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Energy Newsletter | No 3 – October 2022

November 10th, 2022

In order to keep our clients informed about the current landscape of the main energy and natural resources sectors in Brazil, we have prepared the Energy Newsletter, a monthly bulletin with the main news of the energy market.

This information channel is the result of the unification of our “Oil & Gas” and “Power” newsletters, designed in the context of the energy transition that is being targeted in Brazil, and prepared to be a complete source of information about the dynamic Brazilian energy market in the oil, natural gas, electricity and renewable energy sectors.

Enjoy reading!


This newsletter is for informative purposes only and does not constitute legal advice for any specific operation or business. For more information, please contact our team of lawyers.[/vc_column_text][vc_empty_space height=”60px”][/vc_tta_section][vc_tta_section title=”OIL AND GAS +” tab_id=”#petroleo-gas”]


Oil and Gas


New ANP Resolution regulates fuel stock and movement records at service stations

On September 08, 2022, the National Agency of Petroleum, Natural Gas and Biofuels (“ANP”) established, through ANP Resolution No. 884/2022 published in the Official Gazette, the Livro de Movimentação de Combustíveis (in English, the Fuel Handling Log Book, or “LMC”), which will serve as a document to provide evidence of the storage and sale of automotive fuels by the service station retailer.

The Resolution updated Ordinance No. 26/1992 of the former National Department of Fuels (DNC) and established the criteria for filling in the relevant information, as well as for the storage and transportation of fuels. According to the ANP, the revision aimed to adapt the standard to the most modern practices used by the market and to new technologies. As such, the LMC can be issued electronically and printed out only when necessary.

The following information must be included in the LMC:

  1. fuel purchase transactions and the respective tax documentation;
  2. fuel sale transactions, with sales volume divided by each fuel pump/nozzle;
  3. inventory;
  4. Other transactions involving the entry and exit of fuels, as well as the respective tax documentation; and
  5. purchase and sale prices of fuels traded.

Click here to access the full content of ANP Resolution No. 884/2022


Resolution that adjusts fuel quality standards published

On September 21, 2022, the ANP published ANP Resolution No. 885/2022, which amended ANP Resolutions No. 9/2007; No. 19/2015; No. 807/2020; and No. 828/2020, to include requirements for quality control corresponding to the direct sale of hydrated fuel ethanol and C gasoline by Retail Reseller Transporter (“TRR”).

According to the ANP, the aim is to extend the rules on fuel quality control to the economic agents involved in the direct sale of ethanol, – carried out by suppliers to retailers (service stations) and TRRs –, as well as in the commercialization of hydrated ethanol and C gasoline by TRRs.

Access here ANP Resolution No. 885/2022.


Resolution on quality control of biomethane from landfills and WWTPs is approved

On September 22, 2022, the Collegiate Board of the ANP approved the amendment of ANP Resolution No. 685/2017, which addresses the requirements and rules for approval of the quality control of biomethane from landfills and waste water treatment plants (“WWTPs”).

Among others aspects, the amendment aims to facilitate compliance by biomethane producers with the methodology for analysis of halides, which are compounds that are harmful to health and can even damage energy production equipment, vehicle engines and, therefore, need to be removed during the biomethane production process.

The new Resolution also exempted the contracting of laboratories accredited by the Brazilian National Institute of Metrology Standardization and Industrial Quality (INMETRO) to carry out halogen analysis. 

Access here ANP Resolution No. 886/2022


Approved resolution establishing deadlines for regulated agents to submit information to the ANP 

Published on October 06, 2022 in the Federal Official Gazette of Brazil, ANP Resolution No. 888/2022 sets new deadlines for economic agents within the oil and gas sector to submit data and information to the ANP.

Below is a brief summary of the agents impacted by the new ANP Resolution No. 888/2022, which are subject to the submission deadlines:

All agents regulated by the following acts:

      • ANP Ordinance No. 297, of December 18, 2001:

Trading agents and importers of A and Premium A gasoline, B, D and maritime diesel oil, biodiesel and Diesel/Biodiesel mixtures, liquefied petroleum gas, 1A, 2A, 1B and 2B fuels, CAP and ADP asphalt products, petroleum naphtha, aviation kerosene, vehicular, industrial, domestic and commercial natural gas;

      • ANP Resolution No. 3, of January 19, 2011:

Solvent market suppliers;

      • ANP Resolution No. 8, of February 09, 2011:

Resolution that implemented Quality Control Programs for Fuel (PMQC), Lubricants (PMQL) and Additives (PMQA). Impacts all agents involved in the process from production to transportation and sale of these fuels;

      • ANP Resolution No. 729, of May 11, 2018:

“I – agents authorized to operate petroleum and liquid fuels terminals;

II – petroleum and liquid fuel carriers;

III – collectors, rerefiners, importers of lubricating oil (crude or finished) and lubricating oil producers (crude or finished);

IV – distributors of petroleum derivatives, natural gas derivatives, shale derivatives and other fuels;

V – export company;

VI – trading company and ethanol operator;

VII – importers and exporters;

VIII – biofuels producers, including producers’ cooperative;

IX – alternative fuels producers;

X – producers of petroleum derivatives, natural gas derivatives or shale derivatives;

XI – freight companies authorized to operate transport pipelines;

XII – Retail Freight Companies (TRR); and

XIII – Inland Navigation Retail Freight Companies (TRRNI). Sole paragraph.

Agents who carry out activities related to the transportation of natural gas provided for in Article 177 of the Brazilian Constitution are waived from the obligation to submit information”;

      • ANP Resolution No. 828, of September 01, 2020:

Production agents and economic agents that operate with a) biodiesel; b) biomethane; c) ethanol fuel (anhydrous and hydrated ethanol); d) liquefied petroleum gas (LPG); e) natural gas; f) automotive gasoline A and C; g) aviation gasoline; h) fuel oil; i) maritime fuel oil; (j) diesel oil A, B and BX A B30; k) maritime diesel oil DMA and DMB; l) aviation kerosene; m) green diesel; n) imported fuels related to ANP Resolution No. 680 of June 05, 2017; and

      • ANP Resolution No. 857, of October 28, 2021:

Producers, distributors and suppliers of biodiesel.

Deadline to submit data and information following ANP notice:

      • Ten days to submit data and information provided for in ANP Ordinance No. 297, of 2001;
      • 15 days to submit data and information provided for in ANP Resolution No. 3, of 2011;
      • For data and information provided for in ANP Resolution No. 8, of 2011:
        a) 15 days to submit data from July 2022;
        b) 20 days to submit data from August 2022; and
        c) 25 days to submit data from September 2022;
      • for the information of handling carried out by regulated agents mentioned in article 1 of ANP Resolution No. 729, of 2018:
        a) 15 days to submit handling data from July 2022;
        b) 20 days to submit handling data from August 2022; and
        c) 25 days to submit handling data from September 2022.
      • 15 days to submit data and information required in ANP Resolution No. 828, of 2020; and
      • 15 days for the sending of data and information regarding the biodiesel supply contract, provided for in article 3 of ANP Resolution No. 857/2021.

Access here ANP Resolution No. 888/2022


Resolution that regulates activities of acquisition, processing and reprocessing of data, development of studies and access to technical data approved

ANP Resolution No. 889/2022, published in the Federal Official Gazette of Brazil on October 10, 2022, regulates the activities of acquisition, processing, reprocessing and study of technical data on the exploration, development and production of oil and natural gas in Brazilian sedimentary basins.

The new regulation revised ANP Resolution No. 757/2018, in order to simplify rules and incorporate certain demands of the sector, in order to adjust it to new technologies and new bid notices, to ensure the maintenance of the technical data archives and foster wider publicizing of data and information on Brazilian sedimentary basins. In addition, the new resolution provides for inspection and adjusting practices in regard to confidentiality terms.

Key changes:

  • inclusion of the definition of reprocessed data;
  • permission for individuals and legal entities to share public data that they access;
  • extension of non-exclusive data confidentiality terms (from 10 to 15 years), and exclusive data (from 5 to 10 years);
  • adoption of a differentiated confidentiality term (30 years) for non-exclusive data acquired within areas of interest of the Federal Government;
  • establishment of Annual Activity Plan (PAA), to be submitted to the ANP by data acquisition companies (EADs) authorized to carry out technical data acquisition.

Access here ANP Resolution No. 889/2022



ANP repeals regulatory acts in order to update the regulatory framework of the ANP

Approved on October 24, 2022, ANP Resolution No. 891/2022 repeals regulatory acts, for the purpose of rationalizing the regulatory framework of the ANP, in accordance with Decree No. 10,139, of November 28, 2019. The new Resolution entered into force on October 03, 2022.

In accordance with the Resolution, the following acts are repealed:

Click here to access ANP Resolution No. 891/2022.





Open Acreage (“OPC”): ANP updates Tender Protocol and the contract models

On September 01, 2022, the Collegiate Board of the ANP approved the update of the Tender Protocol and the draft concession contracts for the Open Acreage Concession (OPC). The document amendments will be subject to 45 days of public consultation and discussion in a public hearing.

As part of the ANP’s ongoing project to improve the OPC, the amendments aim to make the bidding more attractive by adapting it to developments in the oil and natural gas sector.

Among the main improvements, we highlight:

  1. New milestone for opening of new OPC cycles: It is now possible to open a cycle immediately after the public session is held (until then, it was necessary for one cycle to be approved before the next one could be started);
  2. Commitments of the contractor: greater clarity about the rates to be paid to landowners;
  3. Access to technical data: Adaptation of the Tender Protocol’s text to the new rule, which made access to technical data required by the Program for the Revitalization of Onshore Oil and Gas Exploration and Production Activities (REATE) and by the Program for the Revitalization and Production Incentives of Marine Fields (PROMAR) free of charge, regardless of the payment of a participation fee;
  4. Offer Guarantees: greater clarity in the text that deals with the requirement that the submission of the OPC must be followed by a declaration from the sectors of interest; definitions as to the initial validity of the guarantee; provision for a digital signature and a method of forwarding the guarantees using an ICP-Brasil certificate; and
  5. Simplified qualification: possibility of using the qualification previously obtained by the bidder in bidding rounds or in the process of assignment of concession contracts.

For further information, click here


Open Acreage (“OPC”): ANP ratifies results of the 3rd Cycle

On September 22, 2022, the Collegiate Board of the ANP approved the Complementary Judgment Report, which mentions the result of the 3rd Cycle of the Open Acreage Offering, held on March 13, 2022.

At the time, the results of 18 blocks were ratified, all of which were awarded to Origem Energia S.A.

On August 19, 2022, in addition to these 18 blocks, the Collegiate Board of the ANP had already approved the partial results related to the other 40 blocks Especially in regard to Block ES-T-399, located in the Espírito Santo Basin, the winning bidder was disqualified for not submitting the documents defined as required.





Below is the list of public consultations published by the ANP whose contribution periods are still open:

No. 22/2022 Downstream: Resolution that amends ANP Resolution No. 777, dated April 05, 2019, for the purpose of authorizing the importation of biodiesel, in compliance with CNPE Resolution No. 14, dated December 09, 2020. Until November 04, 2022 November 09, 2022 | 2:00 PM to 6:00 PM
No. 23/2022 Downstream: Regulatory impact assessment (RIA) to amend ANP Resolution 869/2022, which provides for the requirements and procedures for the accreditation of certification bodies for local content of goods and services by the ANP’s accreditation body. Until November 28, 2022 N/A
No. 24/2022 Downstream: Proposal for a revision of ANP Resolution No. 874, of April 18, 2022, which establishes the criteria to fixate the Oil Reference Price, adopted in the calculation of government shareholdings. Until November 09, 2022 November 16, 2022 | 09am to 12pm





Petrobras announces the sale of interest in Potiguar Basin blocks

On September 08, 2022, Petrobras published a statement on the extension of the deadlines for the expression of interest in participating in the opportunity related to the sale of 40% of its participation in the (i) exploratory concessions BM-POT-17, in which the Discovery Assessment Plan for the Pitu well is being carried out (Blocks POT-M-853 and POT-M-855), and (ii) in the concession POT-M-762_R15 (Block POT-M-762), located in deep waters in the Potiguar Basin – Equatorial Margin – off the coast of Rio Grande do Norte.

According to the statement, interested potential buyers could express their interest by September 14, 2022 and submit the required documents to participate in the process by September 16, 2022.

Petrobras also announced, on September 20, 2022, the beginning of the binding phase related to the opportunity. Following the announcement, eligible buyers would receive the Process Letter containing detailed instructions on the process, including guidance for due diligence and submission of binding proposals.

Petrobras currently holds 100% interest in these concessions and will continue as operator after the sale.

For further information, click here.


Public bidding opportunities with Petrobras

Below are the main contracting opportunities made available by Petrobras to date, through the Petronect platform (click here to access):


EPCI BC Optical Mesh  – Engineering Design Services, Supply of Goods and Installation of Submarine Optical Fiber System in the Campos Basin with construction of onshore telecommunications infrastructure. December 08, 2022 | 12:00 PM 7003876172
Charting and operation services of FPSO Type Floating Production Unit, and Maritime Hospitality Services February 13, 2023 | 12:00 PM 7003888184
PSV – Chartering up to 20 vessels November 10, 2022 | 5:00 PM 7003942677
EPC (Engineering, Procurement and Construction) services of the Revamp Project of the Diesel Hydrotreatment Unit (U-272D), to be implemented at the Henrique Lage Refinery – REVAP. January 09, 2023 | 5:00 PM 7003924277
AHTS – Chartering up to 2 vessels November 17, 2022 | 5:00 PM 7003957481
OSRV – Chartering up to 4 vessels November 17, 2022 | 5:00 PM 7003957495
Services of geophysical data acquisition in shallow waters, according to the specifications of this document and its addendum November 14, 2022 | 8:00 PM 7003955242
EPCI of the Revitalization Project of the Pipeline Framework of the Campos Basin December 09, 2022 | 12:00 PM 7003899228


** Please note that the deadlines in the table above are constantly changing, so they correspond to deadlines disclosed at the time of publication of this newsletter.




Waterway terminals: ANP workshop clarifies questions about the new Resolution

On September 02, 2022, the ANP held the online workshop “Implementation of ANP Resolution No. 881”, with the purpose of clarifying questions about the implementation and practical application of the provisions of ANP Resolution No. 881/2022.

The Resolution, which entered into effect on October 1, 2022, establishes criteria for the use of existing waterway terminals, or those to be built, for the movement of oil, oil derivatives, natural gas derivatives, and biofuels.

To access the workshop, click here.

For further information, click here.


ANP launches Dynamic Dashboard on the Resolution that regulates waterway terminals

On September 14, 2022, ANP published the Dynamic Application Dashboard for ANP Resolution No. 881/2022, which entered into force on September 01, 2022.

The Resolution deals with the definitions of criteria for the use of existing waterway terminals or to be built, for the movement of oil, oil derivatives, natural gas derivatives and biofuels.

In turn, the Dashboard aims to gather and clarify the questions sent by the operators of waterway terminals, as well as by the shippers (users of the services provided by the operators) and third parties interested in moving products at these terminals.

To access the Dashboard, click here.

For further information, click here.



Local Content: ANP opens public consultation on a study related to the accreditation activity of certifiers

On September 22, 2022, the ANP approved a public consultation on the report of the Regulatory Impact Assessment (RIA), whose purpose is to improve the application of ANP Resolution No. 869/2022.

The Resolution provides for the requirements and procedures for accreditation by the ANP of certification bodies for local content of goods and services.

The ANP has identified opportunities for improvement in regard to the provisions of the Resolution on the scope and simplification of general requirements and procedures related to:

  1. concurrent accreditation at Inmetro for certification bodies;
  2. registration of local content certificates and cancellation of accreditation;
  3. application of sanctions for non-compliance with the requirements;
  4. review and consolidation of forms and guidelines complementary to the Resolution; and
  5. Audits and supervisory activities of the ANP.

In order to improve the resolutions already in force, the ANP has initiated an RIA, prior and formal procedure, which is supported by Decree No. 10,411/2020, and whose purpose is to gather the largest amount of data possible on a particular topic regulated by the ANP, in order to assess the possible impacts of the available alternatives of action to achieve the intended objectives.

The purpose of the RIA is to guide and subsidize decision making and contribute to making regulation more effective and efficient. Based on the studies carried out so far, the ANP has prepared an RIA report, which is now undergoing public consultation. The purpose of this public consultation is to authorize the participation of the market and society in the in the gathering of information and to receive contributions for the carrying out of these studies.

Following the public consultation phase, the ANP will evaluate the contributions and draft a new version of the RIA report, which will be submitted to the Collegiate Board of the ANP. Such a report will establish the proposed regulatory action to be taken to achieve the intended objectives. If the decision is to amend ANP Resolution No. 869/2022, the subsequent draft will then undergo public consultation and hearing.

For further information, click here.



ANP extends deadline to meet contracting target for the supply of biodiesel by producers to liquid fuel distributors in the 6th bimester of 2022

On October 24, 2022, the Collegiate Board of the ANP approved the extension until November 03 of the deadline for biodiesel producers to register the statements of marketing contracts entered into with liquid fuel distributors.

In order to meet the contracting targets under ANP Resolution No. 857, of October 28, 2021, producers had 15 days to register the contract statements and provide supporting information, from the publication of the notice regarding the restart of target control activities, on October 19, 2022.

The fulfillment of the contracting target will be verified by the ANP until November 10, 2022 and can be accessed on its website. The procedures set by the Notice from October 19, 2022 will be maintained.


IBP publishes best practices booklet for Oil and Gas companies and RDI technology partners

In order to identify the main challenges in Research, Development and Innovation Projects (RDI), the Brazilian Petroleum and Gas Institute (“IBP”) published a booklet aimed at publicizing more effective and less bureaucratic procedures. Among the representatives of the project are companies such as TotalEnergies, Shell, Chevron, Petrorio, among others.

In its chapter 4, the project categorizes good practices into topics, in order to guide the reader on how to act regarding recent discussions on good conduct. For instance, the first topic, “Human resources”, addresses data protection in the face of proof of expenses by professionals involved in projects. In addition, the booklet brings several guidelines on how to establish a culture of good practices.

In this regard, the booklet aims to be a “living document”, which will be updated frequently, in keeping with the voluminous investments, and in accordance with RDI clauses and their implications among relationship managers and oil technology partners.

To check the booklet, click here.


IBP: The importance of 5G for the oil industry

The guide recently released by the IBP seeks to introduce 5G as a technological innovation capable of positively impacting the sector, bringing data that highlight the still deficient digital maturity of the Oil and Gas industry compared to others and how this innovation can help achieve goals.

The document also exemplifies the application of 5G oil and gas-related activities, such as field maintenance, data acquisition and video monitoring, as well as presenting technology as an instrument capable of improving operational excellence, by allowing real-time performance management. In addition, the publication also foresees potential impacts to upstream and downstream following the adoption of 5G connectivity.

The guide lists a series of graphic data and press media texts with the purpose of providing the reader with an insight to the benefits of implementing 5G and with information on coverage, opportunities and the need for regulation.

Read the guide in full by clicking here.


ANP discusses proposals for changes in the notice and the contract models of the Open Acreage Concession

On October 25, 2022, the ANP held Public Hearing No. 21/2022, which discussed the updating of the draft notice and the contract models for Open Acreage contracts under the Concession regime.

The new version of the notice includes a total of 1096 exploration blocks. 59 blocks sold in the 3rd Round of the Open Acreage Concession were excluded and 87 blocks remaining from the 17th Bidding Round were included. The 1096 blocks are located throughout 17 sedimentary basins, 471 of which are onshore and 625 are offshore.

The new notice also (i) introduces the concept of simplified certification, (ii) extends the maximum period of completion of a round from 90 to 120 days, and (iii) includes the possibility of opening a new round, immediately after the closure of the public session of an ongoing round, without need to wait for its approval.

To access the event recording, click here.


ANP announces the possibility of firm contracts for transportation in long ducts

As announced by the ANP on October 27, 2022, the deadline to request firm transportation capacity for long transport pipelines operated by Transpetro runs until January 01, 2023.

According to the Regulatory Agency, the contracts currently in force between Transpetro and its clients expire on June 30, 2023.

The ANP stressed that in order for the requests of interested parties to be contemplated in the proposal for allocation of capacity of each pipeline, they must be submitted to Transpetro within the deadline mentioned above. Transpetro must prepare an allocation proposal to be announced by January 17, 2023, as provided for in ANP Resolution No. 35/2012.

For further information, click here.




São Paulo opens PPP for migration to the free market 

On September 07, 2022, the Municipal Government of São Paulo published Public Consultation No. 11/2022, which aims to obtain contributions from civil society for documents of a future Public-Private Partnership (“PPP”) for contracting a private partner.

Such partner will be responsible for the migration, management, and supply of electricity within the Free Contracting Market (“ACL”) of consumer units of the Direct Administration of the Municipality of São Paulo, for 35 years (thirty-five years), as follows:

Font: Prefeitura de São Paulo

REPRESENTATION of the Government before the CCEE, the ONS, ANEEL, the distributor, etc.

MIGRATION of consumer units to the ACL

SMF adjustments to Income Measurement System

PLANT acquire land, install, operate and maintain self-production plant

SUPPLY ensure energy supply to consumer units

Source: Municipal Government of São Paulo

In summary, the project aims to supply electricity to more than 200 consumer units of the Direct Administration of the Municipality of São Paulo and save an average of BRL 12 million to the public treasury. As a result, the municipality will no longer receive energy through distributors (upon payment of invoices) and will become an agent of the Electric Energy Trading Chamber (“CCEE”), in addition to being entitled to select the energy provider.

The Public Consultation remained open until October 13 and on October 06, a Public Hearing on the topic took place.

This measure is an innovation within the industry. Recently, ANEEL also decided on the possibility of Government bodies migrating to the ACL, by consenting, through an Administrative Request drafted by the Secretariat of Infrastructure and Environment of the State of São Paulo, that the CCEE consider the state secretariats as a single Corporate Tax Number (CNPJ) for migration to the ACL.

Read in full – Public Consultation

Read in full – ANEEL Decision


MME cancels energy auctions

On September 13, 2022, the Ministry of Mines and Energy (“MME”) published Normative Ordinance No. 48/2022, which canceled the following energy auctions:

  • New Energy Auction “A-6”/2022, which would have been held on September 16;
  • Auction for Supply to Isolated Systems, which would be held in October; and
  • Auction for Capacity Reserve Contracting will be held in November.

The cancellation of the A-6 New Energy Auction was addressed in our August newsletter .

 The Auction for Supply to Isolated Systems will not be held due to the Energy Research Company (“EPE”) founding that the energy supply deficits do not require new supply solutions.

The Auction for Capacity Reserve Contracting was canceled considering the intention of the MME, EPE, and the Brazilian National Electric System Operator (“ONS”) to develop a project aimed at stimulating the competition of primary energy sources, to improve the quantification of the power requirement of the National Interconnected System (“SIN”), to be attended by the auction.

In addition, the new auction schedule for the years of 2023 and 2024 is expected to be published by the end of 2022.

Read in full – Normative Ordinance

Read in full – Article on the topic


MME publishes Ordinance on the opening of the free market to high-voltage consumers

On September 28, 2022, the MME published Normative Ordinance No. 50/GM/MME/2022, which authorized consumers of Group A (high voltage) to join the free market, from January 2024 onwards.

According to the MME, “about 106 thousand new consumer units will be able to migrate to the free market.”

According to the rules of the Ordinance, consumers with charges that exceed 500 kW can join the CCEE individually.  Consumers whose charge amounts to less than 500 kW must be represented by a retail agent.

The opening of the market will allow any consumer belonging to Group A to opt for negotiating freely the energy necessary for their consumption, according to the products that suit their consumption profile, times of greater energy demand, etc.

The measure resulted from Public Consultation No. 131/2022, which obtained contributions from 60 market agents.

Additionally, the MME has already stated that the next step is the full opening of the market and will soon open a public consultation on the opening of the market to low-voltage consumers.

Read in full – Ordinance 

Read in full – Article


MME establishes guidelines and CCEE publishes rules on the export of energy from hydroelectric plants to Argentina and Uruguay

On September 23, 2022, Normative Ordinance No. 49/GM/MME/2022 was published, which establishes guidelines to export energy from the surplus generated by centrally dispatched power plants in the ONS, which will be allocated to Argentina or Uruguay.

The Ordinance entered into force on October 03, 2022 and its guidelines will be valid until December 31, 2026.

Additionally, on October 03, 2022, the Electric Energy Trading Chamber (“CCEE”) published the Rules and Operational Guidelines, responsible for enabling the initiation of operations related to Constrained-off Electricity Export (EVT), as established in Ordinance No. 49/GM/MME/2022.

This is a competitive procedure that will enable daily negotiations, based on the occurrence of overflow allocation (opening the spillway of a hydroelectric plant to drain the surplus of water not used for power generation) by the plants that adopted the Energy Reallocation Mechanism (MRE).

In order to take part in the procedure, trading agents must have a specific register in the CCEE that enables them to participate in export operations involving hydraulic energy. Such registration can be requested by the agent upon submission of a request to the CCEE Service Center.

Read in full


Period of contributions for revision of the Electricity Sector Property Control Manual

On October 19, the National Electricity Regulatory Agency (“ANEEL”) opened for contributions the revision of the Electricity Sector Property Control Manual (“MCPSE”).

The MCPSE aims to manage the registration and movement of assets and facilities of concessionaires, permit holders and authorized agents, in order to carry out an evaluation of assets for tariff and reversal purposes.

The contributions form is available on the ANEEL website and the deadline for contributions expires on December 19, 2022.

Read in full


Ordinances that contribute to the legal framework for generation of offshore electricity in Brazil published 

On October 19 and 20, 2022, the Ministry of Mines and Energy (“MME”) published Interministerial Ordinance No. 3/2022 and Normative Ordinance No. 52/GM/MME/2022.

The acts are the result of ANEEL Public Consultations No. 134/2022 and 135/2022, regarding the regulation of offshore power generation plants.

Ordinance No. 52/GM/MME/2022 establishes supplementary rules and procedures on the onerous assignment of use to operate offshore power generating plants, in addition to establishing guidelines on the deadlines and conditions to issue a Previous Interference Statement (DIP) as well as determining ANEEL’s competence on the topic. 

Article 38 of Ordinance No. 52/GM/MME/2022 also set a deadline to determine the specifics of the methodology to calculate the amount due to the Federal Government for the use of government assets and to determine the maximum area to be granted in the same contract.

Interministerial Ordinance No. 3/2022, in turn, regulated the creation of the Single Portal for the Management of Offshore Areas for Generation of Energy (PUG-offshore), which will bring together the unified management of the assignment of use demands, in addition to ensuring information transparency, thus ensuring the efficiency and security of the process.

Normative Ordinance No. 52/2022

Interministerial Ordinance No. 3/2022

Read in full


ANEEL opens public consultation to discuss costing of distributed generation through the CDE

On October 27, 2022, ANEEL opened Public Consultation No. 50/2022, which addresses the adjustment of the Tariff Regulation Proceedings (“PRORET”) to the provisions set by Law No. 14,300/2022 (“Law”).

The Law established that, for existing distributed generation projects or those that file a request for connection to the system from January 07, 2023 onwards, any incentives related to the compensation of tariff components will be borne by the Energy Development Fund (“CDE”), which, in turn, requires the creation of a specific quota that will make up the energy tariff charges.

Accordingly, ANEEL is proposing improvements to sections 5 (Sectoral Charges) and 7 (Tariff Structure) of PRORET, through the creation of the “CDE GD quota,” involving changes in the tariff structure, implementation of a new accounting method for revenues and expenses arising from the Law, as well as changes in the submission of information by distributors.

Public Consultation No. 50/2022 will remain open for contributions until December 12, 2022.

Read in full


MME opens Public Consultation on competition for access to the SIN

On November 03, 2022, the MME opened a public consultation including guidelines on the first Margin Competitive Procedure (“PCM”), a competitive procedure to contract energy  flow margin for access to the National Interconnected System (“SIN”). A draft Normative Ordinance containing a proposal to regulate the PCM guidelines was announced through Ordinance No. 702/GM/MME.

The PCM aims to stimulate competition, reduce tariffs and increase the certainty of private investments in Brazil. It is scheduled to be carried out in the first half of 2023.

The PCM is necessary due to the limited access to transmission resources by generation plants, and the consultation aims to publish a supplementary rule to Decree No. 10,893/2021.

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MME opens Public Consultation to address termination of PCS contracts

On October 27, 2022, the MME opened Public Consultation No. 139/2022, to establish guidelines for interested parties and ANEEL to proceed with the termination of contracts resulting from the Simplified Competitive Procedure (“PCS”), in favor of tax modality.

The draft ordinance enables the termination of Reserve Energy contracts without burden to the parties involved, provided that the plant has initiated its operations within the deadline established in the contracts and that the agents are in compliance with their respective sectoral obligations. Consequently, the PCM does not apply to parties who failed to fulfill contractual obligations.

Public Consultation No. 139/2022 will remain open for contributions until November 28, 2022.

Read in full


Public Consultation on the reduction of RenovaBio emissions for the 2023-2032 period open

On October 31, 2022, the MME opened Public Consultation No. 140/2022, which provides for the fifth round of annual targets to reduce greenhouse gas emissions for the trading of fuels, under the Brazilian National Biofuel Policy (“RenovaBio”).

The Public Consultation was determined by Law No. 13,576/2017 (“RenovaBio Law”) and refers to the 2023-2032 period, specifically analyzing the global decarbonization target for 2023 – of 3.45 million decarbonization Credits (CBIOs) –, in addition to the maintenance of targets throughout the subsequent years. The establishment of the targets, under the RenovaBio Law, aims to improve the carbon intensity of the Brazilian transportation matrix.

Contributions to the Public Consultation can be submitted by November 14, 2022 and will be forwarded for resolution of the Brazilian National Council for Energy Policy (CNPE).

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Ordinance No. 6,776/2022 approves Internal Regulation of Procurement Management Committee 

On September 12, 2022, ANEEL Ordinance No. 6,776/2022 was published, which creates ANEEL’s Procurement Management Committee (CGC) and approves its respective Internal Regulation.

Among the tasks of the Committee are “proposing and establishing the schedule for the drafting of the Annual Procurement Plan”, “proposing the publication of normative acts related to bids and contracts”, and “proposing mechanisms for monitoring the performance of contracting management”, among others.

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ANEEL amends rule on criteria and conditions for Demand Response Program

On September 12, 2022, ANEEL Normative Resolution No. 1,040/2022 was published, amending Normative Resolution No. 1,030/2022, which provides for the criteria and conditions of the Demand Response Program.

The Demand Response Program consists, under the terms of the Normative Resolution itself, in the “reduction of the consumption of previously qualified consumers, as an additional resource for service to the National Interconnected System – SIN, provided that it is accepted by the National Electric System Operator – ONS, in order to obtain more advantageous results, both regarding the reliability of the electricity system and sliding-scale tariffs on the final consumers. ”

The changes brought by ANEEL Normative Resolution No. 1,040/2022 transform the Demand Response Program from a “pilot project” into a permanent and structural solution, as an additional resource of the SIN.

In addition to transforming the program into a resource of the SIN, ANEEL Normative Resolution No. 1,040/2022 brought several other changes, among which we highlight:

  • Consumers modeled according to retail agents, as well as other CCEE consumers and consumer charge aggregators, will be eligible to join the program.
  • As an additional resource for the operation of the system, ONS can set Demand Response products with a triggering warning for the following day.
  • The ONS can have, subject to specific authorization from ANEEL, additional Demand Response products within an experimental regulatory environment.
  • The topic will be the subject of a Regulatory Impact Assessment( “ARR”) after 2 years of validity.

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MME will regulate framing of Distributed Generation Projects within Reidi and as priorities for the issuance of “incentive debentures”

The provision allowed the framing of Distributed Generation projects as energy generation infrastructure projects, for purposes of framing within the Special Incentive Regime for Infrastructure Development (“Reidi”), as well as consider them as priority for the purpose of issuing incentive debentures.

According to the MME, ordinances will be published to establish requirements, necessary information, and procedures regarding the topic, in addition to methods of auditing and monitoring the projects. In his words , “subsequent to the update of these ordinances, it will be possible to present the requirements to frame distributed generation projects within Reidi and approve them as a priority for the purpose of issuing incentive debentures.”

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ANEEL approves rule allowing intensification of the locational signal for calculation of transmission and distribution tariffs

On September 20, 2022, ANEEL published Normative Rule No. 1,041/2022, which approves new versions of Subsections 7.4 and 9.4 of the Tariff Regulation Proceedings (“PRORET”), which are applicable to public electricity transmission services.

Such change results from Public Consultation No. 39/2021, which aimed to improve the regulation related to Tariffs on the Usage of Transition Systems (TUST) and Tariffs on the Usage of Distribution Systems for generation plants connected in 88kV and 138kV (TUSDg) and addressing the regulatory problem of “intensification of locational signal”.

The purpose of the locational signal is to signal the entry of new users so that they can implement their projects, in order to ensure that the status of charge, generation, and signaling are compatible with that of the cost and, as a result, incur greater costs for those who use the system most.

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ANEEL lists competences of the Executive Secretariat of Auctions 

On September 22, 2022, ANEEL published Normative Resolution No. 1,043/2022, which amends ANEEL’s Internal Regulation, approved by MME Ordinance No. 349/1997.

The amendment aims to detail the competences of the Executive Secretariat of Auctions:

  1. draft notices and their respective annexes and forward them for deliberation of ANEEL’s Board of Directors;
  2. analyze contributions to the notice and respective annexes, submitted within the scope of public hearings and consultations;
  3. manage and execute the proposal guarantees offered in sectoral auctions held by ANEEL; and
  4. apply bidding penalties to bidders or contractors.

In addition, ANEEL Superintendencies will also be competent, according to their respective specialties, to assist the Executive Secretariat of Auctions in the drafting of competence was delegated so that, according to their specialties, ANEEL Superintendents assist the Executive Secretariat of Auctions in the elaboration of notices’ annexes.

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ANEEL changes rules on the provision of Electricity Transmission Systems 

On September 27, 2022, ANEEL Normative Resolution No. 1,042/2022 was published, which adds provisions to the following Normative Resolutions:

  • 950/2021, which provides for the rules on monitoring and auditing plans for the universalization of electricity distribution services; and
  • 1,000/2021, which provides for the rules on the Rules of Electricity Transmission Systems.

The additional provisions aim to regulate the Single Register for Social Programs of the Federal Government and establish guidelines and rules on Customer Service, provided for in Decrees No. 11,016/2022 and No. 11,034/2022.

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Linhão Manaus-Boa Vista: judicial agreement executed; CNPE recognizes strategic interest

On September 22, 2022, a judicial agreement was ratified before the Federal Regional Court – 1st Region (“TRF-1”), to settle public-interest civil actions related to environmental licensing for the construction of the Manaus-Boa Vista transmission line (“Linhão Manaus-Boa Vista”).

According to a news report published by the MME, “the project will result in cost reduction for consumers throughout Brazil, the increase in the certainty of service provided to Boa Vista and the reduction in the use of fossil fuels. ”

On September 27, 2022, because of the judicial agreement and the authorization to continue the works related to the “Linhão”, the Brazilian National Council for Energy Policy (“CNPE” published Resolution No. 07/2022, which recognizes the interconnection of the Roraima Electricity System to the National Interconnected System as a beneficial strategy for Brazil. The Resolution also addresses factors that hindered the progress of the project, such as the public-interest civil action on the topic and the difficulty to comply with provisions related to the Basic Environmental Plan of the Indigenous Component PBA-CI.

The 715 km of transmission lines in the state of Roraima and Amazonas are expected to be concluded within the period of 36 months.

Read in full – Article on the judicial agreement

Read in full – CNPE Resolution



MME changes the competence of the Secretariat of Planning and Energy Development of the Ministry of Mines and Energy

On October 05, 2022, MME Ordinance No. 692/2022 was published, which aims to designate competences to the Secretariat of Planning and Energy Development of the Ministry of Mines and Energy.

Among the tasks of the Secretariat are:

approve the framing of infrastructure works project for electricity generation, cogeneration, transmission and distribution within the Special Incentive Regime for Infrastructure Development – REIDI”;

“authorize import and export of electricity”;

“grant concessions and authorizations for electricity generation”;

“grant extension of concession terms and authorizations for the generation, transmission and distribution of electricity”;

“establish guaranteed power output of generation projects.”

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MME publishes the 2022 Electricity Transmission Concession Plan

On October 11, 2022, Ordinance No. 1,723/SPE/MME was published, which opened for Public Consultation the Electricity Transmission Concession Plan (POTEE).

The listed concessionaires must verify whether the expansions, improvements and reinforcements described are aligned with the facilities under their responsibility and adequate for comprehension, detailing and budgeting of the projects.

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ANEEL approves result of A-5 New Energy Auction

On October 14, 2022, the A-5 New Energy Auction was held, which drew investments of approximately BRL 2.954 billion.

557.499 megawatts (MW) of power were contracted, whose supply is set to initiate from January 01, 2027. The average discount of the negotiations was valued at 26.38%, resulting in savings of BRL 2.357 billion on electricity tariffs to end consumers.

Find the auction results table below:



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ANEEL sets charges related to the CDE and Proinfa

On October 18, 2022, ANEEL set the CDE charges for August 2022, as well as charges related to the Alternative Electricity Sources Incentive Program (Proinfa), through Orders No. 2,988/2022 and 2,989/2022.

The deadlines for collection expire on November 10, 2022.

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ANEEL establishes guidelines for A-1 and A-2 Existing Energy auctions

On October 25, 2022, the National Electricity Regulatory Agency approved the notice for the A-1 and A-2 Existing Energy Auctions, which will be held by the CCEE on December 02, 2022. 

The Regulated Market Energy Trading Contracts (CCEARs) will be negotiated within the modality of electricity amount, and their purpose will be the contracting of energy from existing plants, aiming to meet the demands of distribution concessionaires. Auctions A-1 and A-2 will be set at an initial price of BRL 140.00/MWh and BRL 150.00/MWh respectively.

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ANEEL approves partial results of the A-4 New Energy Auction

On October 25, 2022, the National Electricity Regulatory Agency approved the partial ratification of the A-4 New Energy Auction.

237.5 MWm were contracted from 29 projects, which drew investments of BRL 7 billion, for the implementation of 950 MW of installed capacity. Distribution concessionaires such as Cemig Distribuição S.A.  (CEMIG), Companhia de Eletricidade do Estado da Bahia (COELBA) and Light Serviços de Eletricidade S.A. (LIGHT) participated in the auction as buyers.

The proportion of the projects contracted by source can be viewed in the following chart:              


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No. 019/2022 Obtain contributions on the adjustment of Subsections 1.1 “CCEE Membership”, 1.2 “Agent Registration”, 1.4 “Service”, 1.5 “Termination of CCEE Registration”, 1.6 “Retail Trading”, 2.1 “Measurement Data Collection and Adjustment”, 5.1 “Accounting and Reaccounting” and 6.2 “Notification and Management of the Payment of Penalties and Fines” of the Trading Procedures, aiming to comply with Normative Resolution No. 1,014, of April 12, 2022, among other improvements. Until November 11, 2022
No. 020/2022 Obtain contributions on the improvement of the proposal for Revision of the Electricity Sector Property Control Manual (MCPSE). Until December 19, 2022


No. 51/2022 Obtain contributions to improve draft Normative Resolutions, waiving Regulatory Impact Analysis, with a view to adjust regulations applicable to micro and distributed mini-generation, in compliance with provisions established in Law No. 14,300, of January 06, 2022, and art. 1 of Law No. 14,120, of March 01, 2021. Until December 19, 2022
No. 50/2022 Obtain contributions on the improvement of subsections 5.2, 7.1, 7.2 and 7.3 of the Tariff Regulation Proceedings (PRORET), which regulate the economic aspects of Law No. 14,300/2022. Until December 12, 2022
No. 49/2022 Obtain contributions on the establishment of the limits for Equivalent Outage Hours per Consumer Unit (DEC) and Equivalent Outage Frequency per Consumer Unit (FEC) of the Permit Holders of the Electricity Transmission Systems that entered into the Permit Agreement in 2018. Until November 28, 2022
No. 48/2022 Obtain contributions to establish procedures and criteria for analysis and payment of constrained-off operation restriction in Photovoltaic Power Stations (UFVs). Until November 28, 2022
No. 47/2022 Obtain subsidies on the improvement of the proposal for the 2022 Periodic Tariff Review of Light Electricity Services S/A – Light, as stated in Technical Note No. 117/2022-SGT-SFF/ANEEL. Until November 28, 2022
No. 46/2022 Obtain contributions to improve (i) Annex V of Normative Resolution No. 956, of December 07, 2021, Section 5 of the Electricity Distribution Procedures (PRODIST) and (ii) the Instruction Manual of Article 474 of Normative Resolution No. 1,000, of December 07, 2021, in line with INMETRO Ordinance No. 221, which approves the consolidated metrologic technical regulation for measuring systems and public lighting systems. Until November 14, 2022
No. 45/2022 Obtain contributions for the improvement of the Regulatory Impact Analysis Report and the draft Normative Act that addresses the revision of Normative Resolution No. 583/2013. Until November 11, 2022
No. 44/2022 Obtain contributions to improve the proposal for the reorganization of rules with migration of content from Normative Resolution No. 455, to Network Proceedings, in the form of a new Subsection. Until November 11, 2022
 No. 43/2022 Obtain contributions for the revision of Normative Resolution No. 843/2019, which establishes criteria and procedures for the development of the Monthly Energy Operations Program (PMO) and for the definition of Differences Settlement Price (PLD). Until November 14, 2022
No. 045/2019 Obtain contributions to establish the operating criteria for reduction or limitation of generation. Until November 10, 2022


No. 141/2022 The draft GM/MME Normative Ordinance made available in a Public Consultation establishes the regulation of guidelines on the competitive procedure for the contracting of Flow Margin for Access to the National Interconnected System (SIN) in consideration of the provisions of article 4 of Law No. 14,120, of March 01, 2021, in article 2 of Decree No. 10,893, of December 14, 2021. Until December 05, 2022
No. 140/2022 Proposal of global targets for decarbonization of the fuel transportation matrix (2023-2032 cycle), submitted to public consultation, under the Brazilian National Biofuel Policy (RenovaBio). Until November 14, 2022
No. 139/2022 Public Consultation on the draft Normative Ordinance containing the guidelines and conditions for the amicable resolution of Reserve Energy Contracts (CER) entered into as a result of the 2021 Simplified Competitive Procedure (PCS). Until November 28, 2022
No. 138/2022 Contributions to the 2022 Electricity Transmission Concession Plan (POTEE) Until November 14, 2022




December, 2022 – New Energy Auctions A-1 and A-2
Notice: Published on October 25, 2022
More information here 
December, 2022 – Transmission Auction No. 2/2022
Notice: ANEEL (to be published)
More information here


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