This newsletter is for informative purposes only and does not constitute legal advice for any specific operation or business. For more information, please contact our legal team.
In order to keep our clients informed about the current landscape of the main energy and natural resources sectors in Brazil, we have prepared the Energy Newsletter, a monthly bulletin with the main news of the energy market.
This information channel is the result of the collaboration between our “Oil & Gas” and “Energy” teams.
The newsletter was designed within the context of the energy transition that is being targeted in Brazil, and drafted as a complete source of information about the dynamic Brazilian energy market within the oil, natural gas, electricity and renewable energy sectors.
Enjoy reading!
Oil and Gas
ANP determines joint liability for the abandoning of wells
On June 3, 2024, the Brazilian National Agency for Petroleum, Natural Gas and Biofuels (“ANP”) ruled on the obligation to abandon wells located in fields and blocks that existed prior to the incorporation of the ANP.
Proper abandonment includes the isolation of the well according to best industrial practices, to mitigate risks against its integrity and the environment.
According to the ANP’s decision, Petrobras, which operated all contracts for this period, must properly abandon all wells that were drilled without the right to compensation for any resulting costs. The decision applies to all contracts, whether or not they are still in force.
The ANP Board decision refers to orphaned wells (i.e. already abandoned by the company) located in Alagoas (1-PBA-1-AL, 3-PIA-23-AL, and 1-RSL-1-AL), in São Paulo (2-PE-1-SP), and in the region of the Lençois Maranhenses National Park and its buffer zone. However, according to opinions issued by the Federal Prosecutor’s Office together with the ANP, this decision will extend to other wells that are in the same situation.
In addition to Petrobras’ liability, the ANP Board’s decision includes other economic agents that may have benefited from economic activities related to the wells – for example, companies affiliated with the operator or third-party companies. Therefore, these other companies are also responsible for permanently abandoning such wells and performing environmental restoration.
Find out more in the ANP article.
Tender Notice that regulates the auctioning of 33 million government oil barrels is amended
On June 25, 2024, the Ministry of Mines and Energy (“MME”) announced that Pré-Sal Petróleo S.A. (PPSA) amended the tender notice that regulates the auctioning of 33 million oil barrels owned by the Federal Government.
The auction scheduled for July 31, 2024, will sell the entire production planned for 2025 of the Mero and Búzios fields, which are considered the largest oil producers of the Federal Government. Initially, companies could only join the auction individually or in a consortium but will now be allowed to join as a set of companies.
In addition, the price formula suffered a technical change, which standardized the measurement of barrels at 60º F, in line with international practices.
The MME has reported that on the day of the auction, three lots of oil will be sold separately from the Mero field (two of them estimated at 10 million barrels and one at 10.5 million barrels) and one lot from the Búzios field (estimated at 2.5 million barrels).
Find out more in the MME article.
ANP regulates minimum seats available in offshore platform lifeboats
On May 29, 2024, the ANP Board ruled on the minimum number of seats that must be available in closed lifeboats (baleeiras) used in offshore production platforms and rigs located in Brazil.
The regulation now emphasizes that each E&P offshore platform must have a minimum number of seats available in one or more closed lifeboats in case there is need for evacuation. This number will vary depending on the type of platform and the number of people on board. As such, the operator’s project for each unit – which must be founded on safety standards and approved by the ANP – must include such minimum number of seats in closed lifeboats among its safety requirements.
The ANP will oversee compliance with the required number of seats. Otherwise, the platform may be interdicted and all on board must disembark until the operator complies with the regulation. In addition, the operator will be subject to a fine and administrative proceeding. The ANP Board’s decision will be published as a precedent, a document that officializes the ANP’s opinion regarding its resolutions to prevent divergent interpretations.
Find out more in the ANP article.
ANP publishes April oil and gas production data
On June 06, 2024, the ANP released the Monthly Bulletin of Oil and Natural Gas Production for April 2024.
Overall production including oil and natural gas amounted to 4.054 million barrels of oil equivalent per day. Of this total, oil production amounted to 3.194 million barrels per day, a 4.8% decrease compared to March 2024. In turn, natural gas production amounted to 136.68 million cubic meters per day, a 5.1% decrease compared to March 2024.
According to the bulletin, in April, pre-salt production amounted to 3.156 million barrels of oil equivalent per day, which represents 77.8% of Brazilian production. In the same month, 97.1% of natural gas was used. Production came from 6,525 wells, 509 offshore and 6,016 onshore. The Tupi field was the largest oil and gas producer.
As of June, Pré-Sal Petróleo S.A. (PPSA) will be included in the table “Distribution of oil and natural gas production by consortium”, representing the share of oil and natural gas belonging to the Federal Government in production sharing contracts.
Find out more in the ANP article.
MME regulates topics of MP No. 1,212/2024
On June 07, 2024, the Ministry of Mines and Energy (“MME”) published Normative Ordinance No. 79/GM/MME (“Ordinance”) which regulates certain topics of Provisional Measure (“MP”) No. 1,212/2024, allowing a deadline extension for the implementation of projects by agents classified under paragraph 1-C of Article 26 of Law No. 9,427/1996, in order to maintain the discount on the Tariffs for the Use of Transmission and Distribution Systems (“TUST/TUSD”).
In particular, the Ordinance established:
- The estimated project value, depending on the source, for the purposes of providing the performance bond, in accordance with the table below:
Source | Reference (BRL/kW) |
Biomass – Sugarcane Bagasse | 3,500 |
Biomass – Woodchips | 7,500 |
Biogas (Anaerobic digestion of agro-industrial waste) | 10,000 |
Wind | 4,300 |
Photovoltaic | 3,300 |
Small Hydroelectric Power Plant | 7,000 |
- Characterization of the date in which the construction works starts, as a condition to maintain the right to the additional period to implementing the plant. The initiation of construction will be proven once the construction site has been set up, which includes the delimitation of the site area and the assembly of construction support infrastructures;
- For plants whose installed capacity has been increased, the agent must provide proof of the progress of work on the structures associated with the increase.
Click here to access the Client Alert covering the main topics of the MP.
Click here to access the MP in full.
Click here to access Ordinance No. 79/2024 in full.
Nearly 2,000 power plants join the MP No. 1,212/2024 mechanism
The National Electric Energy Agency (“ANEEL”) has received 1,963 requests from industry agents to join the mechanism of MP 1,212/2024, which allows for a further 36-month extension of the deadline for implementing projects classified under paragraph 1-C of Article 26 of Law No. 9,427/1996, in order to guarantee a discount on TUST/TUSD.
Most of the requests were submitted by solar power plants, representing a total capacity of 65.3 GW. Wind power plants accounted for an equivalent capacity of 18.8 GW. In addition, 10 thermal power plants and two Small Hydroelectric Power Plants together have a capacity of 556 MW. Approximately 42 of these requests are from plants that are still in the process of being authorized by the technical area.
In addition to adhering to the MP, these agents must provide a performance bond and initiate their implementation works within 18 months of the MP’s publication.
Click here to access the article in full.
Decree regulates bidding and extension of distribution concessions
On June 21, 2024, Decree No. 12,068/2024 was published, regulating the bidding and extension of electricity distribution concessions that have not been extended. These concessions can be bid or extended for 30 years.
The extension of concessions will be assessed according to the following criteria:
- Express consent by the concessionaire to the conditions of the decree;
- Proof of adequate service provision, in accordance with criteria to be defined by ANEEL relating to efficiency, continuity of supply and economic and financial management.
The request to extend the concession must be submitted to ANEEL at least 36 months before the end of the concession. If the concessionaire has submitted the request before the publication of the decree and is still interested in the extension, it must ratify the request within 30 days of the publication of the draft amendment to the concession contract.
The MME’s decision on the extension or a new bid must be published no later than 18 months before the end of the contract. This decision must be communicated to the concessionaire within 30 days of ANEEL’s recommendation.
In turn, concessions that have not been extended or terminated will be subject to bidding, in accordance with MME guidelines and without prior reversion of assets.
Click here to access Decree No. 12,068/2024.
Ordinance publishes guidelines on 2024 Auctions for the Purchase of Energy from Existing Generation Projects
On July 01, 2024, the MME published Normative Ordinance No. 84/2024, which published the guidelines on the 2024 Auctions for the Purchase of Electricity from Existing Generation Projects (“A-1”, “A-2” and “A-3”). The auctions will be held on December 06, 2024, and the resulting contracts will be valid for two years, starting in January 2025 (A-1), January 2026 (A-2) and January 2027 (A-3). Distributors must submit their Statement on the Need to Purchase Electricity for the auctions between August 28 and September 04, 2024.
Click here to access the article in full.
Click here to access Normative Ordinance No. 84/2024
MME opens Public Consultation on POTEE
Between June 03 and July 02, 2024, the MME opened Public Consultation (“CP”) No. 166/2024 to obtain contributions to the Electricity Transmission Grant Plan (“POTEE”) 2024 – Expansions and Reinforcements – Basic Grid and Other Transmission Facilities (1st issuance).
The Grant Plan is the document through which the granting authority compiles the results of the transmission planning studies carried out by the Energy Research Office (“EPE”), as well as the R1 reports, and the Expansion and Reinforcement Plan (“PAR/PEL”) developed by the National Electric System Operator (“ONS”), defining the equipment and facilities required by the National Interconnected System (“SIN”) on a determinative basis.
Click here to access CP No. 166/2024.
CCEE announces assistance in organizing consumer data for Rio Grande do Sul distribution companies
On June 03, 2024, the Electric Energy Commercialization Chamber (“CCEE”) announced that it will assist Rio Grande do Sul distribution companies in organizing the data on consumers who have suffered interruptions in their energy supply due to the climatic events that affected Rio Grande do Sul.
The CCEE will collect and organize information on these consumers and send it to the distributors, permissionaires and cooperatives that serve the region.
Click here to access the article in full.
CCEE registers more than 7,000 migrated agents to the free market between January and April 2024
On June 04, 2024, the CCEE informed the market that it had registered the migration of 7,152 consumers to the free market between January and April 2024. Of these, more than 70% have a load of less than 0.5 aMW and are represented by a retail trader.
Most of the migrations in April came from São Paulo (701), followed by Rio Grande do Sul (171) and Rio de Janeiro (162). As for the sectors of the economy, migrations from the trade sector (469) stand out, followed by services (472) and miscellaneous manufactured goods (217).
Click here to access the article in full.
MME opens Public Consultation on electricity auction in isolated systems
From June 04, 2024, to June 21, 2024, Public Consultation No. 167 of 2024 (“CP 167/2024”) was opened by the MME in order to obtain contributions to the guidelines on the auction for the acquisition of energy and electric power for Electricity Supply in Isolated Systems, scheduled for December 2024.
In order to classify the Supply Solution bids according to the lowest selling price in the auction, the system to be used will be:
- the expectation of future fuel prices for a period of ten years based on projections of equivalent fuels; and
- the valuation of CO emissions avoided as a result of the inclusion of the renewable portion.
Supply Solutions whose owner is the public distribution service concessionaire responsible for serving the locality are not allowed to participate of the auction.
Click here to access CP 167/2024 and Ordinance No. 790/2021 on the topic.
TCU audits Brazil’s Hydroelectric Power Plant Reservoir Recovery Plan
On June 24, 2024, the Federal Court of Accounts (“TCU”) announced an operational audit of Brazil’s Hydroelectric Power Plant Reservoir Recovery Plan. The audit aims to assess the effectiveness, economy and social inclusion of this public policy as a tool for adapting to climate change.
Click here to access the article in full.
ANEEL establishes new identification standard for energy consumer units
On June 26, 2024, ANEEL published Normative Resolution (“REN”) No. 1,095/2024, which established the standardization of identification numbers for consumer units and other facilities of electricity users.
Click here to access REN No. 1095/2024.
Transfer of Itaipu bonus suspended due to calamity in Rio Grande do Sul
On June 25, 2024, ANEEL published Order No. 1880/2024, which suspended the transfer of BRL 1.2 billion related to the Itaipu bonus to SIN consumers, in order to ensure that the funds are used to help consumers in Rio Grande do Sul, due to the public calamity situation in the state.
In addition to this measure, the possibility of preserving the use of funds from Itaipu’s Electricity Trading Account for actions to mitigate the situation of public calamity that has arisen in the state of Rio Grande do Sul will be evaluated.
Click here to access Order No. 1880.
Click here to access the article in full.
Booklet on Distributed Micro and Mini-Generation published by EPE and MME
On June 25, 2024, the MME and EPE launched the Distributed Micro and Mini-Generation Booklet, as part of the studies for the Ten-Year Energy Expansion Plan 2034 (PDE 2034).
Given the opportunities within the current landscape, two simulations were carried out for the expansion of MMGD: a lower scenario and a higher scenario, which indicate an accumulated installed capacity of between 47 and 71 GW by 2034. According to the reference scenario, EPE expects 59 GW to be installed by 2034, serving more than 7 million consumer units. As for batteries, a number of applications for residential and commercial consumers were analyzed. What was concluded, from a strictly financial point of view, is that batteries could face challenges in becoming viable in the next decade.
Click here to access the article in full.
Click here to access the Booklet in full.
Auction Management System is established in the market
On June 28, 2024, the MME published Normative Ordinance No. 83/2024, establishing the Auction Management System (“SGL”). This tool, designed by the CCEE, will allow distribution agents to submit their demand statements for electricity auctions in the Regulated Contracting Environment (“ACR”).
Click here to access the article in full.
Click here to access Normative Ordinance No. 83.
Paraguay launches bid to sell energy on the Brazilian free market
On July 05, 2024, the Administración Nacional de Electricidad (“ANDE”), the entity responsible for the electricity sector of the Government of Paraguay, launched the “Licitaciones Públicas Internacionales Nº 2738/2024” bidding process, which aims to sell energy to the Brazilian free market, with the sale of 100 aMW of interruptible electricity, with flat power purchase agreements.
The bidding notice provides for the signing of power purchase agreements with a supply period of up to six years (minimum of one year). The energy will come from surplus generation at the Acaray hydroelectric plant and energy will be imported into the SIN from Itaipú Binacional.
Call for Contributions on strategic SIN facilities
Between May 29, 2024, and July 12, 2024, the Call for Contributions (“TS”) No. 009/2024, in the documentary exchange modality, was opened to obtain contributions on the implementation and adaptation of the Grid Procedures to the new criteria for classifying the SIN’s strategic facilities.
According to the ONS, the TS is justified because the application of the existing criteria for defining strategic facilities is highly complex, which makes them difficult to apply and reproduce, and brings volatility to the list of strategic facilities.
Click here to access TS nº 009/2024.
CP opened to discuss criteria and procedures for developing PMO, CMO and PLD
Between May 30, 2024, and July 14, 2024, CP No. 014/2024 was opened to obtain contributions to proposals to amend the ONS Network Procedures and the CCEE Trading Rules and Procedures, in order to establish the criteria and procedures for drawing up the Monthly Energy Operation Program (“PMO”), the Marginal Operation Cost (“CMO”) and the Difference Settlement Price (“PLD”), in accordance with the changes made to REN 1032/2022 by REN 1078/2023.
Click here to access CP No. 014/2024.
Procedure for including mini-generation projects in Reidi published
On June 05, 2024, Normative Ordinance No. 78/GM/MME/2024 (“Ordinance”) was published, establishing the procedures for the inclusion of distributed mini-generation projects in the Special Incentive Regime for Infrastructure Development (“Reidi”), under the terms of Article 28, sole paragraph of Law No. 14,300/2022 (Legal Framework for Distributed Generation).
The inclusion request must be made to the distribution company, according to the form that will be made available by ANEEL. After receiving the request, the distribution company must certify that the requirements of the ordinance have been met and then submit the result to ANEEL by the 10th business day of the month following the date of submission of the request. ANEEL will be responsible for analyzing the suitability of the inclusion request and forwarding it to the MME by the last business day of the month in which it receives the information, either recommending the inclusion or not.
The Ordinance applies to the inclusion of projects requested as of June 05, 2024. Inclusion requests submitted before the Ordinance’s publication will be returned in order to adapt to the new standards. In turn, requests that do not comply with the Ordinance will be rejected.
Click here to access Normative Ordinance No. 78/GM/MME.
BNDES signs billion-dollar agreements with Chinese banks to finance sustainable projects
On June 07, 2024, the Brazilian Development Bank (“BNDES”) signed agreements and letters of intent with the China Development Bank and the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank for financing sustainable projects.
The agreements aim to finance infrastructure and industry projects in Brazil, in the areas of electricity, manufacturing, agriculture, mining, water, climate change and green development.
Click here to access the article in full.
MME launches Public Call for Zero Energy Projects
On June 10, 2024, the MME’s National Secretary for Energy Transition and Planning announced a BRL 100 million Public Call for Zero Energy Projects in the Public Sector, as part of the National Electricity Conservation Program (“PROCEL”).
The initiative is scheduled for the second half of 2024 and aims to invest in the energy efficiency of existing public buildings through the installation of renewable distributed generation.
Click here to access the article in full.
Regulatory Framework for Green Hydrogen will be voted in Plenary
On June 12, 2024, the Special Committee on Green Hydrogen approved Bill No. 2308/2023, which establishes the regulatory framework for the production of hydrogen with low carbon emissions, as well as determining tax and financial incentives for the sector. The bill is now being analyzed by the Plenary.
The bill establishes rules and benefits with the aim of fostering the hydrogen fuel industry in Brazil, contributing to the decarbonization of the national energy matrix and creating a national low-carbon hydrogen policy.
Click here to access the article in full.
RenovaBio: ANP updates targets for distributors in 2024
On June 03, 2024, the ANP announced updated individual targets for reducing greenhouse gas emissions in 2024, which should be achieved by fuel distributors within the context of RenovaBio, the National Biofuels Policy.
The updated targets for 2024 include those that were not achieved in 2023, as provided for in paragraph 1, art. 10 of ANP Resolution No. 791, of 2019. The individual targets were based on the mandatory annual target of 38.78 million decarbonization credits (“CBIOS”) established for 2024 by CNPE Resolution No. 6, of November 29, 2023.
In order to establish individual targets, the ANP considers the market share of each fuel distributor trading fossil fuels, according to the methodology described in Article 6 of ANP Resolution No. 791, 2019. Subsequently, goals not achieved in the previous year are included. These targets by distributors through the retirement (removal from circulation) of CBIOs, in proportion to their goal. According to Decree No. 11,499, of April 25, 2023, the deadline for proving compliance with the 2024 targets is December 31, 2024.
Find out more in the ANP article.
Batteries may not be included in the next Capacity Reserve Auction
On June 03, 2024, during the CNN Talks event, Alexandre Silveira, Minister of Mines and Energy, discussed the possibility of including batteries in the next Capacity Reserve Auction. According to the Minister, there is a desire to include energy storage in this next auction.
However, he pointed out that there are still technological and regulatory challenges to be addressed, which depend on the prior manifestation of EPE, ANEEL and the Electric Sector Monitoring Committee (“CMSE”).
Senate approves the ‘Mover’ Program
On June 05, 2024, the Plenary of the Federal Senate approved the basic text of the Green Mobility and Innovation Program (“Mover Program”), initially established by MP No. 1,205/2023. The matter was forwarded to the House of Representatives, where it was also approved, with 380 votes in favor and only 26 against. The bill will now be submitted for presidential approval.
The Mover Program aims to stimulate investment in new technologies and increase the decarbonization requirements of the Brazilian automotive fleet.
Its innovations include:
- the program’s extension to buses and trucks, in addition to passenger vehicles;
- the mandatory adhesion of all vehicles sold in Brazil to the Vehicle Labeling Program;
- the higher or standard payment of the tax on industrialized goods (“IPI”), according to compliance with green requirements, such as recyclability and energy consumption;
- the granting of financial credits in proportion to investments in R&D; among others.
Click here to access the article in full.
São Paulo government launches financing mechanism for energy transition
On June 06, 2024, the Secretariat for the Environment, Infrastructure and Logistics (“SEMIL”) and the Secretariat for Economic Development (“SDE”) of the state government of São Paulo announced the Energy Efficiency Guarantee Fund (“FAEE”), which is a public policy aimed at providing guarantees for small and medium-sized companies based in the state of São Paulo to finance projects involving transition to clean energy sources, the reduction of energy consumption and technological modernization.
Click here to access the article in full.
MME opens BRL 100 million public call for energy-efficient public buildings
On June 10, 2024, the MME announced a BRL 100 million public call for Zero Energy (Energia Zero) initiatives in the public sector, as part of the National Energy Conservation Program (PROCEL).
Expected for the 2nd semester of 2024, the project aims to invest in the energy efficiency of existing buildings through reforms and the implementation of renewable distributed generation. Education, health, and administrative buildings at the federal, state, and municipal levels will be prioritized. Selected projects will be those that present the best strategies to improve the energy efficiency of the systems currently in use, together with the implementation of local renewable energy generation technologies integrated into the building.
Find out more in the MME article.
Brazilian Energy Balance highlights growth in supply for the energy mix and renewability
The 2024 Brazilian Energy Balance was published on June 18, 2024, highlighting a 3.6% increase in the total amount of available energy in Brazil compared to the 2023 results.
The report is developed by the Energy Research Office (EPE) in collaboration with the Ministry of Mines and Energy (MME), and reveals that the share of renewable sources in the Brazilian energy mix rose to 89.2%, marked by the maintenance of the hydraulic energy supply, the increase in wind and solar photovoltaic energy generation, and a decrease in generation from natural gas and oil derivatives.
The document also highlights that the significant growth in the supply of biomass and energy from wind and solar sources contributed to a 49.1% renewability increase in the Brazilian energy mix. This percentage is much higher than that observed in the rest of the world, which is about 14.7%.
In the final consumption, the increase in the mandatory blend of biodiesel in fossil diesel, as of April 2023, resulted in a remarkable growth of almost 20% in biodiesel consumption in Brazil. Electricity consumption also stood out with a 5.2% increase driven mainly by the residential sector, which had an increase of 14.1 TWh (+9.1%).
Find out more in the MME article.
Diversification of raw materials in biofuels: Corn ethanol production grows in Brazil
According to the 2024 Brazilian Energy Balance, developed by the Energy Research Office (EPE) in partnership with the MME, ethanol production from corn increased in the last year, representing 16% of total biofuel production, both for anhydrous and hydrated ethanol.
These data were released on June 18, 2024, and reflect ongoing efforts to diversify the energy mix in Brazil and increase the sustainability of the sector.
This change is the result of strategic investments and public policies aimed at developing renewable energy sources and increasing demand for biofuels in the national market. The growth in grain production, with the second crop being mainly dedicated to ethanol production, has contributed to this increase. Corn, as a raw material, offers significant advantages, including the possibility of production in regions that do not traditionally produce sugarcanes. In addition, given that it can be stored, corn ethanol can be produced throughout the entire year.
Find out more in the MME article.
Energy balance reveals that renewable energy reached 22.5% in the transport sector in 2023
On June 18, 2024, it was reported that the proportion of renewable energy in the transport sector, which is considered difficult to decarbonize, reached 22.5% in 2023.
These data are presented in the 2024 Brazilian Energy Balance, published by the Energy Research Office (EPE) in collaboration with the Ministry of Mines and Energy (MME).
In the last decade, renewable energy in the transport sector has increased by five percentage points. The energy balance highlights the growth in ethanol consumption, which increased by 6.3%, and biodiesel, which had an increase of 19.2% in 2023, compared to the previous year. In 2023, the mandatory addition of biodiesel to fossil diesel was 12% in volume (B12) as of April. According to the 2024 energy balance, the most used fuels in the transport sector are still diesel oil (43.4%), gasoline (27.8%), ethanol 0 (17.3%) and biodiesel (5.2%), followed by QAV (3.5%), natural gas (1.8%), and electricity and other types of oil (1%).
Find out more in the MME article.
Thermoelectric generation reduces almost 2% in the Brazilian energy mix
On June 18, 2024, the 2024 Brazilian Energy Balance was published, highlighting a reduction in the consumption of natural gas (-7.9%) and oil derivatives (-14.4%) in the Brazilian energy mix, and an increase in the use of biodiesel of almost 20%.
This can be attributed to increasing the mineral diesel mixture to 12% (B12) as of April 2023.
Thermoelectric generation, in turn, decreased by almost two percentage points in the Brazilian energy mix, representing 19.2% in 2023. Biomass showed the largest share in electricity generation in thermal plants, reaching 42.6% in 2023. Other sources of thermoelectric generation included natural gas (28.4%), nuclear gas (10.7%), coal and derivatives (10.4%) and oil derivatives (7.9%).
Bioelectricity was composed mainly of sugarcane bagasse (63.3%) and black liquor (26.1%) in 2023, maintaining the 8.2% participation in the total electricity generation, according to the energy balance. This type of generation peaked in 2020, when it reached 58,742 GWh, but maintained an elevated level in 2023, with 57,825 GWh.
Find out more in the MME article.
Petrobras Contracting | EPC for installation of remaining sections to be built involving the OCERJ oil pipeline | July 29, 2024
12:00 PM |
7004257557 |
Petrobras Contracting | Chartering and Operation Services of FPSO – Barracuda and Caratinga Revit | August 30, 2024
12:00 PM |
7004050042 |
Petrobras Contracting | Chartering up to 12 PSV vessels – Platform Supply Vessel, of Brazilian Flag. | August 16, 2024
05:00 PM |
7004265988 |
Petrobras Contracting | PSV – Chartering up to 2 vessels | July 22, 2024
05:00 PM |
7004270127 |
Petrobras Contracting | Chartering of helicopters to assist Petrobras, regarding LOTS A, B, C, D, E, F, G and H | July 23, 2024
12:00 PM |
7004267235 |
Petrobras Contracting | Chartering of helicopters to assist Petrobras, regarding LOTS A, B, C, D, E, F, G and H | July 22, 2024
12:00 PM |
7004267238 |
Petrobras Contracting | Chartering of two helicopters for UN-AM | July 24, 2024
12:00 PM |
7004267017 |
Petrobras Contracting | EPC HIDW AND HCC GASLUB | October 21, 2024
12:00 PM |
7004269219 |
Petrobras Contracting | EPC HDT, UTAA and UTCR GASLUB | October 21, 2024
12:00 PM |
7004269577 |
Petrobras Contracting | EPC UGH GASLUB | October 21, 2024
12:00 PM |
7004269429 |
Petrobras Contracting | EPC URE, MDEA, AMMONIA AND TAIL GAS GASLUB | October 21, 2024
12:00 PM |
7004269503 |
Petrobras Contracting | Charter of medium-sized helicopters serving as ambulance – LOT G – SUBLOTS 1 and 2. | July 23, 2024
12:00 PM |
7004267281 |
Petrobras Contracting | Charter of Large Helicopters for the Equator Margin Campaign – LOT H. | July 18, 2024
12:00 PM |
7004267355 |
Petrobras Contracting | Chartering of helicopters to assist Petrobras – LOTS K and L. | July 26, 2024
12:00 PM |
7004267356 |
Petrobras Contracting | Chartering of helicopters to assist Pool Petrobras – LOT N. | August 5, 2024
12:00 PM |
7004267359 |
Petrobras Contracting | Chartering of two helicopters for UN-AM- Lot 2 | July 24, 2024
14:30 PM |
7004271888 |
Petrobras Contracting | Acquisition of FPSO CDAN Performance Basket and Offshore Tank Rental by Global Contract. | July 30, 2024
05:00 PM |
7004273990 |
Petrobras Contracting | Chartering up to 2 vessels | August 19, 2024
12:00 PM |
7004277659 |
Petrobras Contracting | FSC – Chartering up to 7 vessels | July 24, 2024
05:00 PM |
7004284409 |
Petrobras Contracting | AHTS – Chartering up to 3 vessels | July 23, 2024
05:00 PM |
7004269811 |
Petrobras Contracting | Chartering of up to 4 FSV – Fast Supply Vessels | July 31, 2024
12:00 PM |
7004288356 |
Petrobras Contracting | Chartering of 5 vessels type LH 2500 | August 1, 2024
12:00 PM |
7004289829 |
** Please note that the deadlines in the table above are constantly changing and correspond to the deadlines disclosed at the time of publication of this newsletter.
July/2024 – Auction for Contracting Capacity Reserve
To be held by ANEEL. |
August/2024 – New Energy Auctions “A-4” and “A-6”
To be held by ANEEL. |
September/2024 – Transmission Auction 002/2024
To be held by ANEEL. |
October/2024 – Auction for the Supply of Isolated Systems
To be held by ANEEL. |
November/2024 – Auction for Contracting Capacity Reserve
To be held by ANEEL. |
December/2024 – Existing Energy Auctions “A-1” and “A-2″
To be held by ANEEL. |
July/2025 – Auction for Contracting Capacity Reserve
To be held by ANEEL. |
March/2025 – Transmission Auction 001/2025
To be held by ANEEL. |
August/2025 – New Energy Auctions “A-4” and “A-6”
To be held by ANEEL. |
September/2025 – Transmission Auction 002/2025
To be held by ANEEL. |
October/2025 – Auction for the Supply of Isolated Systems
To be held by ANEEL. |
November/2025 – Auction for Contracting Capacity Reserve
To be held by ANEEL. |
December/2025 – Existing Energy Auctions “A-1” and “A-2″
To be held by ANEEL. |
March/2026 – Transmission Auction 001/2026
To be held by ANEEL. |
September/2026 – Transmission Auction 002/2026
To be held by ANEEL. |
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