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Energy Newsletter | No 14 -September 2023

October 17th, 2023

In order to keep our clients informed about the current landscape of the main energy and natural resources sectors in Brazil, we have prepared the Energy Newsletter, a monthly bulletin with the main news of the energy market.

This information channel is the result of the collaboration between our “Oil & Gas” and “Energy” teams.

The newsletter was designed within the context of the energy transition that is being targeted in Brazil, and drafted as a complete source of information about the dynamic Brazilian energy market within the oil, natural gas, electricity and renewable energy sectors.

Enjoy reading!

This newsletter is for informative purposes only and does not constitute legal advice for any specific operation or business. For more information, please contact our team of lawyers.

Oil and Gas


ANP decides on own workforce expenses for local content compliance purposes

The collegiate board of the Brazilian National Agency of Petroleum, Natural Gas and Biofuels (“ANP”) dismissed the administrative appeal filed by Petrobras, regarding the use of its own workforce expenses to fulfill commitments relating to local content established in the Conduct Adjustment Commitment (“TAC”).

TACs are executed as a result of non-compliance with the local content clause in extinct oil exploration and production contracts, or those with closed phases, as provided for in ANP Resolution No. 848/2021. The intention is to encourage companies to commit to making new investments in local content instead of paying the fine, thus stimulating the Brazilian industry.

At the time, the collegiate board confirmed the lower court’s position and determined that the decision regarding Petrobras’ appeal should be applied to all TACs executed under ANP Resolution No. 848/2021.

In addition, the board also decided that requests for load changes to the TAC Execution Report relating to items that go through inventory will not be accepted, including accounting reclassifications and own workforce expenses, in accordance with articles 25 to 33 of ANP Resolution No. 848/2021.

Click here to access the article in full.


Concession Open Acreage: new companies receive registration approval

On September 04, 2023, the Special Bidding Commission (“CEL”) of the Concession Open Acreage (“OPC”) approved the registration of 5 new companies according to publication in the Federal Official Gazette of Brazil, resulting in a total of 87 registered companies able to submit bids in the public session of the 4th OPC Cycle, which will take place on December 13, 2023.

The newly registered companies are: Aguila Energia e Participações Ltda.; Fluxus Óleo, Gás & Energia Ltda.; Jevin Comércio e Serviços Ltda.; Perbras Empresa Brasileira de Perfurações Ltda.; and Salvador Energy Inc.

The registered companies were able to express their interest in the Japiim natural gas accumulation area and in the sectors being offered through the Tender Protocol, which comprise 955 exploration blocks located in various sedimentary basins. On October 16, 2023, CEL will announce the sectors that have received a statement of interest and will be tendered in the 4th OPC Cycle.

Click here to access the article in full.


ANP holds hearing on draft agreement with ARSESP regarding the Subida da Serra gas pipeline

On September 20, 2023, the ANP held a public hearing on the draft agreement with the São Paulo State Sanitation and Energy Regulatory Agency (“ARSESP”), to establish possible and necessary operating conditions of the Subida da Serra gas pipeline, in accordance with federal and state legislations.

For context, on September 22, 2021, the collegiate board of the ANP decided that the project “Subida da Serra” qualified as a transport gas pipeline. However, ARSESP and the state of São Paulo’s piped gas distributor, Comgás, understood that the pipeline actually qualifies as a distribution facility, so they filed requests for reconsideration of the ANP board’s decision, submitting new information that enabled the draft agreement subject to the hearing.

Among the information provided, the following stand out:

  1. the pipeline will not be connected to Natural Gas Processing Units (“UPGNs”), storage or transportation gas pipelines;
  2. the gas pipeline will be used exclusively to supply end-consumers of Comgás; and
  3. there will be no delivery or sale of gas to other concessionaires.

Suggestions received during the public consultation and hearing will be assessed by the technical area, and its evaluation, after legal analysis by the Brazilian Office of the Attorney General (“PGF”) and the ANP, will serve as a basis for the final decision of the collegiate board on the matter. 

Click here to access the article in full.


Alternative models of guarantee insurance for decommissioning approved

On September 28, 2023, the collegiate board of the ANP ratified the decision rendered on September 18, 2023, which authorized the submission to the ANP of alternative models of guarantee insurance, different from those defined in ANP Resolution No. 925/2023, to guarantee the concessionaires’ obligations in relation to the decommissioning of exploration and production facilities.

The aim was to broaden the possibilities of insurance models that companies can submit to the ANP, which will have to adapt to the requirements of the latest regulations from the Superintendence of Private Insurance (“SUSEP”).

As defined by the ANP, whenever an alternative insurance model is received, the ANP will analyze the policy on a case-by-case basis, establishing the adjustments it deems necessary, and setting a deadline for submitting the revised instrument or replacing the insurance with another modality, if necessary.

Click here to access the article in full.


ANP approves public consultation on tariff proposals from TAG, TBG and TSB

On September 28, 2023, the collegiate board of the ANP approved a public consultation on the tariff proposals submitted by Transportadora Associada de Gás S.A. (“TAG”), Transportadora Brasileira Gasoduto Bolívia-Brasil S.A.  (“TBG”) and Transportadora Sulbrasileira de Gás S.A. (“TSB”). As informed by the ANP, the tariffs will apply to the contracting, by shippers, of the existing capacity in transportation gas pipelines operated by these companies, on a firm basis (that is, with guaranteed transportation up to the contracted volume), by means of annual contracts, between 2024 and 2028.

The proposed tariffs seek transparency regarding the regulatory calculation, resulting in reasonable tariffs, as well as the application of a 90% discount on the tariffs applicable to interconnections between transporter. The ANP intends to facilitate the transportation of natural gas throughout the entire interconnected system.

It is worth highlighting that the regulatory calculation records the difference between a transporters’ Maximum Permitted Revenue (“RMP”) (defined by the ANP) and the revenue it has effectively received in a given period. Its balance entails an adjustment to the RMP for the following periods or can be used to fund investments in the transportation system, a decision that is up to the ANP. 

Click here to access the article in full.



ANP to hold public consultation and hearing on inclusion of dye in marine diesel oil

On September 14, 2023, the ANP’s board of directors approved the regulatory impact analysis report (“AIR”), as well as the holding of a public consultation and hearing on the revision of ANP Resolution No. 903/2022, which provides for the specifications of fuels for waterway use and their respective trading regulations. The proposed amendment seeks to include as mandatory the addition of  dye to marine diesel oil.

The proposal aims to visually distinguish marine diesel oil from S10 road diesel oil, thus curbing the potential irregular trading of the product. The ANP’s intention is to prevent maritime fuel from being traded as if it were road fuel, since it has a lower price, which could encourage economic agents to obtain undue financial advantages.

Click here to access the article in full.


RenovaBio: ANP to hold public consultation and hearing on inclusion of operation to issue CBIOs

On September 14, 2023, the ANP’s board of directors approved the AIR report, as well as the holding of a public consultation and hearing on the revision of ANP Resolution No. 802/ 2019, within the scope of the Brazilian National Biofuel Policy (“RenovaBio”). This revision proposes to include Tax Codes for Operations and Services (“CFOPs”) relating to third-party sales of biofuels in the list of transactions that can cissue Decarbonization Credits (“CBIOs”).

According to the ANP, the proposal aims to put an end to the current impossibility of generating CBIOs when there is a third-party sale of biofuels, as it prevents part of the volume of these products to be taken into consideration for the issuance of these credits, a situation that could harm some ethanol producers and reduce the supply of CBIOs to distributors, who must acquire the credit in order to meet their goals.

Click here to access the article in full.


ANP holds public hearing to discuss resolution on accreditation of local content certifiers

On September 27, 2023, the ANP held a public hearing to discuss a proposed resolution to regulate the requirements and procedures for accreditation by the ANP of local content certification bodies for goods and services.

The study to hold the public hearing took place after the ANP identified the need to simplify the general requirements and procedures under ANP Resolution No. 869/2022 with:

  1. simultaneous accreditation at the Brazilian National Institute of Metrology Standardization and Industrial Quality (“INMETRO”) for the certification bodies;
  2. registration of local content certificates and cancellation of accreditation;
  3. application of sanctions for non-compliance with the requirements;
  4. review and consolidation of forms and guidelines complementary to the resolution; and
  5. audits and supervisory activities of the ANP.

Suggestions received through the consultation and hearing will be considered by the technical area to amend, or not, the original draft proposed by the ANP. The consolidated text will undergo the PGF’s and the ANP’s legal analysis, as well as the approval of the ANP’s collegiate board.

Click here to access the article in full.


ANP studies inclusion of three new Pre-Salt blocks in future bidding rounds

On September 28, 2023, the ANP’s collegiate board approved the geological and economic studies of three exploratory blocks located in the Pre-Salt region of the Santos Basin, for a potential inclusion in future bidding rounds for oil and natural gas exploration and production areas.

As a result, the Amazonita, Safira Leste and Safira Oeste blocks will be forwarded to the Ministry of Mines and Energy (“MME”) to analyze the feasibility of inclusion in future bidding rounds. According to the ANP, the three blocks have an in-place volume of 16.8 billion barrels of oil equivalent.

Click here to access the article in full.



ANEEL amends regulations on transmission access procedures

On September 01, 2023, the Brazilian National Electric Energy Agency (“ANEEL”) published ANEEL Normative Resolution (“REN”) No. 1,069/2023, which revised Module 5 of the Transmission Services Regulations, and amended REN No. 875/2020 and No. 876/2020, thus changing the transmission access procedure to be followed by power plants.

Below, we highlight the key updates regarding the new regulation:

  • Cancellation of access information:

Prior to this cancellation, the access information used to be issued by the Brazilian National Electric System Operator (“ONS”) as one of the steps for connecting to the transmission grid. In contrast, the ONS is now required to update the margin map every four months, which will be available to any interested party, containing detailed information on available and future connection margins. This requirement aims to give entrepreneurs access to reliable information that will enable them to make decisions about their projects’ access to the grid.

  • Presentation of guarantee upon request for access:

The agent interested in connecting to the transmission system must provide a financial guarantee at the request for the access opinion, valued at three times the amount of the Transmission System Use Charges (“EUST”) that would be paid by the power plant. This guarantee can be returned after the issuance of the access opinion and will be returned after the presentation of the guarantees connected with the execution of the Contract for the Use of Transmission System (“CUST”).  In the event that the access opinion indicates restrictions preventing or limiting the connection of the generating station, the entrepreneur can choose to keep the guarantee in force, and take priority as to the margin release while the guarantee is in effect.

  • CUST/CUSD Pre-Subscription:

The CUST must be executed prior to the request for generation grants within the scope of ANEEL. As of the CUST execution, in the case of hydroelectric power plants, a 60-month time frame is established for its enforcement, and a 36-month time frame for other power sources. These deadlines can be postponed once and for up to 12 months, upon payment of a monthly reservation charge of the transmission grid, which is staggered based on the number of complete months, counted as of the approval of the request for postponing the CUST implementation.

  • Effectiveness period:

REN No. 1,069/2023 will enter into force entirely only on March 01, 2024. However, as of the publication of REN No. 1,069/2023, the ONS has already begun to require the submission of the financial guarantee to request access, using the guarantee instruments required for the execution of the CUST in a provisional manner, until the provisions of REN No. 1,069/2023 are incorporated into the grid procedures.

Access REN No. 1,069/2023 in full


ANEEL amends regulation on hydroelectric projects

On September 06, 2023, REN No. 1,070/2023 was published, which refined the requirements and procedures necessary to carry out studies of hydroelectric inventory of water basins, exploration and concession of hydroelectric projects through the amendment to REN No. 875/2020.

Below, we highlight the key updates regarding this regulation:

  • Small Hydroelectric Power Plant (“PCH”):

In order to be classified as a PCH, the installed capacity of the power plant must be greater than 5,000 kW, equal to and not greater than 30,000 kW.

  • Providing false information in hydroelectric inventory studies:

If false information is identified, or if there is evidence that the holder of the studies, directly or indirectly, is using them to discourage, inhibit or prevent the initiative of other interested parties, the following measures can be applied:

  1. revocation of registration;
  2. prohibition from obtaining new records within a period of 24 months; and
  3. execution of the registration guarantee provided.
  • Registration holder’s preemptive rights to hydroelectric inventory studies:

The main changes refer to:

  1. the registration holder’s preemptive rights as regards the approved hydroelectric inventory studies, involving one hydroelectric development, whose minimum capacity was changed from “greater than 5,000 kW” to “greater than 30,000 kW”; and
  2. possibility granted to another interested party to exercise preemptive rights, provided that it is attached to the registration holder’s declaration of the approved hydroelectric inventory studies.
  • Intent registration request to authorization grants (“DRI-UHE”):

Hydroelectric power plants whose power is greater than 30,000 kW, and equal to or lower than 50,000kW, will be subject to the DRI-UHE. If the request is revoked, the interested party (or the economic group to which it is part) will have 90 days to request a new registration.

  • Requests for change of ownership:

Possibility of requesting a change of the DRI ownership, as long as requested by both interested parties, and by submitting all of the documents listed in Annex III of REN No. 1,070/2023, so that the new holder will assume all rights and obligations originally constituted by their predecessor.

  • Drafting of the basic project:

In the event of force majeure, act of God or those caused by the government, the deadline extension for submission of the basic project will be limited to seven months.

  • Effectiveness of Registration Order for Executive Summary Suitability (“DRS”):

The DRS will be effective for eight years, and will remain valid after such period in the event that both the Declaration of Water Availability Reserve (“DRDH”) and the corresponding Environmental Licensing are obtained, provided that these are in force.

  • Obtaining a grant:

Interested parties must submit the documents listed in Annex IV of REN No. 1,070/2023 during the effectiveness of the DRS.

  • Suspension of the granting process:

The instruction on the authorization grant process will be suspended once if the interested party expresses their intention to participate in a subsequent energy auction.

  • Change to project ownership:

ANEEL will only analyze claims of projects which have executed a contract for the use of the grid, except if they traded energy in auctions involving the regulated contracting environment (“ACR”) and/or result in changes of ownership that do not imply a change in the direct corporate control.

  • Document submission:

Projects under an effective DRS or an approved basic project will have 8 years, as of the publication of their organizational documents, or until December 31, 2026, whichever occurs last, for submitting the documents provided for in article 30 of REN No. 1,070/2023.

  • Transition period:

Projects that obtained authorization between September 14, 2016, and the publication of REN No. 1,070/2023, but whose plant construction works have not initiated can opt for the revocation of the authorizing resolution. Interested parties must submit a notice within 60 days as of publication of REN No. 1,070/2023.

  • Performance bond:

Projects that obtained authorization prior to the effectiveness of REN No. 1,070/2023, whose energy was not traded within the ACR, can request the return of the performance bond, which was replaced by the guarantee of registration, according to Annex V of REN No. 1,070/2023.

Access REN No. 1,070/2023 in full


ANEEL publishes regulations on prudential monitoring of CCEE agents during shadow period

On September 06, 2023, REN No. 1,072/2023 was published, which provides for the prudential monitoring of agents within the scope of the Chamber of Electric Energy Commercialization (“CCEE”) during the testing period (“shadow period”), amending REN No. 957/2020.

This measure aims to mitigate individual exposures, as well as systemic and contagion risks in the energy market through the study of agents’ leverage factor by analyzing the following information:

(i) total consolidated purchase and sale contracts, in reais, and average MW, on a monthly basis, for the calculation month and the next six months, by type of contract (fixed price, variable price and derivatives), type of energy and submarket;

(ii) estimated generation and consumption in terms of average MW, on a monthly basis, for the calculation month and the next six months, by type of energy and submarket;

(iii) exposure of the five largest counterparties, individually, considering the market’s next three short-term accounting cycles;

(iv) revenue from regulated market contracting (CCEAR-D, CER, CCGF, CCEN and Itaipu), on a monthly basis, for the current month and the next six months; and

(v) equity, excluding low liquidity elements, as provided for in Annex I to REN No. 1,072/2023.

The implementation of the shadow period will be the responsibility of the CCEE, characterized by the time frame between the publication of REN No. 1,072/2023 and the approval of the new version of the “Calculation of Prudential Monitoring” module by ANEEL. This REN also lists the documents that must be submitted by the agents for carrying out the prudential monitoring. REN No. 1,072/2023 will enter into force on November 01, 2023.

REN No. 1,072/2023 in full


ANEEL changes regulations on authorization of generating plants

On September 08, 2023, REN No. 1,071/2023 was published, which improved the requirements and procedures necessary to obtain authorization for generating plants, repealing REN No. 876/2020.

In addition to providing for power plants with reduced installed capacity, the regulations apply to wind, photovoltaic, thermal, hybrid, and other alternative sources, as well as to the association of generating plants involving these generation technologies.

Below, we highlight the main updates to this regulation:

  • DRO Validity:

The Authorization Order of Grant Request (“DRO”) will be valid for four non-extendable years, regardless of ANEEL’s decision, and cannot be subject to amendment request.

  • DRO and Transfer of Ownership:

The agent must keep ANEEL informed of any transfer of ownership between the parties under the term of the DRO.

  • Implementation works:

Interested parties can – at the agent’s criteria and risk – start the project implementation without the need of an authorization issued by ANEEL.

  • Implementation deadline:

The authorizations will establish the deadline of 54 months for entry into commercial operation (“COD”) of all power plants, as of the date of publication of the authorization grant. In contrast, ANEEL can analyze exception requests to this term in the event that they exceed the deadline:

  • the date provided for by the distribution concessionaire for the access; or
  • the date provided for by the ONS to make the access to the grid available.

This deadline will apply to grants already issued that have a COD term of less than 54 months – except in the event that the project has traded energy within the regulated environment, or has already executed the contract for the use of transmission system.

  • Individualization of adjacent plants:

Adjacent plants will not be able to share measurement, control, supervision and ancillary services systems.

  • Performance bond waiver for wind power plants:

The performance bond is no longer required in the granting phase for wind power plants. Wind power plants authorized prior to the regulation, whose energy was not traded within the ACR, can request the return of the performance bond.

  • CUST/CUSD access waiver and subscription information:

It is no longer necessary to submit access information in order to request the grant. Yet, this document will be accepted for authorization requests submitted by March 01, 2024. In contrast, either the CUST or the Contract for the Usage of Distribution System (“CUSD”) will be one of the documents required for authorization.

  • Deadline extension for implementation and change of technical characteristics:

These requests will be reviewed only if:

  1. the executed CUSD/CUST is submitted along with the corresponding access opinion, or an equivalent document; and
  2. the start of the construction work is attested by ANEEL’s inspection department.

These conditions do not apply to requests to change technical characteristics for enabling hybrid or associated plants, or to requests from power plants that have sold energy in ACR auctions.

  • Transfer of Ownership:

Requests will only be analyzed if the plant has executed a CUSD/CUST. However, this condition does not apply to power plants that have sold energy in ACR auctions, or with ownership changes that do not imply a change in direct corporate control (definition under REN No. 948/2021).

  • Deadline extension for granting authorization:

Requests for deadline extension must be submitted at least six months prior to the end of the grant term.

  • Transition period:

Agents that filed requests before ANEEL under the previous regulations, and whose instruction has not been completed, must comply with the following deadlines to either adapt their requests to the new requirements, or to withdraw their request, under penalty of the request being shelved:

  • 90 days for requests to change technical characteristics; and
  • 30 days for other requests.

Access REN No. 1,071/2023 in full


Normative resolution on constrained-off operation restrictions is amended

On September 18, 2023, REN No. 1,073/2023 was published, which established the procedures and criteria for calculating and paying for constrained-off operating restrictions of Photovoltaic Generating Plants (“UFV”), changing REN No. 1,030/2022.

Briefly, the key changes address the following topics:

  • Constrained-off events:

These are events in which there has been a reduction in energy production by centrally-dispatched UFVs or groups of UFVs considered in the schedule, as a result of a command from the ONS, which originated outside the facilities of the respective UFVs.

  • Event motivation:

For the purposes of constrained-off compensation, only the events resulting from external unavailability will be considered, classified as caused by unavailability in facilities outside the corresponding UFVs – in the Transmission Grid and Other Transmission Facilities (“DITs”), within the scope of the distribution grid.

  • Payment of financial amounts:

Payment of the financial amounts relating to constrained-off events due to external unavailability will be calculated by the ONS based on the productivity of the photovoltaic generating plant, taking into account any restrictions included in the plant’s access report, and submitted by means of the System Service Charge (“ESS”), which is valued through the Difference Settlement Price (“PLD”).

  • Compensation parameters:

Only events that result from external unavailability exceeding 30 hours and 30 minutes annually will be considered constrained-off events subject to compensation.

  • Time milestones:
    • General:

As of April 01, 2024, compensation for constrained-off operating restrictions of photovoltaic power plants will be carried out upon approval of grid procedures and changes in CliqCCEE in order to mirror the provisions of REN No. 1,073/2023.

  • ACR-related:

Constrained-off events of photovoltaic power plants that occurred before April 01, 2024, which traded energy within the ACR will be treated according to a specific methodology, under the terms of the trading regulation, to be approved by the Superintendence of Regulation of Generation Services and the Electric Energy Market (“SGM”). This approach will only be applied to constrained-off recognition requests filed with ANEEL with regard to events that occurred prior to July 2022. For events that occurred between July 2022, and April 01, 2024, the methodology will be applied regardless of the generation agent’s request for constrained-off recognition.


PEQuI 2024-2028 is approved by ANEEL

On September 19, 2023, through REN No. 1,074/2023, ANEEL approved the Five-Year Strategic Innovation Plan (“PEQuI”) 2024-2028, which aims to determine priorities in innovation production within the energy sector.

The main areas of the plan are:

  • Modernization of tariff changes
  • Electrification of the economy and energy efficiency
  • Innovations for transmission and distribution, in addition to new supporting technologies (artificial intelligence, virtual and augmented reality and blockchain)
  • Digitalization, technological standards, interoperability and cybersecurity
  • Low-carbon electricity
  • Energy storage
  • Hydrogen

Access the article about PEQuI in full

 Access REN No. 1,074/2023 in full



ANEEL opens contributions on review of grid procedures

On September 01, 2023, Call for Contributions No. 015/2023 was released, which seeks to obtain contributions for the review of grid procedures.

This measure aims to improve the minimum requirements for protection systems, disturbance registration and teleprotection. These topics are provided for in subsections 1.2 and 2.11 of grid procedures provided by the ONS, and are part of the Regulatory Agenda for the 2022-2023 period.

In order to assist in the participation of interested parties, ANEEL published Technical Note No. 075/2023, as well as the template for submitting contributions, which can take place until October 16, 2023.  

Access this Call for Contributions in full


Electricity Transmission Grant Plan is approved

On September 05, 2023, the National Energy Transition Secretariat (“SNTEP”) approved the 2023 Electricity Transmission Grant Plan (“POTEE 2023”) – Transmission Grid and Other Transmission Facilities (2nd issuance).

The spreadsheet containing the list of facilities, a description of the extensions, reinforcements and dates of need will be published later by the Department of Planning and Grants for Electricity Transmission and Distribution and International Interconnections (“DPOTI”).

Access the decision order in full


Results of lots 01 and 08 of Transmission Auction No. 01/2023 are approved

On September 05, 2023, ANEEL approved the outcome of Energy Transmission Auction No. 1/2023.

The aim of the auction was to contract concessions for the provision of public electricity transmission services, at the lowest Annual Permitted Revenue (“RAP”), individually for each lot, including the construction, operation and maintenance of the transmission facilities for 30 years.

Access the Approval and Award Notice in full.


Light S.A. drafts plan to exit judicial recovery

On September 06, 2023, Light S.A. communicated to the market that its board of directors approved the drafting of a plan to exit judicial recovery.

The recovery proceeding was approved in May 2023, and the debt amount is around BRL 11 billion.

Access the notice of Light S.A. in full


Brazilian National Congress plans legal framework for offshore wind exploration

On September 12, 2023, Minister Alexandre Silveira, in charge of the Ministry of Mines and Energy (“MME”), announced that the Brazilian National Congress is drafting a legal framework for offshore wind power exploration.

“We urgently need to break down barriers toward the development of this new frontier of renewable energy in Brazil, bringing legal certainty to the process of assigning areas and advancing studies and projects” said Alexandre Silveira.

Access the MME article in full


Renewable and other energy sources


Alexandre Silveira reinforces Federal Government’s policies to consolidate Brazil as a low-carbon hydrogen hub

On September 25, 2023, the Minister of Mines and Energy, Alexandre Silveira, participated in the execution of a memorandum between the Northeast Consortium and the World Bank, aimed at boosting measures for the development of low-carbon hydrogen and accelerating the energy transition.

According to the minister, this partnership is intended to strengthen the public policies already outlined by the Federal Government for the development of low-carbon hydrogen in Brazil. Therefore, the agreement is another opportunity for greater energy security in Brazil, generating new jobs and decarbonizing industry and transport.

Alexandre Silveira also stressed that the  Three-Year Work Plan 2023-2025 of the National Hydrogen Program (“PNH2”) offers positive prospects for the development of the hydrogen economy in Brazil, making Brazil the largest and most competitive producer of low-carbon hydrogen in Latin America by 2035. According to the MME, the agreement also seeks to build new value chains in the states, transforming the Northeast region into a green economy hub.

Click here to access the article in full.


‘Fuel for the Future’ Bill proposes legal framework for the production of synthetic fuels in Brazil

On September 14, 2023, the “Fuel for the Future” Bill (“Bill No. 4,516/23”), proposed and signed by the Brazilian Federal Government, was sent to Congress.

Among others, this Bill proposed the following topics:

  • Synthetic fuels: This Bill proposes the creation of a regulatory framework for synthetic fuels (known as e-fuel), helping to reduce carbon dioxide emissions, which can be produced from renewable sources such as biomass and other low-carbon sources. As a result, the MME hopes to encourage domestic production and offer this fuel as an option for various types of engines, contributing to greater energy security in the future. According to the proposal, the ANP will be responsible for regulating and overseeing the production and distribution of synthetic fuels, as well as their quality and use.


  • ProBioQAV: This Bill also establishes the National Program for Sustainable Aviation Fuel (“ProBioQAV”), which aims to encourage research, production and use of this fuel, as well as set goals for reducing greenhouse gas (“GHG”) emissions. Among other features, the program aims to encourage the production of sustainable aviation fuel (“SAF”), obtained from renewable raw materials such as vegetable and animal fats, sugar cane, ethanol, waste or other low-carbon sources, and to promote the use and manufacture of SAF, gradually reducing the amount of CO2 emitted by the aviation sector.


  • Green Diesel: The Bill also proposes the creation of the National Green Diesel Program (“PNDV”), designed to encourage research, production, marketing and energy use of green diesel regulated by the ANP in the Brazilian energy matrix. The proposal establishes that the National Energy Policy Council (“CNPE”) indicate, every year until 2037, the minimum mandatory volumetric share of green diesel produced from raw materials derived exclusively from renewable biomass, in relation to diesel sold to the final consumer, in aggregate, within the Brazilian territory.


  • Carbon Storage: The Bill provides for carbon dioxide capture and geological storage activities, which will be carried out with authorization from the ANP. In this case, the ANP will be in charge of establishing the regulations governing the qualification of interested parties to carry out the activities and the conditions for the authorization and eventual transfer of ownership of the authorization.

Click here to access the article in full.


Brazil launches Sovereign Sustainable Bond Framework

On September 05, 2023, the Sovereign Sustainable Bond Framework was released.

This is a reference document prepared by the Sovereign Sustainable Finance Committee (“CFSS”), which aims to issue sovereign sustainable bonds using funds backed by budget expenditures in order to contribute to the country’s sustainable development.

The main eligible expenses for the initiative are:

  • Environmental preservation of native biomes (including deforestation control in the Amazon and the Brazilian Savanna);
  • Fostering of the Brazilian Development Bank (“BNDES”) Climate Fund program;
  • Renewable Energy Production;
  • Energy Efficiency; and
  • Sustainable management of natural resources.

Access the Sovereign Sustainable Bond Framework in full


Discussion table on renewable energy is created

On September 11, 2023, through Ordinance SG/PR No. 165 of 2023, the discussion table “Renewable Energy: rights and impacts” was created, with the aim of fostering communication between the Federal Government, civil society and the sectors directly involved in renewable energy projects.

The coordinating board of the discussion table will provide annual reports on the problems addressed, including suggestions, as well as quantitative and qualitative data analyses to be submitted to the state minister of the General Secretariat of the Brazilian Presidency.

Access SG/PR Ordinance No. 165 in full.


National Energy Transition Plan is launched during UN event

On September 17, 2023, Minister Alexandre Silveira, in charge of the MME, launched the National Plan for Fair and Inclusive Energy Transition during the United Nations’ (UN) Sustainable Development Goals Acceleration Day (“SDGs”).

Access the Energy Transition Plan in full



MME discusses hydrogen certification in Brazil

On September 20, 2023, the MME participated in the “5th International Hydrogen Certification Webinar: Certification Procedures for the Industry”, organized by the H2Brasil project. The event’s purpose was to present, through case studies on Hydrogen Certification, the challenges faced by the Brazilian industry in seeking certification to serve the international market.

According to the MME’s general coordinator for Low-Carbon Energies and Technologies and Innovation, Patricia Naccache, the idea is for Brazil to develop a certification in line with the global discussions. According to the information provided at the event, Brazil is already interacting with international organizations to certify and trade hydrogen.

Patricia Naccache also pointed out that Brazil has the technical potential to produce 1.8 gigatonnes of hydrogen a year and that there are already more than USD 30 billion in hydrogen projects announced for the country. On the occasion, Naccache also highlighted the joint signature between the MME and more than 15 countries, in July 2023, to accelerate the development of international trade of renewable and low-carbon hydrogen.

Click here to access the article in full.


MME attends event on the future of offshore wind energy

On September 20, 2023, the MME participated in the Global Offshore Wind Alliance Roundtable “Investing in the Future: Financing the Global Offshore Wind Revolution”, in New York (USA). The main purpose of the event was to stimulate a discussion on financing offshore wind energy worldwide, including the challenges faced by developing countries.

On the occasion, the MME’s National Secretary for Energy Transition and Planning, Thiago Barral, highlighted Brazil’s energy transition policies and that offshore wind energy substantially expands the country’s renewable energy frontier.

The event also covered topics such as the appropriate financing mechanisms for developed and developing markets, as well as localized investment strategies. The discussion on risk management adapted to regional needs and to the role of national and regional policies and regulations was also highlighted on the occasion.

Click here to access the article in full.


Biomethane could generate almost BRL 200 billion a year for Brazil by 2050

On September 20, 2023, according to news published in the Valor Econômico newspaper, biomethane production could generate almost BRL 200 billion a year for Brazil by 2050, driven by growing market penetration to replace natural gas. The information comes from a study by the German consulting firm Roland Berger, which estimates that the energy sector could reach 39 billion cubic meters (m3) of sales volume a year. The estimated production potential, in turn, is even greater and could reach 59 billion m3 a year, driven by the large amount of agro-industrial waste available in the Southeast and Midwest regions.

As an example, the figures reported exceed the extraction of natural gas in 2020, which was 45.9 billion m3. By 2050, the domestic demand for natural gas products and derivatives is expected to grow steadily, reaching around 80 billion m3. Market penetration of biomethane in Brazil, currently at just 4%, has the potential to reach 10% by 2030 and 50% by 2050.

Click here to access the article in full.


Brazil breaks record for solar energy expansion in 2023

On September 18, 2023, the MME reported that the installed capacity of the electricity matrix expanded by 7 Gigawatts (GW) between January and August 2023. According to the MME, Brazil showed the biggest increase in solar generation in 2023 in comparison with other years, and the second biggest increase in wind generation.

Thus, Brazil has become an international benchmark in clean energy, with 83.79% of its energy matrix from renewable sources.

Click here to access the article in full.


Trading volume of decarbonization credits exceeds BRL 8 billion

On September 04, 2023, the MME reported that the financial volume of CBIOs exceeded BRL 8 billion through RenovaBio. So far, 102.8 million credits have been issued, which means that 102.8 million tons of CO2 equivalent have ceased to be emitted into the atmosphere.

Click here to access the article in full.


Banco do Brasil publishes credit expectations for green economy

On September 01, 2023, Banco do Brasil (“BB”) published its progress toward green economy credits. According to BB, approximately BRL 23 billion are expected to be invested in the funding market by the first half of 2024.

The funding lines will refer to topics such as: climate, renewable energies, energy efficiency, and environmental recovery.

Access the BB’s article in full




Petrobras Contracting FPSO for SEAP- I – Chartering and operation services January 15, 2024

12:00 PM

Petrobras Contracting FPSO for SEAP-II – Chartering and operation services January 15, 2024

12:00 PM

Petrobras Contracting Chartering and Operation Services of FPSO – Barracuda and Caratinga Revit March 18, 2024

12:00 PM

Petrobras Contracting Telecommunication services – INMARSAT C radio station for ships October 20, 2023

12:00 PM

Petrobras Contracting Lot B3 EE Chartering of SDSV Vessels and Specialized Technical Services October 16, 2023
5:00 PM
Petrobras Contracting Lot B2 EE Chartering of SDSV Vessels and Specialized Technical Services October 16, 2023
5:00 PM
Petrobras Contracting Lot B1 EE Chartering of SDSV Vessels and Specialized Technical Services October 16, 2023
5:00 PM
Petrobras Contracting Lot A3 EE Chartering of SDSV Vessels and Specialized Technical Services October 16, 2023
5:00 PM
Petrobras Contracting Lot A2 EE Chartering of SDSV Vessels and Specialized Technical Services October 16, 2023
5:00 PM
Petrobras Contracting Lot A1 EE Chartering of SDSV Vessels and Specialized Technical Services October 16, 2023
5:00 PM
Petrobras Contracting Chartering of one or more P5 type vessels October 25, 2023
12:00 PM
Petrobras Contracting Engineering, Procurement and Construction services for the Revamp Project of the Diesel Hydrotreatment Facility, to be implemented at Henrique Lage Refinery – REVAP, in the city of São José dos Campos-SP. November 22, 2023

05:00 PM

Petrobras Contracting EPC Deep Drainage of Plateau 19C and Gaslub ODB Interconnections December 14, 2023

12:00 PM

Petrobras Contracting Engineering, Procurement and Construction services for the Revamp Project of the Diesel Hydrotreatment Facility, to be implemented at Henrique Lage Refinery – REVAP, in the city of São José dos Campos-SP. November 22, 2023

5:00 PM

Petrobras Contracting PLSV 2023 – B3 EE – AUP-2 – 7004099562 – Chartering of PLSV Vessels and Specialized Technical Services 2023 October 13, 2023

5:00 PM

Petrobras Contracting PLSV 2023 – Lot B4 EE – ARP-2 – 7004099562 – Chartering of PLSV Vessels and Specialized Technical Services 2023 October 13, 2023

5:00 PM

Petrobras Contracting PLSV 2023 – Lot C1 EE – AUP-3 – 7004099562 – Chartering of PLSV Vessels and Specialized Technical Services 2023 October 13, 2023

5:00 PM

Petrobras Contracting Chartering of SDSV vessel type and Specialized Technical Services October 16, 2023

5:00 PM

Petrobras Contracting OSRV – Chartering up to 12 vessels October 20, 2023

5:00 PM

Petrobras Contracting AHTS – Chartering of 1 vessel October 30, 2023

5:00 PM

Petrobras Contracting PLSV 2023 – A1 EE – AR 500 – 7004099562 – Chartering of PLSV vessel type and Specialized Technical Services 2023 October 30, 2023

5:00 PM

Petrobras Contracting PLSV 2023 – A2 EE – ARA –  7004099562  – Chartering of PLSV vessel type and Specialized Technical Services 2023 October 30, 2023

5:00 PM

Petrobras Contracting PLSV 2023 – B1 EE – AUP-1 – 7004099562 – Chartering of PLSV vessel type and Specialized Technical Services 2023 October 30, 2023

5:00 PM

Petrobras Contracting PLSV 2023 – B2 EE – ARP-1 – 7004099562 – Chartering of PLSV vessel type and Specialized Technical Services 2023 October 30, 2023

5:00 PM

Petrobras Contracting FPSO for SEAP-I – Chartering and provision of services January 15, 2024

12:00 PM

Petrobras Contracting FPSO for SEAP-II – Chartering and provision of services January 15, 2024

12:00 PM

Petrobras Contracting Chartering of PLSV vessel type and Specialized Technical Services 2023 October 30, 2023

5:00 PM

Petrobras Contracting Chartering of AHTS vessel type and Specialized Technical Services 2023 October 24, 2023

5:00 PM

Petrobras Contracting PLSV 2023 – Lot C2 EE – AUP-2 – 7004099562 – Chartering of PLSV Vessels and Specialized Technical Services 2023 October 13, 2023

5:00 PM

Petrobras Contracting PLSV 2023 – Lot D1 EE – AUP-0 – 7004099562 – Chartering of PLSV Vessels and Specialized Technical Services 2023 October 13, 2023

5:00 PM

Petrobras Contracting PLSV 2023 – Lot D2 EE – ARP-0 – 7004099562 – Chartering of PLSV vessel type and Specialized Technical Services 2023 October 13, 2023

5:00 PM

Petrobras Contracting PLSV 2023 – Lot D3 EE – AUP-1 – 7004099562 – Chartering of PLSV Vessels and Specialized Technical Services 2023 October 13, 2023

5:00 PM

Petrobras Contracting PLSV 2023 – Lot D4 EE – ARP-1 – 7004099562 – Chartering of PLSV Vessels and Specialized Technical Services 2023 October 13, 2023

5:00 PM

Petrobras Contracting PLSV 2023 – Lot D5 EE – AUP-2 – 7004099562 – Chartering of PLSV Vessels and Specialized Technical Services 2023 October 13, 2023

5:00 PM

Petrobras Contracting PLSV 2023 – Lot D6 EE – ARP-2 – 7004099562 – Chartering of PLSV Vessels and Specialized Technical Services 2023 October 13, 2023

5:00 PM

Petrobras Contracting PLSV 2023 – Lot D7 EE – ARA – 7004099562 – Chartering of PLSV Vessels and Specialized Technical Services 2023 October 13, 2023

5:00 PM

Petrobras Contracting PLSV 2023 – Lot E1 EE – AUP-3 – 7004099562 – Chartering of PLSV Vessels and Specialized Technical Services 2023 October 13, 2023

5:00 PM

Petrobras Contracting PLSV 2023 – Lot E2 EE – AUP-2 – 7004099562 – Chartering of PLSV Vessels and Specialized Technical Services 2023 October 13, 2023

5:00 PM

Petrobras Contracting Chartering of RSV vessel type and Specialized Technical Services November 06, 2023

5:00 PM

Petrobras Contracting PSV – Chartering up to 20 vessels October 25, 2023

5:00 PM

Petrobras Contracting Chartering and Operation Services of an Anchored Maritime Probe November 01, 2023

12:00 PM

Petrobras Contracting Helicopter charter for the Southeast Pool – Sublot 01 – Lots A1 and B1. October 23, 2023

12:00 PM

Petrobras Contracting Helicopter charter for the Southeast Pool – Sublot 02 – Lots A2 and B2. October 23, 2023

12:00 PM

Public Contributions and Hearings (ANP) Obtain contributions on the draft revision of ANP Resolution No. 802/2019, which provides for the procedures for generating the necessary backing for the primary issuance of Decarbonization Credits, to establish new parameters in the tables in the annex to the resolution. November 02, 2023 No. 13/2023
Call for Contributions
Obtain additional information on the revision of ANP Resolution No. 903/2022, which establishes the specifications of marine diesel oil, in order to provide for the addition of violet dye to this product, visually differentiating it from other fuels, such as road diesel oil. November 08, 2023 No. 14/2023
Call for Contributions
Obtain contributions for changing grid procedures relating to ONS regulatory compliance. November 03, 2023 TS No. 016/2023
Call for Contributions
Obtain contributions for the improvement of the proposed validation of versions 19.4.4 of the DESSEM model (version 20) for use in PDO and PLD calculations; and 28.15.2 of the Newave model (version 29), for use in the scope of Planning and Programming the PLD Operation and Training. November 13, 2023 TS No. 017/2023
Public Consultations (ANEEL) Obtain contributions to improve the Draft Notice and Attachments of Auction No. 1/2024-ANEEL (Transmission Auction) October 23, 2023 CP No. 030/2023
Public Consultations (ANEEL) Obtain contributions on the approval resolution draft that establishes the indicators and corresponding performance targets to be applied in the ONS Organizational Performance Program (“PO”) for the calculation cycle of 2024/2025. October 30, 2023 CP No. 034/2023
Public Consultations (ANEEL) Obtain contributions for the improvement of Normative Resolution No. 1,030/2022 and for the revision of subsection 4.5 of the grid procedures, in order to enable the representation of the demand response program in the chain of energy optimization models used in the operation of the system and price formation. November 06, 2023 CP No. 036/2023
Public Consultations (ANEEL) Obtain contributions for the improvement of the proposal for the Rules of Commercialization of Electric Energy, version 2024, considering the draft Normative Resolution, provided for in Annex I, the Description of Changes, the minutes of the new versions of the modules sent by the Chamber of Commerce of Electric Energy – CCEE, as well as the minutes of subsection 5.3 of Tariff Regulation Procedures – “PRORET”, as provided for in Annexes II to XXXVI, all of which addressed in Technical Note No. 99/2023, issued jointly by the Superintendence of Regulation of Electricity Generation Services and Market – “SGM” and the Superintendence of Tariff Management and Economic Regulation – “STR”, on September 29, 2023. November 17, 2023 CP No. 037/2023
Public Consultations (MME) Normative ordinance proposal that establishes General Guidelines for coping with emergency situations of temporary restriction in the supply of electricity or situations with potential imminent risk of suspension of such supply in the Brazilian Electric System (“SEB”), relating to specific measures decided by the Electric Sector’s Monitoring Committee (“CMSE”) October 20, 2023 CP No. 156/2023


** Please note that the deadlines in the table above are constantly changing, so that they correspond to the deadlines disclosed at the time of publication of this newsletter.




December/2023 – Existing Energy Auctions “A-1” and “A-2″

To be held by ANEEL.

December 15/2023 – Transmission Auction 002/ 2023

To be held by ANEEL.

Access the auction web page.

March/2024 – Transmission Auction 001/2024

To be held by ANEEL.

July/2024 – Auction for Contracting Capacity Reserve

To be held by ANEEL.

August/2024 – New Energy Auctions “A-4” and “A-6”

To be held by ANEEL.

September/2024 – Transmission Auction 002/2024

To be held by ANEEL.

October/2024 – Auction for Supply of Isolated Systems

To be held by ANEEL.

November/2024 – Auction for Contracting Capacity Reserve

To be held by ANEEL.

December/2024 – New Energy Auctions “A-1” and “A-2″

To be held by ANEEL.

July/2025 – Auction for Contracting Reserve Capacity

To be held by ANEEL.

March/2025 – Transmission Auction 001/2025

To be held by ANEEL.

August/2025 – New Energy Auctions “A-4” and “A-6”

To be held by ANEEL.

September/2025 – Transmission Auction 002/2025

To be held by ANEEL.

October/2025 – Auction for the Supply of Isolated Systems

To be held by ANEEL.

November/ 2025 – Auction for Contracting Reserve Capacity

To be held by ANEEL.

December/2025 – New Energy Auctions “A-1” and “A-2″

To be held by ANEEL.



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