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Energy Newsletter | September 2024

October 15th, 2024

In order to keep our clients informed about the current landscape of the main energy and natural resources sectors in Brazil, we have prepared the Energy Newsletter, a monthly bulletin with the main news of the energy market.

This information channel is the result of the collaboration between our “Oil & Gas” and “Energy” teams.

The newsletter was designed within the context of the energy transition that is being targeted in Brazil, and drafted as a complete source of information about the dynamic Brazilian energy market within the oil, natural gas, electricity and renewable energy sectors.

Enjoy reading!

This newsletter is for informative purposes only and does not constitute legal advice for any specific operation or business. For more information, please contact our legal team.

Oil and Gas


Investments of approximately BRL 10 billion expected for 2024 in E&P contracts

On September 02, 2024, the National Agency for Petroleum, Natural Gas and Biofuels (“ANP”) published the 2023 Annual Exploration Report, detailing the performance of the oil and natural gas exploration segment in Brazil from 2016 to 2023. The document also addresses the investments expected for the exploration phase from 2024 to 2027, based on the 2024 exploratory work plans (“PTEs”) submitted to the ANP by the companies holding E&P contracts.

According to the agency’s report, BRL 18.31 billion in investments in E&P contracts are expected for 2024-2027. Most of the investments (approximately BRL 9.97 billion) are expected to be allocated in 2024, followed by BRL 7.64 billion in 2025 and BRL 701 million in 2026 and 2027.

From 2024 to 2027, 88% of the investments will be allocated to drilling wells, totaling BRL 16.04 billion. The remaining 12% (BRL 2.27 billion) will be distributed between pit testing (3%), exclusive geophysical surveys (1%), and non-exclusive geophysical surveys (1%). In 2024, of BRL 9.97 billion expected, BRL 9.50 billion will be allocated to the maritime environment, of which BRL 8.50 billion will be allocated for drilling wells. As for the terrestrial environment, BRL 470 million are expected in investments.

Learn more: Investments in the exploration phase of E&P contracts can reach approximately 10 billion in 2024 | ANP


ANP holds public hearing on Concession Open Acreage Tender Protocol

On September 03, 2024, the ANP held Public Hearing No. 02/2024, regarding the revision of the draft Tender Protocol and the draft concession contracts involving blocks and an area with marginal accumulations under the Concession Open Acreage (“OPC”).

Among the key improvements expected, we highlight:

  • Adjustments resulting from the change of local content guidelines provided for in Resolution No. 11/2023 of the National Energy Policy Council (“CNPE”);
  • Adjustments resulting from the ANP Resolution No. 969/2024, regulating the bidding procedures for awarding exploration, rehabilitation, and production activities involving oil and natural gas under concession and production sharing regimes.
  • Update of guarantee insurance models arising from Public Consultation and Public Hearing No. 01/2024;
  • Exemption from payment of the participation fee and the data sample;
  • Option for bidders to submit bid guarantees without a declaration of interest;
  • Fixed minimum subscription bonuses established for blocks in mature and new frontier land basins;
  • Block extension adjustment due to the application of new criteria for selecting areas considering more comprehensive socio-environmental criteria;
  • Minimum cycle of 120 days and maximum of 180 days established.

After social contribution and approval of the final version by the ANP’s Board, the Tender Protocol and the contract templates will be assessed by the Brazilian Federal Audit Court (“TCU”) within 90 days. Due to these legal deadlines, publishing new notices is expected to be held in early 2025.

Learn more: Concession Open Acreage (“OPC”): ANP holds public hearing regarding notice review | ANP


Number of contracted blocks in the exploration phase escalate by 70%

On September 05, 2024, the ANP announced a 70% increase in the number of contracted blocks in the exploration phase compared to May 2024, totaling 426 blocks. This is the largest number of areas in exploration since the ANP’s creation, in 1998.

The key factor for such an increase was the execution of 177 contracts by the end of August 2024. In May 2024, 251 blocks were contracted, which represents a substantial increase.   The Potiguar land basin stands out with 151 contracted blocks, while the Pelotas basin became the maritime basin with the largest number of contracted blocks – 41 contracts executed.

Learn more: Number of contracted blocks in the exploration phase grows by 70%| ANP


Production Sharing Open Acreage: ANP approves Tender Protocol and contract templates

On September 05, 2024, the ANP approved the tender protocol and contract templatesunder the Production Sharing Open Acreage (“OPP”), in which 14 blocks located in the Pre-Salt Polygon will be subjected to the bidding procedure. The documents will be further submitted for approval by the Ministry of Mines and Energy (“MME”) and will undergo both a public consultation and a public hearing. However, some improvements have already been addressed:

  • Adjustments resulting from the change of local content guidelines established in CNPE Resolution No. 11/2023;
  • Adjustments resulting from ANP Resolution No. 969/2024, regulating the bidding procedures for awarding exploration, rehabilitation, and production activities involving oil and natural gas under concession and production sharing regimes.
  • Update of guarantee insurance models arising from Public Consultation and Public Hearing No. 01/2024;
  • Change in the system for complying with the minimum exploratory program (“PEM”), which no longer requires the drilling of an exploratory well, but establishes the possibility of carrying out 3D seismic and 3D seismic reprocessing activities;
  • Exemption from payment of the participation fee and the data sample;
  • Option for bidders to submit bid guarantees without a declaration of interest;
  • Bid guarantee in physical or digital format;
  • Cycle length: from 120 days to 180 days;
  • Reversal of the qualification phase, which will occur after the public session;
  • Improvements in “Annex VI – Procedures for Calculating Oil Cost and Surplus” and “Annex IX – Consortium Regulations”; and
  • Inclusion of provisions to incorporate new industry practices aimed at reducing greenhouse gas emissions.

The blocks to be placed on offer are listed as follows: Ágata; Esmeralda; Jade; Turmalina; Ametista; Amazonita; Citrino; Itaimbezinho; Jaspe; Larimar; Mogno; Ônix; Safira Leste; and Safira Oeste. Among them, Petrobras has expressed its interest in exercising its preemption right for the Jaspe block, with a percentage of 40%.

Learn more: Production Sharing Open Acreage (OPP): ANP approves Tender Protocol and contract templetes for bidding blocks in the Pre-salt | ANP



ANP publishes oil and gas production data for July 2024

On September 03, 2024, the ANP published the Monthly Newsletter of Oil and Natural Gas Production for July 2024, which provides for the consolidated data regarding Brazilian production in the referred month. The overall production, which includes oil and natural gas, accounted for 4.181 million barrels of oil equivalent per day (boe/d). Oil production reached 3.230 million barrels per day (bbl/d), representing a reduction of 5.3% compared to the previous month and 8.1% compared to July 2023. As for natural gas, 151.28 million cubic meters per day (m³/d) were produced, with an increase of 0.8% compared to June 2024 and a drop of 1.8% compared to July 2023.

The Pre-salt total production for July reached 3.282 million boe/d, corresponding to 78.5% of the Brazilian production. These figures indicate a drop of 4.2% compared to the previous month and a 2.3% drop compared to July 2023. According to the ANP, 2.558 million barrels of oil per day (bbl/d) and 115.12 million m³/d of natural gas per day were produced from 148 wells. In July 2024, the percentage of natural gas used was 97.8%. Of this percentage, 50.54 million m³/d were supplied to the market and 3.38 million m³/d were used in flaring. There was a 10.7% increase in flaring compared to the previous month and a 21% drop compared to July 2023.

Maritime fields accounted for 97.5% of oil production and 83.9% of natural gas production. Petrobras’s fields, operated alone or in consortium with other companies, represented 89.22% of the total produced. The number of producing wells was 6,416, of which 514 are offshore and 5,902 are onshore.

Learn more: ANP publishes consolidated oil and gas production figures for July


ANP approves consultation and public hearing on digital well data

On September 05, 2024, the ANP’s Board approved holding a 45-day public consultation and public hearing to discuss modernizing Resolution No. 880/2022, which regulates the supply of digital well data by operating companies. According to the agency, the objective of such a review is to simplify and improve the processes involved.

The proposed review seeks to provide more transparency about the types of well data and formats expected by the ANP, as well as a digital profile model to clarify the requirements. It is also aimed at providing the requirements with more flexibility regarding the curves of the processed digital profile, the geological monitoring profiles and the composite profile to be required only for exploratory wells, thus optimizing the data submission and quality control processes. The proposals aim to streamline the regulatory process and further align it with the best practices observed in the sector.

Learn more: ANP to hold public consultation and hearing for improving resolutions on digital well data | ANP



ANP’s 2025-2026 Regulatory Agenda to undergo prior consultation

On September 05, 2024, the ANP’s Board approved a 45-day prior consultation (Prior Consultation No. 2/2024) regarding its 2025-2026 Regulatory Agenda.

As informed by the agency, approximately 70 activities will be subject to consultation, divided into five thematic platforms: (i) exploration and production; (ii) handling of oil, derivatives, natural gas, and biofuels; (iii) production of derivatives, natural gas, and biofuels; (iv) supply, inspection, and product quality; and (v) cross-sectional.

The contributions received will be assessed and used to improve the ANP’s regulatory planning.

Learn more: ANP’s 2025-2026 Regulatory Agenda to be submitted to prior consultation | ANP



ANP confirms understanding regarding orphan wells

On September 05, 2024, the ANP restated its position regarding the responsibility for the abandoning of wells in existing fields and blocks prior to the creation of the ANP, known as “orphan wells”. The decision was approved at a meeting held on May 29, 2024. According to the agency, adequate abandonment involves isolation activities, in compliance with the industry’s best practices, to mitigate risks to the integrity of wells and preserve the environment.

Petrobras, which is operator of all contracts for that period, will be responsible for the correct abandonment of the drilled wells. Thus, compensation for the costs involved is not possible. This applies both to contracts in force and to contracts already terminated.

At a meeting held on August 22, 2024, the ANP’s Board analyzed Petrobras’ requests for reconsideration as to the orphan wells located in Alagoas (wells 1-PBA-1-AL, 3-PIA-23-AL, and 1-RSL-1-AL), in São Paulo (well 2-PE-1-SP), as well as in the area of Lençóis Maranhenses National Park and its buffer zone. The directors rejected the request and maintained Petrobras’ responsibility for properly abandoning these wells.

At the meeting held on September 05, 2024, based on legal opinions from the Brazilian Office of the Attorney General (“PGF”) in collaboration with the ANP—establishing the application of this understanding to other wells in similar situations—the board rejected Petrobras’ requests involving the orphan wells located in the Morro do Barro and Iraí fields, both of which are located in Bahia.

Learn more: ANP maintains understanding regarding orphan wells | ANP



ANP publishes shapefiles of the Brazilian sedimentary basin sectors

On September 23, 2024, the ANP published shapefiles from the sectors of all Brazilian sedimentary basins. Using the classification of exploratory models of Technical Note No. 08/2022/SAG/ANP, the basins were classified as “mature,” “new frontier,” or “highly potential.”

The basins classified as “mature” are those in an advanced stage of exploration and production, already operating with known oil systems. The “new frontier” basins are those at an early stage of knowledge, with few wells drilled so far, no production or limited production. Finally, the “highly potential” basins are those with great potential for oil and natural gas exploration.

The publishing of the shapefiles is fundamental to providing more clarity regarding the technical data defined by the ANP, which can be used to study the potential of the Brazilian sedimentary basins.

Learn more: ANP provides shapefiles of the Brazilian sedimentary basin sectors | ANP





ANEEL approves operationalization of the Demand Response Program regulatory sandbox

The “demand response” is an important regulatory instrument aimed at optimizing the operating costs of the electricity system. This program involves the participation of large energy consumers who receive financial compensation by voluntarily reducing their demand. This initiative contributes to low tariffs, system reliability and the optimization of energy resources.

This measure took another step forward in September: on September 10, 2024, the National Electric Energy Agency (“ANEEL”) approved the operationalization of the new program on an experimental basis (sandbox), effective from October 01, 2024, to December 31, 2026.

The sandbox will allow the contracting of demand reduction offers for four months, with four monthly activations, of four hours each, in the North, Northeast, South and Southeast regions. Offers may vary from 5 MW to 100 MW per submarket. This project aims to test the feasibility of product availability, in which consumers will inform the National Electric System Operator (“ONS”) on a weekly basis how much they are willing to reduce in terms of consumption in the following week, for how long, and the amount charged for this reduction.

Allowing major consumers to manage their electricity use and be compensated for it is an important step towards a more dynamic and resilient energy market. In addition, the adoption of regulatory sandboxes demonstrates ANEEL’s willingness to foster innovation and adapt to the sector’s current needs, creating an environment conducive to the development of sustainable and technological solutions.

Access the article in full.



Electricity market opening: new developments

Migration record

According to information released by the Chamber of Electric Energy Commercialization (“CCEE”), more than 16,000 migrations to the free energy market have been registered since January 2024. Just over 72% of these consumers are small and medium-sized businesses, such as firms, bakeries, drugstores, etc., which have joined the market to purchase energy through a retailer.

The following table shows the number of migrations throughout the year:

Source: CCEE


ANEEL and the Economic Concentration Analysis

Between August 19, 2024, and October 18, 2024, Call for Contributions No. 14/2024 was launched to obtain contributions relating to antitrust and economic concentration in the migration of consumers to the free energy market.

One of ANEEL’s concerns is the significant migration of retail consumers, who are diverse regarding their level of consumption, need for representation, sector experience and identification of risks associated with energy contracting.

ANEEL identified the need for intervention due to evidence of non-compliance with regulatory deadlines to allow migrations to the free market, delay or lack of communication, abuse of power, unnecessary document requirements, among others.

Consequently, the agency is looking for alternatives to regulating, monitoring, and inspecting retail traders from the distributors’ same economic group.

Measures taken by SENACON

In line with the previous topic, on September 18, 2024, the National Consumer Secretariat (“SENACON”) notified 105 energy distributors and their affiliates to provide clarifications on the shared use of restricted data with companies in the same economic group, as well as on reports regarding non-compliance with regulatory deadlines and the imposition of unreasonable requirements on consumers in the process of migrating to the free market. This measure will help identify any abuse of power by distributors as the market opens.  

TCU and Analysis of the Opening Process

On September 11, 2024, the Federal Court of Accounts (“TCU”) analyzed the process of opening of the free market to Group “A” consumers. The audit identified a number of weaknesses in the process, such as:

(i) lack of prior regulatory discussion on important topics for opening up the market;

(ii) risks relating to competition and market efficiency in retail marketing, consumer protection and the processing of their data;

(iii) the financial impact on the Regulated Contracting Environment (“ACR”) resulting from migrations to the free market.

The TCU ruling ordered the Ministry of Mines and Energy (“MME”) and ANEEL to develop an action plan and assess the weaknesses identified.

Access the CCEE article in full.

Access Call for Contributions No. 14/2024 in full.

Access the TCU ruling in full.

Access the article on the SENACON in full.



Renewables and other Energy Sources 


ANP drafts report on the Legal Framework for Low-carbon Hydrogen

On September 05, 2024, the ANP’s board approved the “Report on the Implementation of the Regulatory Framework for Low-Carbon Hydrogen in Brazil”, drafted by the Working Group created in 2022 by the ANP to discuss this matter.

The report in question lists significant technical elements, the regulatory strategy the ANP will adopt regarding low-carbon hydrogen, the importance of this product, and the challenges connected with its use. The document also includes examples of policies and actions taken in other countries, which can serve as a subsidy for future ANP regulatory decisions.

The study also provides a mapping of the regulatory demands, an analysis of the possibility of using the regulations in force, as well as new measures that will be necessary, in addition to indicating the technical areas involved, according to the ANP’s organizational structure and its current internal bylaws.

Finally, the document provides recommendations to ANP’s Collegiate Board, including the need to train its employees and provide more funds for instructing the agency towards absorbing the new attributions addressed by the regulation governing low-carbon hydrogen. In addition, the need to resize the workforce was reinforced, seeking to reconcile the number of civil servants in the numerous sectors of the ANP with the regulation of activities involving the hydrogen industry. This cross-sectional topic covers practically the entire agency.

Learn more: ANP drafts a report on the Legal Framework for Low-Carbon Hydrogen |ANP


“Fuel of the Future” Law sanctioned

On October 08, 2024, Law No. 14,993/2024, which originated from Bill No. 528/2020 (known as the “Fuel of the Future” Bill), was sanctioned. The new law creates national programs to encourage the use of renewable fuels, provides for CO2 capture and storage activities, establishes measures to promote decarbonization, and changes the percentages of ethanol and biodiesel blended into gasoline and diesel, respectively.

Access our client alert on the “Fuel of the Future” Law.


MME opens public consultation on “battery auction” to be held in 2025

On September 27, 2024, Public Consultation (“CP”) No. 176/2024 was opened to obtain contributions from interested parties to the guidelines for the Capacity Reserve Auction in the form of Power, through storage systems, to be held in June, 2025 (“LRCAP Storage 2025”).

The guidelines are provided for in GM/MME Ordinance No. 812/2024. The following premises stand out:

  • In the 2025 Storage LRCAP, the Storage Power Product will be negotiated with a supply term of 10 years, starting on July 01, 2029;
  • The delivery commitment will consist of the availability of power, in MW, in which new energy storage systems using batteries will be able to participate, as defined by the ONS;
  • Based on the availability of the contracted power, the holder of the project will be entitled to fixed revenue, in BRL/year, to be paid in 12 monthly installments;
  • ANEEL will draw up the public notice and the respective Capacity Reserve Power Agreements (“CRCAPs”), in addition to adjusting the form of contracting the use of the Transmission System in the Transmission Rules for the purposes of calculating transmission use services and charges;
  • The energy used in charging and injected by battery energy storage systems will be settled on the Short-Term Market (MCP) at the Difference Settlement Price (PLD); and
  • CRCAPs must establish that battery storage systems provide ancillary services.

The incorporation of energy storage systems into Brazil’s energy matrix will be increasingly important for planning the electricity sector, which will be able to rely on their immediate response capacity, operational flexibility and location.

These storage systems are desired for a number of uses in the Brazilian electricity sector, including providing capacity to meet peak demand. In addition, electricity storage using batteries is already widely used in several countries for different purposes, such as providing ancillary services.

This topic was widely discussed within the scope of Public Consultation No. 160/2024, which addressed the Capacity Reserve Auction in the form of Power. While this new technology was not included in that auction based on the opinion that there was a regulatory gap, the opening of Public Consultation No. 176/2024 is expected to ensure the correct approach to the topic, meeting the wishes of entrepreneurs to explore this product in the electricity sector.

Interested parties can submit contributions to CP No. 176/2024 by October 28, 2024.

Access GM/MME Ordinance No. 812/2024.

Access CP No. 176/2024.


Low-Carbon Hydrogen Development Program established by law

On September 30, 2024, Law No. 14,990/2024 was published, establishing the Low-Carbon Hydrogen Development Program (“PHBC”), seeking to provide a source of funds for the energy transition based on the use of low-carbon hydrogen.

The PHBC was already provided for in Law No. 14,948/2024 (“Legal Framework for Low-Carbon Hydrogen”) as an instrument of the National Low-Carbon Hydrogen Policy, but the respective legal provisions were vetoed on that occasion.

As a result, Law No. 14.990/2024 addresses the PHBC and establishes that the program must grant tax credits to producers and buyers of low-carbon hydrogen and its derivatives produced within Brazilian territory, through a competitive procedure that is yet to be regulated. Between 2028 and 2032, the tax credits will be limited to the global amounts for each calendar year, which vary between BRL 1.7 billion (2028) and BRL 5 billion (2032), and must be provided for in an annual budget law.

Access Law No. 14,990/2024 in full.




Electromobility: PDE’s 2034 Agenda lists numerous possibilities for the low-carbon economy

On August 29, 2024, the Electromobility Agenda of the 2034 Decennial Energy Expansion Plan (“PDE”) was published by the MME in collaboration with the Energy Research Office (“EPE”). The document explores the domestic and international contexts of the sector and outlines the perspectives for electrifying light and heavy vehicles in Brazil.

The publication highlights electromobility as a viable solution for decarbonizing road transport in Brazil. Over the next decade, a significant increase in the fleet of electrified vehicles is expected, with the replacement of more than 28.6 billion liters of equivalent gasoline in light vehicles, as well as 6.3 billion and 2.0 billion liters of diesel oil in buses and trucks, respectively.

MME’s minister, Alexandre Silveira, emphasized the importance of diversifying energy sources and technologies towards the energy transition in the sector. Silveira stated that the way forward is combining biofuels with electrification and energy efficiency.

Among the challenges electromobility faces are the elevated prices of vehicles, the need to expand the charging infrastructure, and the profile of the local industry, which currently focuses on hybrids. This results in greater access for electrified vehicles to the premium market, which is mainly accessible to higher-income consumers.

In addition, the document indicates several opportunities for a low-carbon economy in Brazil and further highlights the potential in bioenergy and hydroelectric power production, as well as significant prospects for solar and wind generation. In this landscape, electromobility stands out as a crucial alternative to reducing emissions in road transport.

Learn more: Electromobility: PDE’s 2034 Agenda indicates several possibilities for the low-carbon economy | MME



MME opens public consultation on RenovaBio’s emission reduction targets for 2025-2034

On September 20, 2024, the MME  initiated a public consultation to discuss the annual greenhouse gas emission reduction targets connected with selling fuels from 2025 to 2034, as provided for in the National Biofuels Policy (“RenovaBio”). The deadline for submission of contributions ended on October 04, 2024.

The consultation addresses several aspects, including a Regulatory Impact Analysis (“AIR”) of RenovaBio’s targets for 2025-2034. One of the main topics to be discussed is the global target of 40.39 million decarbonization credits (“CBIOs”) for 2025, which will be allocated among distributors. The targets for subsequent years, from 2026 to 2034, – including their tolerance margins – will also be analyzed. The AIR and the targets under consultation were approved by the RenovaBio Committee, which is responsible for the technical part of the policy. After collecting and analyzing the contributions during the public consultation mentioned, the RenovaBio Committee will submit its recommendations to the CNPE for further approval.

Learn more: MME opens public consultation on RenovaBio’s emission reduction targets for 2025-2034 |MME




Brazil and India publish joint statement to foster cooperation in the energy and mining sector

On September 21, 2024, the MME published a joint statement executed by Brazil and India, restating collaboration in the fields of energy and mining. The publication follows the official visit of India’s Minister of Oil and Natural Gas, Hardeep Singh Puri, and highlights the growing bilateral relationship and commitment to addressing the global challenges involving energy and sustainability.

The document highlights that Brazil and India are commercial partners that work on numerous fronts, such as commerce, technology, and energy. The cooperation mentioned above has intensified in recent years primarily in the energy sector, and Brazil has become one of the key investment destinations of Indian companies operating in the oil and gas market.

As founding members of the Global Biofuels Alliance (GBA), both countries restated the group’s importance in promoting biofuels as an essential element of the global energy transition, contributing to environmental sustainability and socioeconomic growth. In addition, the statement mentions the commitment to initiate discussions on cooperation in topics such as critical minerals and their value chains.

Learn more: Brazil and India publish joint statement to foster cooperation in the energy and mining sector | MME


Brazil’s ethanol supply projected at 48 billion liters by 2034

On September 23, 2024, the MME and the EPE published projected figures regarding Brazil’s ethanol supply. These projections indicate that Brazil’s ethanol supply can reach 48 billion liters by 2034, representing an annual growth of 3.8% compared to 2022.

The demand for ethanol fuel over the next ten years is estimated at 45 billion liters, thus maintaining a positive balance over this period. The study also highlights a technical potential for energy injection into the electricity grid from sugarcane bagasse, which can reach an average of 5.8 GW by 2034, with the possibility of increasing by including straws and tips.

In addition, the publication provides estimates on bioelectricity from sugarcane, biogas, biodiesel, green diesel, sustainable aviation fuels (SAF), and alternative fuels for the maritime sector. The production of biogas from sugarcane residues, such as stillage and filter cake, can reach 6.4 billion Nm³, which, if purified, yields 3.5 billion Nm³ of biomethane – an amount sufficient to meet 17% of the natural gas demand in 2024.

In turn, the projections for biodiesel consider the percentage of addition to diesel-B, according to the current legislation, with a total demand of 13.6 billion liters at the end of the study period. Soybean oil remains the key raw material.

Learn more: Ethanol supply in Brazil can reach 48 billion liters, according to projection | MME


MME announces public consultation with unprecedented regulations on thermal plants for optimizing power generation in Brazil

On September 27, 2024, the MME opened a public consultation through GM/MME Ordinance No. 810. The objective is to provide more flexibility to the operation of thermal plants, aiming to allow them to promptly meet the demand for electricity at peak times. Contributions were submitted until October 07, 2024.

The MME proposal establishes a new operational dynamic until March 31, 2025, allowing the supply of power products without affecting the existing contracts. Such flexibility broadens the options available for the National Electric System Operator (“ONS”), which can competitively leverage resources, prioritizing affordable tariffs and system security.

The MME initiative also welcomes contributions from society, aiming to discuss and improve such proposal. Public contribution is essential to ensure that the measure meets the demands of the Brazilian electricity sector and provides concrete benefits to consumers, such as reducing energy costs and strengthening system security. Thus, the MME restates its commitment to modernizing and providing efficiency to the electric sector in Brazil, seeking innovative solutions to meet future challenges.

Learn more: MME initiates public consultation with unprecedented regulations for thermal power plants to optimize power generation in Brazil | MME



Petrobras Contracting Chartering ROV Support Vessels with the provision of Specialized Technical Services November 11, 2024

05:00 PM

Petrobras Contracting Chartering Anchor Handling Tug Supply (“AHTS”) vessels with the provision of Specialized Technical Services November 18, 2024

05:00 PM

Petrobras Contracting Chartering up to ten oil spill response vessel (“OSRV”) October 31, 2024

05:00 PM

Petrobras Contracting EPC HIDW AND HCC GASLUB January 20, 2025

12:00 PM

Petrobras Contracting EPC HDT, UTAA and UTCR GASLUB January 20, 2025

12:00 PM

Petrobras Contracting EPC UGH GASLUB December 23, 2024

12:00 PM

Petrobras Contracting EPC URE, MDEA, AMMONIA AND TAIL GAS GASLUB January 20, 2025

12:00 PM

Petrobras Contracting Chartering of helicopters to assist Petrobras – LOTS K and L October 15, 2024

05:00 PM

Petrobras Contracting Time chartering for up to two self-elevating and self-propelled vessels October 21, 2024

05:00 PM

Petrobras Contracting EPCS for completion of the remainder February 17, 2025

12:00 PM

Petrobras Contracting EPC URE, MDEA, AMMONIA AND TAIL GAS GASLUB January 20, 2025

12:00 PM

Petrobras Contracting Chartering of RSV vessel and Specialized Technical Services November 29, 2024

12:00 PM

Call for Contributions (ANEEL)    
Call for Contributions 019/2024 Obtain contributions to validate versions 31.27 of the Decomp model and 29.4.1 of the Newave model. November 04, 2024
Call for Contributions 017/2024 Obtain contributions for improving the CCEE Trading Rule to be used for calculating the operating restriction due to constrained-off of photovoltaic plants with energy traded through Energy Trading Contracts in the Regulated Environment (CCEAR) for availability and Reserve Energy Contracts (CER). October 21, 2024
Call for Contributions 014/2024 Evaluation of possible measures to improve the regulatory framework, monitoring and inspection of issues involving competition aspects in the retail electricity market. October 18, 2024
Call for Contributions 013/2024 Improvement of the “Evaluation of regulatory models for the implementation of smart measurement systems in the Brazilian distribution system” study within the scope of activity “TRV23-07 – Evaluation of measurement systems for energy transition and modernization in the distribution segment”, which is part of ANEEL’s 2024-2025 Regulatory Agenda. November 12, 2024
Public Consultations (MME)
Consultation No. 172/2024 Guidelines for the import of interruptible power with no return, from the Republic of Paraguay, considering the existing guidelines in Normative Ordinance No. 60 of 2022. October 09, 2024
Consultation No. 176/2024 Guidelines for the 2025 Capacity Reserve Auction in the form of Power, through storage systems. October 28, 2024
Public Consultations (ANEEL)
Consultation No. 019/2024 Amendment to Normative Resolution No. 1,000, of November 07, 2021, as a result of Constitutional Amendment No. 132, of December 20, 2023, which amended art. 149-A of the Federal Constitution. October 21, 2024
Consultation No. 018/2024 Incorporation into Submodule 9.4 of the Tariff Regulation Procedures (“PRORET”) of the criteria for allocating the connection points of the accessors to the National Interconnected System (“SIN”) submarkets to form the database for calculating the Tariffs on the Use of Transition Systems (“TUST”). October 14, 2024


** Please note that the deadlines in the table above are constantly changing, so the information mentioned above corresponds to deadlines published at the time of publication of this newsletter.



October/2024 – Auction for the Supply of Isolated Systems

To be held by ANEEL.

November/2024 – Auction for Contracting Capacity Reserve

To be held by ANEEL.

December 06, 2024 – Existing Energy Auctions “A-1”, “A-2” and “A-3″

To be held by ANEEL.

Access the public consultation on the auction

June/2025 – Auction for Contracting Reserve Capacity in the Form of Power, through Storage Systems

To be held by ANEEL.

Access the public consultation on the topic

March/2025 – Transmission Auction 001/2025

To be held by ANEEL.

August/2025 – New Energy Auctions “A-4” and “A-6”

To be held by ANEEL.

September/2025 – Transmission Auction 002/2025

To be held by ANEEL.

October/2025 – Auction for the Supply of Isolated Systems

To be held by ANEEL.

November/2025 – Auction for Contracting Capacity Reserve

To be held by ANEEL.

December/2025 – Existing Energy Auctions “A-1” and “A-2″

To be held by ANEEL.

March/2026 – Transmission Auction 001/2026

To be held by ANEEL.

September/2026 – Transmission Auction 002/2026

To be held by ANEEL.


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