies the nature of a transaction for tax purposes – in biofuel third-party sales transactions, thus allowing these transactions to generate backing for the issuance of Decarbonization Credits (“CBIOs”).

The amendment to this resolution seeks to eliminate the current impossibility of generating CBIOs when biofuels are sold by third parties, which prevents part of the volume of these products from generating backing for the issuance of these credits, which could harm numerous ethanol producers and reduce the supply of CBIOs to distributors.

Access the article in full.


ANP establishes reference prices for natural gas and oil produced in January 2024 in each field

On February 23, 2024, the ANP established the reference prices for natural gas produced in January 2024 in each field (Electronic Information System – “SEI” 3788458), as well as the reference prices for oil produced in January 2024 (SEI 3782401). Reference prices are used to calculate the collection of government and third-party contributions.

Access the reference prices in full.



ANP changes date of public hearing on emission reduction targets within the scope of RenovaBio

On February 02, 2024, the ANP announced a change in the date of the public hearing (Consultation and Public Hearing No. 19/2023) on the individualization of compulsory annual greenhouse gas emission reduction targets under RenovaBio.

The date of the hearing was rescheduled to February 13, 2024, due to a scheduling conflict with another ANP public hearing, previously set for March 06, 2024. However, the deadline for the public consultation period, which took place on February 14, 2024, remains unchanged. Public Consultation and Hearing No. 19/2023 aims to collect contributions on the proposed review of ANP Resolution No. 791/2019. This review aims to include the possibility of reducing targets based on long-term contracts signed between fuel distributors and ethanol trading companies.

Access the article in full.


ANP creates Certificate of Good Standing for retail freight companies

On February 23, 2024, the ANP announced the creation of the Certificate of Proof of Good Standing for activities of Retail Freight Companies (“TRR”). This certificate follows the same standard as the existing certificate for fuel retailers. The document aims to prove the effectiveness of the activity without the need to request proof of good standing through SEI. This measure will facilitate the participation of TRRs in biddings and other commercial or institutional relationships in which the regulated agent needs to prove that it is duly authorized before the ANP.

Access the article in full.


EPE research expects downturn and recovery in diesel oil demand for 2024 and 2025

On February 26, 2024, Editora Brasil Energia published a study by the Energy Research Office (“EPE”) which estimates a slight downturn in diesel oil demand over the first half of 2024. According to the report “Perspectives for the Brazilian Fuel Market in the Short Term”, this downturn is justified by the outflow of the grain harvest, affected by adverse weather conditions in recent months, which especially impacted soybean and corn production in the Midwest region. However, the effects of El Niño, income transfer policies and government programs, such as the New PAC, should reverse this situation over the course of the year, stimulating the internal demand for diesel oil.

EPE estimates a total demand for diesel oil of 67.3 billion liters in 2024, rising to 69.7 billion liters in 2025 – an increase of 3.7% compared to 2024. The demand for liquid fuel is expected to remain stable in 2024, at 152.3 billion liters, compared to 151.1 billion liters in 2023, a slight increase of 0.8%. For 2025, the expected demand is 156.9 billion liters, an increase of 3% compared to 2024. The demand for S-10 diesel is expected to increase by 3.8% in 2024, reaching 44.3 billion liters, and by 7.1% in 2025, totaling 47.4 billion liters. As for biodiesel, the expected demand is 9 billion liters in 2024 (an increase of 19.3 billion liters) and 10.1 billion liters in 2025 (an increase of 12.1%).

Access the article in full.






ANEEL initiates Public Consultation to discuss CCEE’s new governance structure

The Brazilian National Electric Energy Agency (“ANEEL”) decided to initiate Public Consultation (“CP”) No. 05/2024, in order to change the governance of the Electric Energy Commercialization Chamber (“CCEE”). The consultation arose from the amendments provided for in Decree No. 11,835/2023, which increased the number of members integrating the CCEE’s Board of Directors, established a tie-breaking vote by the President of the Board of Directors, created CCEE’s board, among other provisions.

One of the key themes established in the text under public consultation is the possibility of defining minimum quotas for women both on the Board and in Management.

Agents can submit their contributions by March 18, 2024.

Access the CP in full.


Urgent procedure approved to expedite bill on renewal of energy distribution concessions

On February 27, 2024, the request to adopt a fast-track procedure was approved in order to expedite Bill No. 4,831/2023, which is aimed at amending Law No. 9,074/1995, regarding energy distribution concessions.

According to this bill, concessions can be extended more than once, provided that they are authorized by the Brazilian Congress. In addition, the bill provides for a 30% limitation on migration to the energy-free market, that is, 70% of the concessionaire’s current energy market would have its maintenance secured. In addition, the bill establishes that the boards of directors of distribution companies must guarantee at least 20% of the seats for representatives appointed by the states where the concession area is located.

Access the article in full.


Technical group is created to address privatization processes in the energy sector

On February 28, 2024, Ordinance No. 177/2024 was published by Brazil’s Minister of State in charge of the General Secretariat of the Presidency. This ordinance created the Technical Working Group aimed at addressing the proposals filed by civil society regarding recent privatization processes in the energy sector and their implications.

Access the article in full.



CGIEE publishes regulatory agenda

On February 05, 2024, the Management Committee on Energy Efficiency Indicators and Levels (“CGIEE”) published its regulatory agenda, formed by the sector’s bodies and entities, such as the Ministry of Mines and Energy (“MME”). The topics on the agenda will be discussed from 2024 to 2026 and encompass, for example, studies and activities to define minimum energy efficiency indexes for public lighting, indoor lighting, domestic equipment, among others.

 Access CGIEE Resolution No. 01/2024 in full.


ANEEL amends PRORET to adjust tariff calculations

On February 05, 2024, ANEEL published Normative Resolution (“REN”) No. 1,083/2024, which includes amendments to Tariff Regulation Procedures (“PRORET”), in order to adjust underlying tariff calculations.

The regulation arises from the need, which was identified by ANEEL, to establish the normative conditions that agents must follow for calculating the Regulatory Remuneration Base of transmission concessionaires, in order to meet the deadlines for carrying out the Regular Review of Transmission Company Revenues for 2023.

Submodules 9.1, 9.2, and 9.3 were amended, which address, respectively: (i) the regular review of the revenues of transmission concessionaires; (ii) the regular review of the revenues of listed concessionaires; and (iii) the implementation of improvements and upgrades in facilities under the responsibility of transmission concessionaires.

Access REN No. 1083/2024 in full.


EPE and MME publish a schedule of transmission planning studies for 2024

On February 06, 2024, the Energy Research Office (“EPE”) and the MME published the schedule of transmission planning studies for 2024. Among other topics, the document provides for coverage region, the scope of the study, the source of need, and the planned schedule.

Access the schedule in full.


ANEEL publishes TSEE Repercussion Manual

On February 09, 2024, ANEEL published the Repercussion Manual regarding the 2024 Energy Social Tariff (“TSEE”) through Order No. 401/2024. The purpose of this tariff is to grant discounts to consumers framed in the Low-Income Residential Subclass. The manual was published to accommodate the amendment of SAGICAD/SENARC/SNAS/MDS Joint Normative Instruction No. 5, of January 04, 2024, which addresses registration inclusions or updates of families framed under the Unified Registry for Social Programs of the Brazilian Federal Government.

Access the order in full.

Access the manual in full.


ANEEL launches public call for contributions on network grid resilience

On February 09, 2024, ANEEL initiated Public Call for Contributions (“TS”) No. 002/2024, aimed at obtaining contributions from distribution and transmission companies in unusual or unexpected situations arising from climatic incidents.

This initiative aims to support the development and adoption of strategies that minimize the impacts of climatic incidents, thus mitigating the vulnerability of the electrical system. To achieve its goal, the technical note addressing TS 002/2024 highlights 18 topics on which contributions are expected, which can be sent by March 25, 2024, directly on ANEEL’s website.

Access the TS in full.


ONS announces consultants for Subproject “Clima” integrating META II Project

The ONS is participating in the second stage of the project “Technical Support for Energy and Mineral Sectors” (“META II”), which aims to develop and build the Brazilian energy and mineral sectors’ technical capacity, thus ensuring Brazil’s competitiveness and sustainability. The project is coordinated by the MME and subdivided into 38 measures and subprojects.

On February 09, 2024, the 22nd subproject was published, which provides for the hiring of consultants to carry out studies on the massive floods and droughts, as well as the underlying phenomena in recent years.

On February 23, 2024, the 24th subproject was published, which provides for the hiring of consulting services aimed at developing photovoltaic solar generation models.

Access the article in full– 22nd Subproject.

Access the article in full – 24th Subproject.


ANEEL initiates a public call for contributions on to the provision of a guarantee bond for generators’ access to the transmission network grid

From February 14, 2024, to March 14, 2024, ANEEL will hold a Public Call for Contributions No. 003/2024, to improve the access of generating plants to the electricity transmission system.

This TS aims to amend submodules 1.2, 7.1, and 8.3 (Procedural) governing the Network Procedures, in order to adapt to the regulatory changes established by REN No. 1,069/2023, which introduced the need to provide bonds prior to executing a CUST. The regulation had established a deadline by which the ONS had to adjust its Network Procedures in order to address this matter.

Access the TS in full.


ONS publishes Executive Summary of 2023 PAR/PEL

On February 15, 2024, the ONS launched the Executive Summary of the Medium-Term Electric Operation Plan (“2023 PAR/PEL”), of SIN, regarding the 2024-2028 period, whose investment amounts to BRL 49 billion. The purpose of the 2023 PAR/PEL is to map the measures and works needed to ensure that the SIN continues operating with high standards, safety, and costs.

In this cycle, the investments will mostly target projects from previous cycles that remain unlicensed (BRL 44.1 billion). Of this amount, BRL 21.7 billion are earmarked for transmission lines and new substations, which were auctioned on December 15, 2023.  

Access the article in full.

Access the executive summary in full.


ANEEL publishes notice for the second 2024 transmission auction and approves the draft for the first transmission auction of 2024

On February 20, 2024, ANEEL’s Board of Directors approved the draft notice for the first Transmission Auction No. 01/2024, which will take place on March 28, 2024, and will bid 15 lots of transmission facilities, amounting to 6,464 kilometers of new transmission lines and sectionings, as well as 9,200 MW of transformation capacity.

On February 23, 2024, CP No. 04/2024 was initiated to improve the draft of the notice of Transmission Auction No. 2/2024. The auction will offer 5 lots of transmission facilities, totaling 848 kilometers of transmission lines located in the states of Bahia, Espírito Santo, Minas Gerais, Santa Catarina, and Rio Grande do Sul. Auction No. 02/2024 is expected to create 10,800 jobs and raise approximately BRL 4.6 billion in investments.

Access Transmission Auction No. 1/ 2024.

Access Transmission Auction No. 2/ 2024.


BNDES approves investment in fund fund for energy projects

On February 20, 2024, the Brazilian Development Bank (“BNDES”) approved the hiring and subscription of quotas of Patria Infra Crédito, a new credit rights investment fund (“FIDC”). The BNDES will invest BRL 500 million, which will be allocated for projects in the energy, sanitation, logistics, transport, urban mobility, and telecommunications sectors.

Access the article in full.


Renewables and other Energy Sources 


Brazil is Latin America’s leader in energy transition investment, according to report

On February 14, 2024, the Ministry of Mines and Energy (“MME”) announced that Brazil is the sixth country in the world that has invested the most in energy transition and, consequently, the leader in Latin America, according to Bloomberg NEF’s Energy Transition Investment Trends 2024 report. The document highlights the fact that Brazil invested around USD 34.8 billion in renewable energy, electric vehicles, hydrogen and carbon capture in 2023 alone.

Brazil’s sunny weather and strong winds are contributing factors to such investment, which is mainly allocated to the Northeast region, according to the MME’s national secretary for energy transition and planning, Thiago Barral. According to the report, investment in the clean energy supply chain reached USD 135 billion globally in 2023 and could rise to USD 259 billion by 2025. The leader is China, which invested USD 676 billion in 2023, or 38% of the total.

As far as the future is concerned, an even greater increase is expected over the next two years – Bloomberg estimates that this figure will reach USD 259 billion by 2025.

Access the article in full.


MME opens discussions on Energy Transition at the G20

On February 19, 2024, the MME held the first meeting of the G20 Energy Transitions Working Group (“WG”), in collaboration with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (“MRE”). The purpose of the WG is to share information and foster coordinated political measures to expedite and maximize the benefits of the energy transition worldwide.

Brazil introduced three priority topics for 2024 to the WG, as follows:

  1. accelerating efforts to finance energy transition, especially in developing countries and emerging economies;
  2. fostering greater consideration of the energy transition’s social dimension, seeking a fair and inclusive process; and
  3. advancing the development of sustainable fuel markets, taking innovative perspectives into account.

Access the article in full.


Biomass breaks energy generation record in 2023

On February 26, 2024, the MME announced that the generation of energy from biomass broke the record for its contribution to the National Interconnected System (“SIN”) in 2023, with 3,218 average megawatts (MWm), which meant 4.6% of all the energy demand consumed last year, according to the Electric Energy Trading Chamber (“CCEE”). In 2023, the installed biomass capacity increased by 223 MW and, for 2024, the expected increase is 1,155 MW, which will represent the highest figure in history.

Access the article in full.


Caixa Econômica Federal launches green credit line

On February 02, 2024, Caixa Econômica Federal launched the credit line “FINISA Verde”, aimed at financing projects with clean, renewable energy sources or through reused and reduced water consumption. Interested states and cities can apply for financing directly at the bank’s Government Network branches or agencies.

Access the article in full.


Authorities discuss measures to implement “Plante”

On February 22, 2024, MME’s Minister Alexandre Silveira and Luciana Costa, BNDES’ Director of Infrastructure, Energy Transition and Climate Change, met to discuss the necessary measures towards implementing the Brazilian National Energy Transition Plan (“Plante”), from 2024 to 2025.

Plante seeks (i) the regulatory progress in mining, energy, and biofuel sectors; (ii) leveraging new funds in renewable energy generation, biofuel production, and sustainable mining; and (iii) reducing energy poverty.

Access the article in full.


Program launched to boost green investment in Brazil

On February 26, 2024, the Ministry of Finance, in collaboration with the MME and cross-border entities, introduced “Eco Invest Brasil”, a foreign private capital mobilization and exchange protection program. The initiative aims to foster foreign investments in sustainable energy projects as well as to provide solutions for reducing the risks of exchange rate volatility.

In order to implement the program, a provisional measure (“MP”) will be published to create (i) the Foreign Capital Mobilization and Exchange Protection Program; and (ii) the credit line for its execution. After the MP is published, the National Monetary Council (“CMN”) will define the necessary infra-legal regulations.

Through the Brazilian National Treasury, the Ministry of Finance will be eligible to (i) regulate the credit line and sublines; (ii) define the process of fund allocation; and (iii) establish the accountability logistics, information publication, and drafting of allocation reports.

Access the article in full.



Renewable sources accounted for 93.1% of electricity generation in 2023

On February 05, 2024, the MME published an article announcing that Brazil achieved 93.1% of its electricity generation from renewable sources in 2023. With the contribution of hydroelectric, photovoltaic and wind power plants, the country’s electricity matrix continues to stand out as one of the cleanest in the world, generating a total of 70,206 MWm.

Hydroelectric plants remain the main energy source, with 58% of the SIN’s installed capacity. Hydroelectric power plants supplied 50,000 MWm, an increase of 1.2% compared to 2022. In addition, wind and solar sources recorded a significant increase in 2023, adding 13,000 MWm to the Brazilian production, representing a 23.8% increase compared to the previous year.

Access the article in full.


Brazil kicks off 2024 with an increase of 621 MW in the National Interconnected System

On February 06, 2024, the MME announced that the Brazilian electricity matrix expanded by 621.56 MW in January 2024, according to data from the Brazilian National Electric Energy Agency (“ANEEL”), which is linked to the MME. By the end of 2024, 10.1 GW are expected to be added, the second largest expansion in history.

According to Minister Alexandre Silveira, these figures show that Brazil is indeed undergoing an energy transition. During the first month of 2024, 26 projects became operational, as well as 18 wind farms (422.2 MW), 6 photovoltaic plants (198.12 MW) and 2 small hydroelectric plants (1.24 MW).

If ANEEL’s estimates are confirmed, the year of 2024 will be the second best in history, with wind and solar sources accounting for 87.2% of last year’s growth.

Access the article in full.


Electricity generation has the lowest CO2 emissions in 11 years

On February 14, 2024, the MME announced that in 2023, the SIN emitted 38.5kg of carbon dioxide (CO2) per mega watt-hour (MWh) generated – marking the lowest rate since 2012 –, according to information from the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation (“MCTI”). This was achieved due to the entry of clean electricity generation sources into the SIN, a favorable hydroelectric landscape, and measures implemented by the MME to reduce generation from diesel oil, thus contributing to a reduction in CO2 emissions in 2023.

In the SIN, hydroelectric plants accounted for approximately 70% of all recorded electricity generation (561,583 gigawatts (GW) from January to November 2023), while wind power accounted for 15% of this total, according to data from the CCEE.

In 2023, Brazil expanded its installed electricity generation capacity by almost 20 GW, including distributed generation, especially from solar and wind sources, which accounted for 69% and 25% of the total expansion, respectively.

These major sources of electricity generation in Brazil contribute to reducing dependence on fossil fuels, which emit large amounts of CO2. However, thermoelectric plants are still necessary to guarantee the security of the electricity system.

Access the article in full.


Renova publishes notice aimed at selling assets

On February 14, 2024, Renova Energia published the Auction Notice for the Isolated Productive Unit (“UPI”) “Cordilheira dos Ventos – Remanescente”, as determined by its court-supervised reorganization plan (“RJ”). The UPI is formed by the assets of wind potential developed in 73 leased land units in the cities of Cerro Corá, Lajes, and São Tomé, in Rio Grande do Norte. The deadline for interested parties to express their intention to participate in the auction was February 21, 2024, and proposals could be submitted until March 06, 2024. Renova will hold a hearing to introduce these proposals, on March 13, 2024, at 2:00 p.m.

Access the announcement to the market in full.


Auren Energia launches carbon credit e-commerce

On February 20, 2024, Auren Energia launched its first carbon credit e-commerce platform. The new platform enables individuals, legal entities, and events to offset their carbon emissions through renewable and forest energy projects.

Access the article in full.

Access the article in full.


Preliminary Advisory Opinion of the Pplenary opinion introduced on sustainable low-carbon mobility bill

On February 27, 2020, an advisory opinion of the plenary was introduced under Bill No. 528/2020, which is about fostering: (i) sustainable low-carbon mobility; (ii) the Brazilian National Sustainable Aviation Fuel Program; (iii) the Brazilian National Green Diesel Program; (iv) the Brazilian National Biomethane Program; and the legal framework for the geological capture and storage of carbon dioxide.

The original proposal was improved to (i) create the Brazilian National Biomethane Program; (ii) strengthen the Biodiesel Program through an annual increase in the percentage of the compulsory biodiesel addition, in terms of volume, to diesel oil; and (iii) authorize Petróleo Brasileiro S.A. (“Petrobras”) to include, in its social purpose, the activities relating to energy as well as those involving the handling and storage of carbon dioxide, energy transition and the low-carbon economy.

Access the article in full.



Petrobras Contracting EPC for installation of remaining sections to be built of the OCERJ pipeline May 28, 2024

12:00 PM

Petrobras Contracting FPSO for SEAP- I – Chartering and Operation services June 14, 2024

12:00 PM



Petrobras Contracting FPSO for SEAP-II – Chartering and Operation services June 14, 2024

12:00 PM

Petrobras Contracting Chartering and Operation Services of FPSO – Barracuda and Caratinga Revit July 01, 2024

12:00 PM

Petrobras Contracting Offshore Design, Repair and Maintenance Services, including Items and Pieces, for the UN-BC marine units March 23, 2024

05:00 PM

Petrobras Contracting Acquisition of floats for submarine interconnection March 20, 2024

05:00 PM

Petrobras Contracting Maintenance Services for Energy Systems, Cleaning, Conservation and Building Maintenance of TIC’s Telecommunication Stations, Supply of Applicable Parts and Leasing of Equipment March 25, 2024

05:00 PM

Petrobras Contracting SCM – Telecommunication Services – GMP2021 March 28, 2024

12:00 PM

Call for Contributions


Call for Contributions No. 002/2024 Obtain contributions to assess the need for regulatory intervention associated with the increased resilience of the distribution and transmission system to extreme weather conditions. March 25, 2024
Call for Contributions No. 003/2024 Obtain contributions for the improvement of submodules 1.2 – Procedural, Submodules 7.1 – Procedural and Responsibilities, Submodules 8.1 – Procedural and Responsibilities, and Submodules 8.3 – Procedural and Responsibilities, of the Grid Procedures, in compliance with the regulatory changes established by Normative Resolution No. 1,069, of August 29, 2023. March 14, 2024  
Call for Contributions No. 004/2024 Obtain contributions to I) evaluate the benefits of defining standards for purge reports in emergency situations, to be drafted by electricity distributors; and II) evaluate the benefits of reviewing the modeling of data on interruptions and emergency situations, currently received monthly by ANEEL. March 20, 2024  
Public Consultations (ANEEL)  
CP No. 002/2024 Obtain contributions to improve the proposals to change the Grid Procedures submitted by the ONS, and the Trading Regulations and Procedures, by the CCEE, regarding the changes introduced by Normative Resolution No. 1,062/2023. 18/03/2024  
CP No. 004/2024 Obtain contributions to improve the Draft Notice and Attachments to Auction No. 2/2024-ANEEL (Transmission Auction) 08/04/2024  
CP No. 005/2024 CCEE’s Governance Structure. Changes in Normative Resolution No. 957/2021 and Normative Resolution No. 1,009/2022, in addition to new versions of Modules 11 and 13 of the Trading Regulations, as well as Submodules 1.3 and 1.7 of the Trading Procedures. 18/03/2024  

** Please note that the deadlines in the table above are constantly changing and correspond to the deadlines disclosed at the time of publication of this newsletter.




March/2024 – Transmission Auction 001/2024

To be held by ANEEL.

More information here.

July/2024 – Auction for Contracting Capacity Reserve

To be held by ANEEL.

August/2024 – New Energy Auctions “A-4” and “A-6”

To be held by ANEEL.

September/2024 – Transmission Auction 002/2024

To be held by ANEEL.

October/2024 – Auction for the Supply of Isolated Systems

To be held by ANEEL.

November/2024 – Auction for Contracting Capacity Reserve

To be held by ANEEL.

December/2024 – Existing Energy Auctions “A-1” and “A-2″

To be held by ANEEL.

July/2025 – Auction for Contracting Capacity Reserve

To be held by ANEEL.

March/2025 – Transmission Auction 001/2025

To be held by ANEEL.

August/2025 – New Energy Auctions “A-4” and “A-6”

To be held by ANEEL.

September/2025 – Transmission Auction 002/2025

To be held by ANEEL.

October/2025 – Auction for the Supply of Isolated Systems

To be held by ANEEL.

November/2025 – Auction for Contracting Capacity Reserve

To be held by ANEEL.

December/2025 – Existing Energy Auctions “A-1” and “A-2″

To be held by ANEEL.


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